* Updated russian translation by Zhook + credit
[megaglest-data.git] / glest_game / glest.ini
1 ; === propertyMap File ===
2 ; This file defines default properties and values. Do not edit this file,
3 ; instead, to modify, copy any properties to glestuser.ini, then change these as
4 ; needed. Values contained in glestuser.ini will overwrite values found here.
6 ; For explanation of these properties, please refer to the MegaGlest wiki at
7 ; http://wiki.megaglest.org/
8 ;
9 AiLog=0
10 AiRedir=false
11 AllowDownloadDataSynch=false
12 AllowGameDataSynchCheck=false
13 AllowRotateUnits=true
14 AnnouncementURL=http://master.megaglest.org/files/announcement.txt
15 AutoMaxFullScreen=false
16 AutoTest=false
17 CheckGlCaps=true
18 ColorBits=32
19 ConsoleMaxLines=7
20 ConsoleMaxLinesStored=20
21 ConsoleTimeout=20
23 LogPath=$APPDATA\megaglest\
24 DayTime=1000
25 DebugLogFile=debug.log
26 DebugMode=false
27 DebugPerformance=false
28 DebugNetwork=false
29 DebugWorldSynch=false
30 DepthBits=16
31 FactoryGraphics=OpenGL
32 FactorySound=OpenAL
33 FastSpeedLoops=2
34 FileArchiveExtension=.7z
35 FileArchiveExtractCommand=7z
36 FileArchiveExtractCommandParameters=x -o"{outputpath}" "{archivename}"
37 FileArchiveExtractCommandSuccessResult=0
38 Filter=Bilinear
39 FilterMaxAnisotropy=1
40 FirstTime=false
41 FocusArrows=true
42 FogOfWarSmoothing=true
43 FogOfWarSmoothingFrameSkip=3
44 FontConsoleBaseSize=18
45 FontConsolePostfix=-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
46 FontConsolePrefix=-*-arial-*-r-*-*-
47 FontDisplayBaseSize=12
48 FontDisplayPostfix=-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
49 FontDisplayPrefix=-*-arial-*-r-*-*-
50 FontDisplaySmallBaseSize=12
51 FontMenuBigBaseSize=20
52 FontMenuBigPostfix=-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
53 FontMenuBigPrefix=-*-arial-*-r-*-*-
54 FontMenuNormalBaseSize=14
55 FontMenuNormalPostfix=-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
56 FontMenuNormalPrefix=-*-arial-*-r-*-*-
57 FontMenuVeryBigBaseSize=25
58 FontSizeAdjustment=0
60 Lang=english
61 MaxLights=3
62 Masterserver=http://master.megaglest.org/
63 NetPlayerName=newbie
64 NetworkConsistencyChecks=true
65 PhotoMode=false
66 PortList=61357,61367,61377,61387,61397
67 PortServer=61357
68 RefreshFrequency=75
69 ScreenHeight=600
70 ScreenWidth=800
71 ServerIp=
72 ShadowAlpha=0.2
73 ShadowFrameSkip=2
74 ShadowTextureSize=512
75 Shadows=Projected
76 SoundStaticBuffers=16
77 SoundStreamingBuffers=4
78 SoundVolumeAmbient=80
79 SoundVolumeFx=80
80 SoundVolumeMusic=90
81 StencilBits=0
82 Textures3D=true
83 UnitParticles=true
84 UserData_Root=$APPDATA\megaglest\
85 VersionURL=http://master.megaglest.org/files/versions/
86 Windowed=false