6 2dArtAndWeb=Art 2D i Web
10 AdvancedGameOptions=Opcions avançades
11 # AffectedUnits=Affected Units
12 # AffectedUnitsFromAll=Affected units From All
13 # AffectedUnitsFromFoe=Affected units from Foe
14 # AffectedUnitsFromTeam=Affected units from Team
15 # AffectedUnitsFromYourFaction=Affected units from your Faction
17 # AISwitchTeamAcceptPercent=AI accept percent
18 AlreadyUpgraded=Millora ja feta
20 # allowMultiBoost=Allow Multiple Boosts
21 AllowObservers=Permitir observadors
22 # AllowPlayerJoinTeam=Allow player [%s] to join your team\n(changing from team# %d to team# %d)?
23 AmbientVolume=So d'ambient
28 AttackDistance=Dist. ataque
29 AttackSpeed=Vel. ataque
30 AttackStopped=Atacar parat
33 AutoConfig=Auto config
34 AutoRefreshRate=Taxa de refresc automàtic
35 AvailableServers=Servidors disponibles
36 BattleOver=Fi de la batalla
37 BlockPlayer=Block Player
38 BlockPlayerClear=Esborrar bloquejats jugadors
39 BlockPlayerServerMsg=El servidor ha bloquejat temporalment l'adreça IP [%s] d'aquest joc.
41 BuildSpeed=Vel. construcció
42 BuildingNoPlace=L'edifici no es pot construir aquí
43 BuildingNoReqs=No es cumpleixen els requisits de l'edifici
44 BuildingNoRes=No hi han prou recursos per a construir l'edifici
46 CameraModeSet=Mode de càmera establit
49 CancelDownloads=Cancel descàrrega (s)
50 CancelDownloadsMsg=Jugadors: %s cancel totes les descàrregues d'arxius.
54 # ChatStaysActive=Chat remains active
55 CheckSumGameLoadError=error de suma de comprovació, vostè no té les mateixes dades que el servidor
56 CheckSumGameLoadPlayer=Amb reproductor d'error és:
57 CheckSumGameLoadClient=Suma de comprovació del client:
58 CheckSumGameLoadServer=Suma de comprovació del servidor:
59 ClientLagDropping=s CAIGUDA %s, va superar màxim permès comptar GAL %f del [temps = %f], clientLag = %f [%f], la desconnexió del client.
60 ClientLagPausing=SUSPENSIÓ TEMPORAL DE JOCS per a %s, va superar màxim permès comptar GAL del [temps = %f] %f, clientLag = %f [% f], a l'espera dels clients per posar-se al dia ...
61 ClientLagWarning=ADVERTÈNCIA GAL per %s, pot superar màxim permès comptar GAL del [temps = %f] %f, clientLag = %f [%f], ADVERTIMENT ...
64 CommonCommand=Comand comú
66 Connecting=Conectant...
68 ConnectedToServer=Conectat al servidor
69 ConnectionFailed=Conexió fallida
70 ConnectionTimedOut=Temps de connexió esgotat la comunicació amb el servidor.
73 CouldNotConnect=La conexió ha fallat. Trie un altre servidor.
78 # CreateNewTeam=Create New Team
79 CustomGame=Partida Personalitzada
80 DataNotSynchedTitle=Les següents dades del joc són diferents:
81 DataNotSynchedMap=Els mapes del client i del servidor són diferents
82 DataNotSynchedTileset=Els terrenys del cliente i del servidor són diferents
83 DataNotSynchedTechtree=Organigrama és diferent entre el client i el servidor
84 # DataMissingExtractDownload=Please wait, player: %s is extracting: %s
85 # DataMissingExtractDownloadMod=Please wait while we extract: %s
86 DataMissingMap=El jugador: %s ha perdut el mapa: %s
87 DataMissingTileset=El jugador: %s ha perdut el terreny: %s
88 DataMissingTechtree=El jugador: %s ha perdut l'àrbre tec.: %s
89 DataMissingMapNowDownloading=El jugador: %s està intentant descarregar el mapa: %s
90 DataMissingTilesetNowDownloading=El jugador: %s està intentant descarregar el terreny: %s
91 # DataMissingTechtreeNowDownloading=Player: %s is attempting to download the techtree: %s
92 DataMissingMapSuccessDownload=El jugador: %s ha descarregat SATISFACTORIAMENT el mapa: %s
93 DataMissingMapFailDownload=El jugador: %s ha FALLAT descarregant el mapa: [%s] utilitzant la versió CURL [%s]
94 DataMissingTilesetSuccessDownload=El jugador: %s ha descarregat SATISFACTORIAMENT el terreny: %s
95 DataMissingTilesetFailDownload=El jugador: %s ha FALLAT descarregant el terreny: [%s] utilitzant la versió CURL [%s]
96 # DataMissingTechtreeSuccessDownload=Player: %s SUCCESSFULLY downloaded the techtree: %s
97 # DataMissingTechtreeFailDownload=Player: %s FAILED to download the techtree: [%s] using CURL version [%s]
102 Difficulty=Dificultat
103 Difficulty0=Molt Fàcil
107 Difficulty4=Molt Difícil
108 Difficulty5=Imposible
109 Disabled=Desactivades
111 Disconnect=Desconectar
112 # DisconnectNetorkPlayer=Disconnect a player
113 # DisconnectNetorkPlayerIndex=Disconnect player #%d - %s
114 # DisconnectNetorkPlayerIndexConfirm=Confirm disconnection for player #%d - %s?
115 # DisconnectNetorkPlayerIndexConfirmed=Notice - Admin is warning to disconnect player #%d - %s!
117 DisplaySettingsChanged=Configuració de pantalla canviats
118 DownloadMissingMapQuestion=Descarregar el mapa:
119 DownloadMissingTilesetQuestion=Descarregar el terreny:
120 # DownloadMissingTechtreeQuestion=Download the techtree:
121 # effectRadius=Boost effect Radius
122 # Effects=Boost Effects:
123 EnableFTP=Permesa la transferència d'arxius FTP
124 EnableFTPServer=Servidor FTP permès
125 # EnableFTPServerInternetTilesetXfer=Transfer tilesets over Internet
126 # EnableFTPServerInternetTechtreeXfer=Transfer techtrees over Internet
127 EnableObserverMode=Mode d'observació permès
129 EnableServerControlledAI=Servidor AI controlat
130 # EnableSwitchTeamMode=Switch teams
131 # EnableVideos=Enable Video Playback
132 # EnableTextureCompression=Texture Compression
133 # EnemyKills=Enemies Killed
136 ErrorBindingPort=El error, no es pot lligar al port de la xarxa
137 ErrorFromMasterserver=Error del servidor principal
139 ExitGame?=¿Eixir de la partida?
140 ExitGameServer?=¿Eixir del joc?\n(això aturarà el joc\n de la resta de jugadors conectats)
143 # FallbackCpuMultiplier=AI replacement multiplier
148 # FileDownloadProgress=Player: %s download progress for [%s] is %d %%
150 FindLANGames=Trobar Jocs a la xarxa local
151 FogOfWar=boira de guerra
152 FontSizeAdjustment=Configuració de la font
153 FontSizeAdjustmentChanged=La font ha sigut canviada
154 FTPServerPort=Port del servidor FTP
155 FTPServerDataPort=Ports del servidor de dades FTP
156 FreeCamera=Càmera lliure
157 FxVolume=Volum d'efectes
158 GameCamera=Càmera de joc
159 # GameCancelledByUser=Game cancelled by server user.
160 # GameDurationTime=Game duration
161 # GameMaxConcurrentUnitCount=Maximum Concurrent Units
162 # GameMenuTitle=Game Menu
163 # GameSaved=Game saved to file: %s
164 # GameTotalEndGameConcurrentUnitCount=Total Units at Game End
166 GameOver=Joc finalitzat
167 GamePaused=Joc pausat
168 GameResumed=Joc reanudat
169 GameSpeedSet=Velocitat
170 # GameSwitchPlayerToAI=Player #%d [%s] has disconnected, switching player to AI mode!
171 # GameSwitchPlayerObserverToAI=Player #%d [%s] has disconnected, but player was only an observer!
173 # GammaCorrection=Brightness
174 # GettingModlistFromMasterserver=Getting mod list from masterserver
176 HarvestSpeed=Vel. collita
177 # HeadlessAdminRequiresMorePlayers=You must have at least %d player(s) connected to start this game!
181 # HostNotAcceptingDataConnections=Warning: The host is not accepting game data connections.
184 IncompatibleVersion=Versió incompatible
185 Initializing=Inicialitzat
187 InvalidOrder=Orden invàlida
188 InvalidPosition=Posició invàlida
189 IRCPeopleOnline=Usuaris IRC en línia:
190 Keyboardsetup=Configuració del teclat
191 # KeyboardsetupTest=Keyboard test display
193 JoinGame=Unirse a partida
194 JoinInternetGame=Joc per Internet
195 # JoinOtherTeam=Join another Team
196 # JoinPlayerTeam=Join player #%d - %s on Team: %d
198 LanIP=Adreça IP de la Xarxa local:
199 LinuxPort=Port a Linux
201 # LoadGame=Load Saved Game
202 # LoadGameMenu=Load Saved Games
203 # LuaDisableSecuritySandbox=Disable Lua script Security Sandbox
204 # LuaDisableSecuritySandboxWarning=Disabling this setting will allow lua scripts that\npotentially contain dangerous behavior\nare you sure that you want to allow this?
205 # MaxMarkerCount=You cannot add more markers, the maximum allowed is:
206 # ModCenter=Mod Center
207 # GameHost=Host Server
208 # NoDownload=No Download
209 # NoSavedGames=No saved games found.
210 # SavedGames=Saved Games
211 # SaveGame=Save Current Game
212 # SavegameInfo=Information about selected game
214 # NothingSelected=Nothing has been selected.
215 # LeftAt=Player left at:
216 # LoadGameDeletingFile=Trying to delete file: '%s'
217 # LoadGameLoadingFile=Trying to load file: '%s'
218 # SavedGameBadVersion=saved game version does match your application version: [%s] --> [%s]
219 # LoadSavedGameInfo=Map: %s\nTileset: %s\nTech: %s\nScenario: %s\n# players: %d\nFaction: %s
221 LoadedSpeed=Vel. càrrega
224 # LogScreenCoreDataLoading=Core data
225 # LogScreenGameLoading=Game
226 # LogScreenGameLoadingCreatingAIFaction=Creating AI for faction %d
227 # LogScreenGameLoadingCreatingRainParticles=Creating rain particle system
228 # LogScreenGameLoadingCreatingSnowParticles=Creating snow particle system
229 # LogScreenGameLoadingInitRenderer=Initializing renderer
230 # LogScreenGameLoadingWaitForNetworkPlayers=Waiting for network players
231 # LogScreenGameLoadingStartingMusic=Starting faction music
232 # LogScreenGameLoadingStartingAmbient=Starting weather ambient music
233 # LogScreenGameLoadingLaunchGame=Launching game
234 # LogScreenGameLoadingFactionType=Faction type: %s
235 # LogScreenGameLoadingUnitType=Unit type: %s
236 # LogScreenGameLoadingUnitTypeSkills=Unit type: %s - skills: %d
237 # LogScreenGameLoadingResourceType=Resource type: %s
238 # LogScreenGameLoadingTechtree=TechTree: %s
239 # LogScreenGameUnLoadingTechtree=Unloading Tech tree
240 # LogScreenGameLoadingUpgradeType=Upgrade type: %s
241 # LogScreenGameUnLoadingMapCells=Unloading Cells
242 # LogScreenGameUnLoadingMap=Unloading Map
243 # LogScreenGameLoadingHeightmap=Heightmap computations
244 # LogScreenGameUnLoadingMiniMap=Mini Map
245 # LogScreenGameLoadingScenario=Scenario: %s
246 # LogScreenGameLoadingTileset=Tileset: %s
247 LogScreenGameUnLoadingTileset=Terreny
248 # LogScreenGameUnLoadingWorld=Unloading World
249 # LogScreenGameLoadingStateCells=State cells
250 # LogScreenGameLoadingFactionTypes=Faction types
251 # LogScreenGameLoadingMinimapSurface=Compute minimap surface
252 # LogScreenGameLoadingGenerateGameElements=Generate elements
254 MapFilter=Filtre de Mapa
257 # MarkCell=Bookmark Map Position
258 # UnMarkCell=Remove Bookmark
259 # MasterServerMissing=Your configuration is missing a masterserver entry.
260 MaxFilterAnisotropy=Màxima Anisotropia del Filtre
262 MaxLoad=Màxima càrrega
263 MaxPlayers=Jugadors max
264 MaxUnitCount=Contador unitats màx.
265 MeetingPoint=Punt de trobada
266 Megaglest3d2dProgramming=MegaGlest 3D/2D+Programació
267 MegaglestProgramming=MegaGlest Programació
268 MGBuildDateTime=Construcció Data/Hora
269 MGGameCountry=Pais del Host
270 MGGameStatus=Estat del joc
271 MGGameTitle=Títul del joc
273 MGGameSlotsFull=Joc ple
274 MGGameIP=Adreça IP del servidor
275 MGGameStatus0=Acceptant als jugadors
276 MGGameStatus1=Joc ple, iniciant espera
277 MGGameStatus2=Joc en progrés
278 MGGameStatus3=Joc acabat
279 MGJoinGameSlots=Unirse al joc
280 MGPlatform=Plataforma
281 MGVersion=Versió del Joc
284 # MismatchedFactions=The following factions are mismatched:
285 # MismatchedFactionsMissing=(missing)
286 # MismatchedFactionsExtra=(extra)
288 # ModLocalRemoteMismatch=The local mod [%s] is not the same as the\nversion on the server, replace local mod with server version?
289 # ModErrorGettingServerData=Error retrieving data from the master server: %s
290 # ModRequires7z=** Warning ** - You need to have the free 7z program installed in\norder to download and install mod add-ons.
291 # ModDownloadInProgressCancelQuestion=You currently have: %d files downloading,\nexit and abort these download(s)?
292 # ModDownloading=Downloading
294 # ModTechAlreadyInstalled=You already have the tech: %s installed.
295 # ModSelectTechToInstall=You must first select a tech to install.
296 # ModRemoveTechConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove the tech: %s ?
297 # ModCannotRemoveTechNotInstalled=You do not have the tech: %s installed, remove cancelled.
298 # ModSelectTechToRemove=You must first select a tech to remove.
299 # ModDownloadTechSuccess=SUCCESSFULLY downloaded the tech: %s
300 # ModDownloadTechFail=FAILED to download the tech: [%s] using CURL version [%s] [%s]
302 # ModTilesetAlreadyInstalled=You already have the tileset: %s installed.
303 # ModSelectTilesetToInstall=You must first select a tileset to install.
304 # ModRemoveTilesetConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove the tileset: %s ?
305 # ModCannotRemoveTilesetNotInstalled=You do not have the tileset: %s installed, remove cancelled.
306 # ModSelectTilesetToRemove=You must first select a tileset to remove.
307 # ModDownloadTilesetSuccess=SUCCESSFULLY downloaded the tileset: %s
308 # ModDownloadTilesetFail=FAILED to download the tileset: [%s] using CURL version [%s] [%s]
310 # ModMapAlreadyInstalled=You already have the map: %s installed.
311 # ModSelectMapToInstall=You must first select a map to install.
312 # ModRemoveMapConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove the map: %s ?
313 # ModCannotRemoveMapNotInstalled=You do not have the map: %s installed, remove cancelled.
314 # ModSelectMapToRemove=You must first select a map to remove.
315 # ModDownloadMapSuccess=SUCCESSFULLY downloaded the map: %s
316 # ModDownloadMapFail=FAILED to download the map: [%s] using CURL version [%s] [%s]
318 # ModScenarioAlreadyInstalled=You already have the scenario: %s installed.
319 # ModSelectScenarioToInstall=You must first select a scenario to install.
320 # ModRemoveScenarioConfirm=Are you sure you want to remove the scenario: %s ?
321 # ModCannotRemoveScenarioNotInstalled=You do not have the scenario: %s installed, remove cancelled.
322 # ModSelectScenarioToRemove=You must first select a scenario to remove.
323 # ModDownloadScenarioSuccess=SUCCESSFULLY downloaded the scenario: %s
324 # ModDownloadScenarioFail=FAILED to download the scenario: [%s] using CURL version [%s] [%s]
326 # ModInstalled=Installed
327 # ModAvailable=Available
328 # ModOnlyLocal=Not on server
329 # ModHasConflict=Different on server
333 # MorphNoReqs=requirements to morph are not satisfied
334 # MorphNoRes=Not enough resources to morph unit
335 MorphSpeed=Velocitat de transformació
336 # MouseScrollsWorld=Mouse moves camera
338 # MultiPlayer=Multiplayer:
339 MusicVolume=Volumen Música
341 NetworkCpuEasy=CPU en xarxa fàcil
342 NetworkCpu=CPU en xarxa
343 NetworkCpuUltra=Cpu en xarxa Ultra
344 NetworkCpuMega=Cpu en xarxa Mega
345 NetworkFramePeriod=La xarxa envia FrameCount
346 # NetworkGameClientLoadStatus=Waiting for network: %lld seconds elapsed (maximum wait time: %d seconds)
347 # NetworkGameServerLoadStatus=Waiting for network: %lld seconds elapsed (maximum wait time: %d seconds)
348 # NetworkGameStatusWaiting=Waiting for players: %s
349 NetworkPauseGameForLaggedClients=Pausar els clients retardats
350 # NetworkSlotUnassignedErrorUI=Cannot start game.\nSome player(s) are not in a network game slot!
351 # NetworkSlotUnassignedError=Cannot start game, some player(s) are not in a network game slot!
352 # NetworkUnassigned=Player lacks open slot
353 # NetworkSlotNoHumanErrorUI=Cannot start game.\nThe host player is not in a human or admin game slot!
354 # NetworkSlotNoHumanError=Cannot start game, The host player is not in a human or admin game slot!
355 NewGame=Crear partida
357 NoServerVisitChat=¿Cap servidor? Vaja al chat IRC
358 NotConnected=No conectat
361 NonStandardPort=Port no estàndar
365 OpenGlInfo=Informació OpenGL
366 OpenGlVersion=Versió OpenGL
367 OpenGlRenderer=Renderització OpenGL
368 OpenGlVendor=Fabricant OpenGL
369 OpenGlMaxLights=Lluminaria màxima OpenGL
370 OpenGlMaxTextureSize=Mida màx. de textura OpenGL
371 OpenGlMaxTextureUnits=Unitats màximes OpenGL
372 OpenGlModelviewStack=OpenGL Modelview Stack
373 OpenGlProjectionStack=OpenGL Projection Stack
374 OpenGlExtensions=Extensió OpenGL
375 OpenGlPlatformExtensions=Extensions de Plataforma OpenGL
377 OrdersOnQueue=Ordre en cua
378 PathFinderType=Tipus de cerca
379 PathFinderTypeRegular=Regular
380 PathFinderTypeRoutePlanner=RoutePlanner
381 # PauseResumeGame=Pause/Resume Game
385 # PlayerDisconnected=Player %s, disconnected from the game.
386 # PlayerLeftGame=has chosen to leave the game!
387 Playername=Nom del Jugador
388 # PlayerStatusSetup=Not Ready
389 # PlayerStatusBeRightBack=Be Right Back
390 # PlayerStatusReady=Ready
391 # PlayerSwitchedTeam=Player %s switched from team# %d to team# %d.
392 # PlayerSwitchedTeamDenied=Player %s was denied the request to switch from team# %d to team# %d.
393 # PleaseWaitCalculatingCRC=Please wait while Calculating CRCs!
394 # PleaseWait=Please wait...
396 PressEnterToChat=Pulsar intro per al chat
397 PrivacyPlease=Activar privacitat (amagar el pais, etc)
400 ProductionSpeed=Vel. de producció
401 Programming=Programació
402 Projected=Projectades
403 PublishServer=¿Publicar en Masterserver?
404 PublishServerExternalPort=Port extern #
405 # PublishDisabled=(disabling publish)
407 QuitGame=Abandonar el joc!
408 # RainEffectMenuGame=Rain Effect (Menu/Game)
409 ReactionSpeed=Vel. de reacció
410 RefreshList=Restarar la llista
411 Regeneration=Regeneració
412 ReloadLastGameSettings=Recàrrega de configuració anterior
415 RepairSpeed=Vel. de reparació
417 RestartNeeded=Es necesari reiniciar.
419 ResolutionChanged=¡Resolució canviada!
421 ResourcesHarvested=Recursos recolectats
425 # ScenarioTitle1=Scenarios
427 # ScreenShotFileType=Screenshot file format
428 # ScreenshotSavedTo=Screenshot will be saved to: %s
429 # ScreenShotConsoleText=Show 'Screenshot saved'
431 ServerPort=Port de servidor #
432 ServerType=Tipus de servidor
433 ServerTypeFound=Jocs trobats
435 ServerTypePrevious=Anterior
436 ShadowMapping=Shadow Mapping
438 # ShadowTextureSize=Shadow Texture Size:
439 ShowMapPreview=Mapa de previsualització
440 ShowUnitParticles=Partícules de la unitat:
441 # ShowTilesetParticles=Tileset Particles:
443 # SinglePlayer=Singleplayer:
446 SomeOrdersFailed=Algunes ordres no s'han pogut executar
447 SoundAndMusic=So i música
448 SplashRadius=Radio splash
449 StandardPort=Port estàndar
450 StartingToUpgrade=Començant a millorar
453 # SystemUser=System Message
454 # SwitchTeams=Switch Teams
456 TechTree=Àrbre tecnològic
457 # TechTitle1=Tech Tree
458 # TechTitle2=Factions
459 Textures3D=Textures 3D
461 # TilesetTitle1=Tilesets
462 # TimeDisplay=Display real and game time
463 # TimeoutWaitingForClients=Timeout waiting for clients.
464 # TimeoutWaitingForServer=Timeout waiting for server.
465 # TimeoutWaitingForMessage=Timeout waiting for message.
467 ToSwitchOffMusicPress=Per apagar la música mentres espera als altres jugadors polse
469 # CustomTranslation=Advanced Translation
470 # TransifexGetLanguageFiles=Download from transifex
471 # TransifexDeleteLanguageFiles=Delete downloaded files
472 # TransifexUserName=Transifex Username:
473 # TransifexPwd=Transifex Password:
474 # TransifexI18N=Transifex Language Code:
475 # TransifexDownloadSuccess=Successfully downloaded the language files.
476 # TransifexDeleteSuccess=Successfully removed the language files.
479 UnitAddedToProductionQueue=Unitat afegida a la cua de producció
480 UnitNoPlace=No es pot colocar la unitat
481 UnitNoReqs=No es cumpleixen els requisits de la unitat
482 UnitNoRes=No hi han recursos suficients per a producir la unitat
483 UnitReady=Unitat preparada
484 UnitsProduced=Unitats produides
485 # UnitType=Unit type:
487 UpgradeNoReqs=No es cumpleixen els requisits de millora
488 UpgradeNoRes=No hi han prou recursos per produir la millora
489 UpgradeSpeed=Vel. de millora
495 # VisibleHUD=Visible HUD
497 WaitingHost=Esperant que el servidor inicialitze la partida
499 WrongRouterSetup=El seu tallafocs no està configurat\n per rebre jocs.
504 ;-------------------------------- Intro Text Start
505 # IntroText1=Based on award-winning classic Glest
506 # IntroStartMilliseconds1=1000
507 # IntroText2=the MegaGlest Team presents
508 # IntroStartMilliseconds2=4400
509 # IntroText3=a libre software real-time strategy game
510 # IntroStartMilliseconds3=8400
511 # IntroTexture4=$APPLICATIONDATAPATH/data/core/menu/textures/logo.tga
512 # IntroTextureWidth4=256
513 # IntroTextureHeight4=128
514 # IntroStartMilliseconds4=12000
515 # IntroText5=$GAMEVERSION
518 # IntroTextFontType5=menunormal
519 # IntroStartMilliseconds5=12000
520 # IntroText6=http://megaglest.org
521 # IntroStartMilliseconds6=16000
522 # IntroModelStartMilliseconds=24000
523 # IntroTextureStartMilliseconds=26000
540 ;-------------------------------- Intro Text End
542 ; Font configuration for FTGL
543 ; Before using an alternative font, please verify license compatibility
545 NativeLanguageName=català, valencià
546 ;MEGAGLEST_FONT=$APPLICATIONDATAPATH/data/core/fonts/LinBiolinum_RB.ttf
547 ;MEGAGLEST_FONT_FAMILY=Linux Biolinum O:style=Bold
560 ;FontDisplayBaseSize=
561 ;FontDisplaySmallBaseSize=
562 ;FontMenuNormalPrefix=
563 ;FontMenuNormalPostfix=
564 ;FontMenuNormalBaseSize=
567 ;FontMenuBigBaseSize=
568 ;FontMenuVeryBigBaseSize=
571 ;FontConsoleBaseSize=