new Strings for saved game setups
[megaglest-data.git] / .gitignore
1 ## Linux
2 .*
3 *~
4 # Gimp
5 *.xcf
6 # Vim
7 Session.vim
8 # KDevelop
9 *.kdev4
10 # Meld
11 *.orig
12 # Emacs
13 \#*\#
15 ## macOS
16 *.DS_Store
17 Icon
19 ## Windows
20 *.old
21 # Windows image file caches
22 [tT]humbs.db
23 ehthumbs*.db
24 # Folder config file
25 Desktop.ini
26 # Recycle Bin used on file shares
28 # Dump file
29 *.stackdump
30 # Visual studio
31 *.suo
32 *.ncb
34 ## Temp files
35 *.tmp
36 *.swp
37 *.bak
38 *.backup
39 *.save
40 *.autosav
41 *.autosave
43 ## Packages
44 # it's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source git has its own built in compression methods
45 *.7z
46 *.deb
47 *.rpm
48 *.dmg
49 *.gz
50 *.tgz
51 *.iso
52 *.jar
53 *.rar
54 *.tar
55 *.zip
56 *.bz2
57 *.tbz2
58 *.tar.xz
59 *.txz
61 ## Logs and databases
62 *.log
63 *.sql
64 *.sqlite
66 ## Git
67 !.git
68 !.gitignore
69 !.gitattributes
70 !.gitmodules
72 ## Repo
73 !.tx/
74 *.blend
75 *.blend1
76 /[bB]uild*/
77 /[rR]elease*/
78 /[dD]ebug*/
79 /dbg*/
82 # Windows_build
83 *.dll
84 *.exe
85 *.msi
86 *.pdb
87 *.exp
88 *.lib
89 *.map
90 *.dmp
91 *.dat
92 *.ipdb
93 *.iobj
94 /lua/