wglgears: add srgb-mode to usage
[mesa-demos.git] / src / wgl / rtotex / maths / color.h
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // COLOR.h
3 // Class declaration for an RGBA color
4 // Downloaded from: www.paulsprojects.net
5 // Created: 20th July 2002
6 // Modified: 7th November 2002 - Some speed improvements
7 // - Removed clamping after adds etc. Do it yourself!
8 // To enable use with floating point color buffers
9 // - Corrected lerp (reversed f and 1-f)
10 // 13th December 2002 - Added default parameter to alpha of Set()
11 // - Added red, green, blue constant COLORs
13 // Copyright (c) 2006, Paul Baker
14 // Distributed under the New BSD Licence. (See accompanying file License.txt or copy at
15 // http://www.paulsprojects.net/NewBSDLicense.txt)
16 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 #ifndef COLOR_H
19 #define COLOR_H
21 class COLOR
23 public:
24 //constructors
25 COLOR()
26 { r=g=b=a=0.0f; }
28 COLOR(float newR, float newG, float newB, float newA=0.0f)
29 { r=newR; g=newG; b=newB; a=newA; }
31 COLOR(const float * rhs)
32 { r=*rhs; g=*(rhs+1); b=*(rhs+2); a=*(rhs+3); }
34 COLOR(const COLOR & rhs)
35 { r=rhs.r; g=rhs.g; b=rhs.b; a=rhs.a;}
37 ~COLOR() {} //empty
39 void Set(float newR, float newG, float newB, float newA=0.0f)
40 { r=newR; g=newG; b=newB; a=newA; }
42 //accessors kept for compatability
43 void SetR(float newR) {r = newR;}
44 void SetG(float newG) {g = newG;}
45 void SetB(float newB) {b = newB;}
46 void SetA(float newA) {a = newA;}
48 float GetR() const {return r;} //public accessor functions
49 float GetG() const {return g;} //inline, const
50 float GetB() const {return b;}
51 float GetA() const {return a;}
53 void ClampTo01(void); //clamp all components to [0,1]
55 void SetBlack(void) {r=g=b=a=1.0f;}
56 void SetWhite(void) {r=g=b=a=0.0f;}
57 void SetGrey(float shade) {r=g=b=a=shade;}
59 //linear interpolate
60 COLOR lerp(const COLOR & c2, float factor)
61 { return (*this)*(1.0f-factor) + c2*factor; }
63 //binary operators
64 COLOR operator+(const COLOR & rhs) const
65 { return COLOR(r+rhs.r, g+rhs.g, b+rhs.b, a+rhs.a); }
67 COLOR operator-(const COLOR & rhs) const
68 { return COLOR(r-rhs.r, g-rhs.g, b-rhs.b, a-rhs.a); }
70 COLOR operator*(const COLOR & rhs) const
71 { return COLOR(r*rhs.r, g*rhs.g, b*rhs.b, a*rhs.a); }
73 COLOR operator/(const COLOR & rhs) const
74 { return COLOR(r/rhs.r, g/rhs.g, b/rhs.b, a/rhs.a); }
76 COLOR operator*(const float rhs) const
77 { return COLOR(r*rhs, g*rhs, b*rhs, a*rhs); }
79 COLOR operator/(const float rhs) const
80 { return COLOR(r/rhs, g/rhs, b/rhs, a/rhs); }
82 //multiply by a float, eg 3*c
83 friend COLOR operator*(float scaleFactor, const COLOR & rhs);
85 bool operator==(const COLOR & rhs) const;
86 bool operator!=(const COLOR & rhs) const
87 { return !((*this)==rhs); }
89 //self-add etc
90 COLOR operator+=(const COLOR & rhs)
91 { (*this)=(*this)+rhs; return (*this); }
93 COLOR operator-=(const COLOR & rhs)
94 { (*this)=(*this)-rhs; return (*this); }
96 COLOR operator*=(const COLOR & rhs)
97 { (*this)=(*this)*rhs; return (*this); }
99 COLOR operator/=(const COLOR & rhs)
100 { (*this)=(*this)/rhs; return (*this); }
102 COLOR operator*=(const float rhs)
103 { (*this)=(*this)*rhs; return (*this); }
105 COLOR operator/=(const float rhs)
106 { (*this)=(*this)/rhs; return (*this); }
108 //unary operators
109 COLOR operator-(void) const {return COLOR(-r,-g, -b, -a);}
110 COLOR operator+(void) const {return (*this);}
112 //cast to pointer to float for glColor4fv etc
113 operator float* () const {return (float*) this;}
114 operator const float* () const {return (const float*) this;}
116 //member variables
117 float r;
118 float g;
119 float b;
120 float a;
123 const COLOR white(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
124 const COLOR black(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
126 const COLOR red(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
127 const COLOR green(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
128 const COLOR blue(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
130 #endif //COLOR_H