2 This directory is a collection of function which may be useful to
3 OpenGL/Mesa programmers.
6 errcheck.c - an OpenGL error check/report function
7 glutskel.c - handy skeleton for GLUT programs
8 idproj.c - setup an identity projection
9 mwmborder.c - remove Motif window decoration/border
10 winpos.c - set absolute window raster position
11 readtex.c - load textures/mipmaps from an .rgb file
12 showbuffer.[ch] - show depth, alpha, or stencil buffer contents
13 glstate.[ch] - query/print GL state variables, for debugging, etc.
14 sampleMakefile - example Makefile for making OpenGL/Mesa apps on Unix
15 dumpsate.c - dump all OpenGL state, from Stephane Rehel
16 imagesgi.cpp,.h - read SGI image files
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