4 Return-Path: eryq@rhine.gsfc.nasa.gov</field>
6 Date: Wed, 20 Dec 95 19:59 CST</field>
8 From: eryq@rhine.gsfc.nasa.gov</field>
10 To: sitaram@selsvr.stx.com</field>
12 Cc: johnson@killians.gsfc.nasa.gov,harvel@killians.gsfc.nasa.gov, eryq</field>
14 Subject: Request for Leave</field>
17 I will be taking vacation from Friday, 12/22/95, through 12/26/95.
18 I will be back on Wednesday, 12/27/95.
20 Advance notice: I may take a second stretch of vacation after that,
25 | _/__________/_/ Eryq (eryq@rhine.gsfc.nasa.gov)
26 | _| _/ | | . | Hughes STX Corporation, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Cntr.
28 | | |____/ http://selsvr.stx.com/~eryq/