descriptionA Minetest Mod which adds a starter block below the first spawn position.
last changeTue, 20 Jun 2017 14:56:03 +0000 (20 16:56 +0200)
content tags

The Origin


This mod adds a single indestructible block, called “The Origin”, once at position (0,-1,0) when the singlenode map generator is used, so players spawn on a solid block instead of falling down immediately. From this block onwards, players can build stuff to it just like with any other block.

If static_spawnpoint is set, the Origin will be set one node length below that point instead.

Current version

The current version is 1.3.1.

Technical notes

The mod tries to ensure that the Origin will only be set once per world. If the Origin has been set, a file called “” will be placed in the world's folder. It contains the position of the Origin. As long as this file is present, this mod will not place the Origin again.


License of everything in this mod: WTFPL

2017-06-20 WuzzyUpdate for 0.4.16 settings syntaxmaster
2016-11-18 WuzzyVersion 1.3.1
2016-11-16 WuzzyUse new doc_items field names
2016-11-09 WuzzyFix outdated intllib boilerplate
2016-11-02 WuzzyRemove in_doc
2016-10-31 WuzzyUse new doc_items interface
2016-08-11 WuzzyDon't set globals
2016-08-08 WuzzyLarger screenshot
2016-08-08 WuzzyVersion 1.3.0
2016-08-07 WuzzyMake origin non-diggable
2016-08-05 WuzzyDisable drops
2016-08-05 WuzzyFix contradiction
2016-08-05 WuzzyAdd doc_items support
2016-08-05 WuzzyAdd German
2016-08-05 WuzzyForce singlenode mapgen, add option to disable it
2016-07-02 WuzzyFix typo in
7 years ago master