1 local S
= minetest
12 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
13 " ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," ",
14 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
15 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
16 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
17 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
18 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
19 " ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," ",
20 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "
28 "s","h","h","h","h","h","h","h","s",
29 "h"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","h",
30 "h"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","h",
31 "h"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","h",
32 " "," "," "," ","<"," "," "," ","h",
33 "h"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","h",
34 "h"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","h",
35 "h"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","h",
36 "s","h","h","h","h","h","h","h","s"
43 " "," "," "," ","v"," "," "," "," ",
44 " ","c","c"," "," "," ","c","c"," ",
45 " ","c","c"," "," "," ","c","c"," ",
46 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
47 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
48 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
49 " ","c","c"," "," "," ","c","c"," ",
50 " ","c","c"," "," "," ","c","c"," ",
51 " "," "," "," ","^"," "," "," "," "
59 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
60 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
61 " "," ","c","S","c","S","c"," "," ",
62 " "," ","S"," "," "," ","S"," "," ",
63 " "," ","c"," ",">"," ","c"," ","<",
64 " "," ","S"," "," "," ","S"," "," ",
65 " "," ","c","S","c","S","c"," "," ",
66 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
67 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "
74 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
75 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
76 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
77 " ","S"," ","c","c","c"," ","S"," ",
78 " ","S"," ","c","v","c"," ","S"," ",
79 "S","S"," ","c"," ","c"," ","S"," ",
80 "S","S"," ","c"," "," "," ","S"," ",
81 "v","S"," ","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
82 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "
89 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
90 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
91 " "," "," ","c"," "," "," ","S"," ",
92 "S","S"," ","c"," ","c"," ","S"," ",
93 " ","S"," ","c","^","c"," ","S"," ",
94 " ","S"," ","c","c","c"," ","S"," ",
95 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
96 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
97 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "
104 " "," ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," ","v",
105 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
106 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
107 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
108 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
109 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
110 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
111 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
112 " "," ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," ","^",
120 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
121 " "," ","c",">"," ","<","c"," "," ",
122 " ","c","s","c"," ","c","s","c"," ",
123 " "," ","c"," "," "," ","c"," "," ",
124 " "," "," "," ","<"," "," "," "," ",
125 " "," ","c"," "," "," ","c"," "," ",
126 " ","c","s","c"," ","c","s","c"," ",
127 " "," ","c",">"," ","<","c"," "," ",
128 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
136 ">","s","s","c","c","c","s","s","s",
137 "s","s","c"," "," "," ","c","s","s",
138 "s","c"," "," "," "," "," ","c","s",
139 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
140 " "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<","c",
141 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
142 "s","c"," "," "," "," "," ","c","s",
143 "s","s","c"," "," "," ","c","s","s",
144 ">","s","s","c","c","c","s","s","s",
151 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
152 " ","S","S","S","^","S","S","S"," ",
153 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
154 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
155 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S",">"," ",
156 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
157 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
158 " ","S","S","S","v","S","S","S"," ",
159 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
166 "S","S","S","S",">"," "," "," "," ",
167 "S","S","S","S","S","^","S","S"," ",
168 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
169 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
170 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
171 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
172 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
173 "S","S","S","S","S","v","S","S"," ",
174 "S","S","S","S",">"," "," "," "," ",
181 "S","S","S","S","S"," "," "," "," ",
182 "S","S","S","S","c",">"," "," "," ",
183 "S","c","S","c","S","c","S"," "," ",
184 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
185 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
186 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
187 "S","c","S","c","S","c","S"," "," ",
188 "S","S","S","S","c",">"," "," "," ",
189 "S","S","S","S","S"," "," "," "," ",
197 "S","S","S","S","S","v","S","S","S",
198 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
199 "c","S","c","S","c","S","c","S","c",
200 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
201 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
202 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
203 "c","S","c","S","c","S","c","S","c",
204 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
205 "S","S","S","S","S","^","S","S","S",
212 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","v",
213 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
214 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
215 "S","S","S"," "," "," ","S","S"," ",
216 " "," "," "," ","<"," ","S","S"," ",
217 "S","S","S"," "," "," ","S","S"," ",
218 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
219 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
220 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","^",
227 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
228 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
229 "S","S"," ","v"," ","v"," ","S","S",
230 "S","S",">"," "," "," ","<","S"," ",
231 " "," "," "," ","c"," "," ","S"," ",
232 "S","S",">"," "," "," ","<","S"," ",
233 "S","S"," ","^"," ","^"," ","S","S",
234 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
235 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
242 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
243 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
244 " ","S"," "," ","v"," "," ","S"," ",
245 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
246 " "," "," "," "," "," ","<","S"," ",
247 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
248 " ","S"," "," ","^"," "," ","S"," ",
249 " ","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ",
250 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
257 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
258 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
259 " "," "," "," ","^"," "," "," "," ",
260 " "," "," ","c","c","c"," "," "," ",
261 " "," ","<","c","S","c",">"," "," ",
262 " "," "," ","c","c","c"," "," "," ",
263 " "," "," "," ","v"," "," "," "," ",
264 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
265 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
273 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
274 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
275 " "," "," ","c","c","c"," "," "," ",
276 " "," ","c","c","v","c","c"," "," ",
277 " "," ","c",">"," "," "," "," "," ",
278 " "," ","c","c","^","c","c"," "," ",
279 " "," "," ","c","c","c"," "," "," ",
280 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
281 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
289 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ","<",
290 "s","c","s","c","s","c","s"," ","c",
291 "c"," "," "," "," "," ","c"," ","<",
292 "s"," "," "," "," "," ","s"," ","c",
293 " "," "," "," "," ","<","c"," ","<",
294 "s"," "," "," "," "," ","s"," ","c",
295 "c"," "," "," "," "," ","c"," ","<",
296 "s","c","s","c","s","c","s"," ","c",
297 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S"," ","<",
305 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
306 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
307 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
308 " "," "," ","^"," ","^"," "," "," ",
309 " "," "," ","c"," ","c"," "," "," ",
310 " "," "," ","v"," ","v"," "," "," ",
311 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
312 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
313 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
321 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
322 " "," "," "," ","^"," "," "," "," ",
323 " "," "," "," ","c"," "," "," "," ",
324 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
325 " ","<","c"," "," "," ","c",">"," ",
326 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
327 " "," "," "," ","c"," "," "," "," ",
328 " "," "," "," ","v"," "," "," "," ",
329 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
337 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
338 " "," ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," "," ",
339 " "," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," "," ",
340 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
341 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
342 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
343 " "," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," "," ",
344 " "," ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," "," ",
345 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
353 " ","S","v","S","v","S","v","S","v",
354 " ","S"," ","S"," ","S"," ","S"," ",
355 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
356 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
357 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
358 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
359 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
360 " ","S"," ","S"," ","S"," ","S"," ",
361 " ","S","^","S","^","S","^","S","^",
369 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
370 " ","c"," "," "," "," "," ","c"," ",
371 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
372 " "," "," ","c","S","c"," "," "," ",
373 " "," "," ","S",">"," "," "," "," ",
374 " "," "," ","c","S","c"," "," "," ",
375 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
376 " ","c"," "," "," "," "," ","c"," ",
377 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
384 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
385 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
386 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
387 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
388 " "," "," "," ","<"," "," "," "," ",
389 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
390 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
391 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
392 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
400 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
401 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
402 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
403 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
404 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
405 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
406 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
407 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
408 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
416 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
417 "c","c",">"," "," "," ","<","c","c",
418 " ","c","c"," "," "," ","c","c"," ",
419 " "," ","c","c"," ","c","c"," "," ",
420 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
421 " "," ","c","c"," ","c","c"," "," ",
422 " ","c","c"," "," "," ","c","c"," ",
423 "c","c",">"," "," "," ","<","c","c",
424 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
431 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
432 "S","S","S"," "," "," "," "," "," ",
433 "S","S","S"," "," "," "," "," "," ",
434 "S","S","S"," "," ","^","^","^","^",
435 " "," "," "," "," ","c","c","c","c",
436 "S","S","S"," "," ","v","v","v","v",
437 "S","S","S"," "," "," "," "," "," ",
438 "S","S","S"," "," "," "," "," "," ",
439 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
446 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
447 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
448 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
449 " ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," ",
450 " ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ",
451 " ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," ",
452 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
453 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
454 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
462 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
463 "S"," "," "," ","c"," "," "," ","S",
464 " "," ","<","S","S","S",">"," "," ",
465 " "," ","S","S","S","S","S"," "," ",
466 " ","c","S","S","S","S","S","c"," ",
467 " "," ","S","S","S","S","S"," "," ",
468 " "," ","<","S","S","S",">"," "," ",
469 "S"," "," "," ","c"," "," "," ","S",
470 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
478 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
479 " ","c","^","c"," ","c","^","c"," ",
480 " ","c","c","c"," ","c","c","c"," ",
481 " ","c","c","c"," ","c","c","c"," ",
482 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
483 " ","c","c","c"," ","c","c","c"," ",
484 " ","c","c","c"," ","c","c","c"," ",
485 " ","c","v","c"," ","c","v","c"," ",
486 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
493 "S"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
494 "S"," "," ","^"," "," ","^"," "," ",
495 "S"," "," ","c"," "," ","c"," "," ",
496 "S"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
497 " "," "," ","c"," "," ","c"," "," ",
498 "S"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
499 "S"," "," ","c"," "," ","c"," "," ",
500 "S"," "," ","v"," "," ","v"," "," ",
501 "S"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
509 "c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c",
510 " "," ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," "," ",
511 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
512 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
513 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
514 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
515 "c"," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","c",
516 " "," ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," "," ",
517 "c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," ","c",
525 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
526 " "," ","^"," ","^"," ","^"," "," ",
527 " "," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," "," ",
528 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
529 " "," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," "," ",
530 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
531 " "," ","c"," ","c"," ","c"," "," ",
532 " "," ","v"," ","v"," ","v"," "," ",
533 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
541 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
542 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
543 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
544 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
545 " "," "," "," ","s",">"," "," "," ",
546 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
547 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
548 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
549 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
551 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
552 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
553 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
554 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
555 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
556 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
557 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
558 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
559 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
561 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
562 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
563 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
564 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
565 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
566 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
567 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
568 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
569 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
571 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
572 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
573 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
574 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
575 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
576 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
577 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
578 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
579 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
581 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
582 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
583 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
584 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
585 " "," "," "," ","s"," "," "," "," ",
586 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
587 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
588 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
589 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
591 stype
= "desert_sandstone",
593 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
594 "s","1","s","1","s","1","s","1","s",
595 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
596 "1","s","1","s","1","s","1","s","1",
597 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
607 "s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s",
608 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
609 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
610 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
611 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
612 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
613 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
614 "s","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","s",
615 "s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s",
617 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
618 " ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ",
619 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
620 " ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ",
621 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
622 " ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ",
623 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
624 " ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," ",
625 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
629 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
630 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
631 "s","3","s","3","s","3","s","3","s",
632 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
633 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
635 stype = "desert_sandstone",
644 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
645 "S","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","S",
646 "S","s","a","a","a","a","a","s","S",
647 "S","s","a","a","a","a","a","s","S",
648 "S","s","a","a","a","a","a","s","S",
649 "S","s","a","a","a","a","a","s","S",
650 "S","s","a","a","a","a","a","s","S",
651 "S","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","S",
652 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
654 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
655 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
656 " "," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," "," ",
657 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
658 " "," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," "," ",
659 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
660 " "," ","C"," ","C"," ","C"," "," ",
661 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
662 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","<",
666 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
667 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
668 "s","3","s","3","s","3","s","3","s",
669 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
670 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
672 stype
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680 "n","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","n",
681 "s","n","s","s","s","s","s","n","s",
682 "s","s","n","n","n","n","n","s","s",
683 "s","s","n","s","s","s","n","s","s",
684 "s","s","n","s","s","s","n","s","s",
685 "s","s","n","s","s","s","n","s","s",
686 "s","s","n","n","n","n","n","s","s",
687 "s","n","s","s","s","s","s","n","s",
688 "n","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","n",
690 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
691 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
692 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
693 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
694 " "," "," "," ","<"," "," "," "," ",
695 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
696 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
697 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
698 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
700 "n","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","n",
701 "s","n","s","s","s","s","s","n","s",
702 "s","s","n","n","n","n","n","s","s",
703 "s","s","n","s","s","s","n","s","s",
704 "s","s","n","s","s","s","n","s","s",
705 "s","s","n","s","s","s","n","s","s",
706 "s","s","n","n","n","n","n","s","s",
707 "s","n","s","s","s","s","s","n","s",
708 "n","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","n",
711 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
712 "s","3","s","3","s","3","s","3","s",
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714 "3","s","3","s","3","s","3","s","3",
715 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
726 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
727 " ","S","S","S"," ","S","S","S"," ",
728 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
729 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
730 " "," "," "," ","c",">"," "," "," ",
731 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
732 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
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734 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
736 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
737 " ","S","S","S"," ","S","S","S"," ",
738 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
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740 " "," "," "," ","c"," "," "," "," ",
741 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
742 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
743 " ","S","S","S"," ","S","S","S"," ",
744 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
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748 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
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750 " "," "," "," ","c"," "," "," "," ",
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752 " ","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S"," ",
753 " ","S","S","S"," ","S","S","S"," ",
754 " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",
756 "s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s",
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758 "s","S","s","s","s","s","s","S","s",
759 "s","S","s","s","s","s","s","S","s",
760 "s","S","s","s","s","s","s","S","s",
761 "s","S","s","s","s","s","s","S","s",
762 "s","S","s","s","s","s","s","S","s",
763 "s","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","c",
764 "s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s","s",
766 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
767 "S","S","S","S","v","S","S","S","S",
768 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
769 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
770 "S",">"," "," "," "," "," ","<","S",
771 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
772 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
773 "S","S","S","S","^","S","S","S","S",
774 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
776 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
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778 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
779 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
780 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
781 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
782 "S","S"," "," "," "," "," ","S","S",
783 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
784 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
789 local layout_traps_template
= {
790 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S",
791 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S",
792 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S",
793 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S",
794 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S", -- << entrance on left side
795 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S",
796 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S",
797 "?","?","?","?","?","?","?","?","S",
798 "S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S","S"
801 local code_sandstone
= {
803 ["c"] = "default:sandstone",
804 ["s"] = "default:sandstone",
805 ["n"] = "default:desert_sandstone",
806 ["h"] = "default:sandstone",
807 ["S"] = "default:sandstonebrick",
808 ["1"] = "tsm_pyramids:deco_stone1",
809 ["2"] = "tsm_pyramids:deco_stone2",
810 ["3"] = "tsm_pyramids:deco_stone3",
811 ["^"] = "default:chest",
812 ["<"] = "default:chest",
813 [">"] = "default:chest",
814 ["v"] = "default:chest",
815 ["~"] = "default:lava_source",
816 ["t"] = "tsm_pyramids:trap",
817 ["C"] = "default:large_cactus_seedling",
818 ["a"] = "default:sand",
820 local code_desert_sandstone
= table.copy(code_sandstone
821 code_desert_sandstone
["c"] = "default:desert_sandstone"
822 code_desert_sandstone
["s"] = "default:desert_sandstone"
823 code_desert_sandstone
["n"] = "default:sandstone"
824 code_desert_sandstone
["h"] = "default:desert_sandstone"
825 code_desert_sandstone
["1"] = "tsm_pyramids:deco_stone4"
826 code_desert_sandstone
["2"] = "tsm_pyramids:deco_stone5"
827 code_desert_sandstone
["3"] = "tsm_pyramids:deco_stone6"
828 code_desert_sandstone
["S"] = "default:desert_sandstone_brick"
829 code_desert_sandstone
["t"] = "tsm_pyramids:desert_trap"
830 code_desert_sandstone
["a"] = "default:desert_sand"
832 local code_desert_stone
= table.copy(code_sandstone
833 code_desert_stone
["c"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
834 code_desert_stone
["s"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
835 code_desert_stone
["n"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
836 code_desert_stone
["h"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
837 code_desert_stone
["1"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
838 code_desert_stone
["2"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
839 code_desert_stone
["3"] = "default:desert_stone_block"
840 code_desert_stone
["S"] = "default:desert_stonebrick"
841 code_desert_stone
["t"] = "air"
842 code_desert_stone
["a"] = "default:desert_sand"
844 local function replace(str
, iy
, code_table
, deco
, column_style
845 if iy
< 4 and (str
== "<" or str
== ">" or str
== "^" or str
== "v") then str
= " " end
847 local r
= math
853 elseif column_style
== 1 or column_style
== 2 then
854 if iy
== 0 and str
== "c" then str
= deco
[1] end
855 if iy
== 3 and str
== "c" then str
= deco
[2] end
856 elseif column_style
== 3 then
857 if iy
== 0 and str
== "c" then str
= deco
[1] end
858 if iy
== 2 and str
== "c" then str
= deco
[2] end
859 elseif column_style
== 4 then
860 if iy
== 2 and str
== "c" then str
= deco
[1] end
862 return code_table
865 local function replace2(str
, iy
, depth
, code_table
, trap_node
867 -- Sandstone at the bottom-most layer
869 elseif iy
== depth
-1 then
870 -- Brick at the layer above
872 elseif iy
== 0 and str
== "~" then
873 -- Trap stones at the top layer
875 elseif str
== "~" then
877 -- Air below the trap stones
883 -- Everything else is untouched (will stay pyramid material)
885 return code_table
888 local function get_flat_index(x
, y
, width
889 return 1 + x
+ y
* width
892 local function rotate_layout_single(layout
, width
893 local size
= width
894 local new_layout
= {}
897 local symbol
= layout
-1) - y
, x
, width
899 if symbol
== "^" then
901 elseif symbol
== "<" then
903 elseif symbol
== "v" then
905 elseif symbol
== ">" then
908 new_layout
, y
, width
)] = symbol
914 local function rotate_layout(layout
, width
, rotations
915 local new_layout
= table.copy(layout
916 for r
=1, rotations
917 new_layout
= rotate_layout_single(new_layout
, width
922 -- pos: Position to spawn pyramid
923 -- stype: Sand type ("sandstone" or "desert")
924 -- room_id: Room layout identified (see list of rooms above)
925 -- rotations: Number of times to rotate the room (0-3)
926 function tsm_pyramids
, stype
, room_id
, rotations
927 local code_table
= code_sandstone
928 if stype
== "desert_sandstone" then
929 code_table
= code_desert_sandstone
930 elseif stype
== "desert_stone" then
931 code_table
= code_desert_stone
933 -- Select random deco block
934 local deco_ids
= {"1", "2", "3"}
937 local r
= math
.random(1, #deco_ids
938 table.insert(deco
, deco_ids
939 table.remove(deco_ids
, r
941 local hole
= {x
+5, z
942 if room_id
== nil then
943 room_id
= math
.random(1, #room_types
946 if room_id
< 1 or room_id
> #room_types
947 return false, S("Incorrect room type ID: @1", room_id
949 local room
= table.copy(room_types
951 while tries
< #room_types
952 if room
and room
~= stype
953 room_id
= room_id
+ 1
954 if room_id
> #room_types
957 room
= table.copy(room_types
965 if stype
== "desert_stone" then
968 column_style
= math
974 local nn
= code_table
975 minetest
, y
, z
-1}, {name
976 minetest
-1, y
, z
}, {name
978 minetest
, y
, z
+9}, {name
979 minetest
+9, y
, z
}, {name
984 -- Place the room nodes
985 if room
== "yrepeat" then
986 layout
= rotate_layout(room
, rotations
990 local n_str
= layout
994 elseif n_str
== ">" then
996 elseif n_str
== "^" then
998 elseif n_str
== "v" then
1001 local cpos
= {x
1002 local nn
= replace(n_str
, iy
, code_table
, deco
, column_style
1003 minetest
, {name
, param2
1004 if nn
== "default:chest" then
1005 table.insert(chests
, cpos
1010 elseif room
== "stacked" then
1011 local layout_list
= room
1013 local layout_offset
= room
1014 local layout_height
= room
1015 if not layout_offset
1018 if not layout_height
1021 for iy
-1,1 do
1023 if layout_list
] then
1024 layout
= rotate_layout(layout_list
, rotations
1030 n_str
= layout
1035 if n_str
== "<" then
1037 elseif n_str
== ">" then
1039 elseif n_str
== "^" then
1041 elseif n_str
== "v" then
1044 local cpos
= {x
1045 local nn
= code_table
1046 minetest
, {name
, param2
1047 if nn
== "default:chest" then
1048 table.insert(chests
, cpos
1054 minetest
.log("error", "Invalid pyramid room style! room type ID="..r
1056 local sanded
= room
~= false and stype
~= "desert_stone" and math
.random(1,8) == 1
1058 -- Make at least 8 attempts to fill chests
1060 local chests_with_treasure
= 0
1063 local has_treasure
= tsm_pyramids
], stype
, sanded
, 30)
1064 if has_treasure
1065 chests_with_treasure
= chests_with_treasure
+ 1
1070 -- If no chests were filled with treasure so far, fill a random chest guaranteed
1071 if chests_with_treasure
== 0 then
1072 tsm_pyramids
.random(1, #chests
)], stype
, sanded
, 100)
1075 if room
and math
.random(1,4) == 1 then
1076 tsm_pyramids
, stype
, rotations
, layout
1079 tsm_pyramids
, stype
1081 return true, nil, sanded
1084 local shuffle_traps
= function(layout_traps
, layout_room
, chance
1085 for a
=1, #layout_traps
1086 -- Delete trap if this space of the room is occupied
1087 if layout_room
] ~= " " then
1088 layout_traps
] = "S"
1089 -- Randomly turn tile into a trap, or not
1090 elseif layout_traps
] == "?" then
1091 -- percentage for a trap
1092 if math
.random(1,100) <= chance
1093 layout_traps
] = "~"
1095 layout_traps
] = "S"
1101 function tsm_pyramids
, stype
, rotations
, layout_room
1102 local code_table
= code_sandstone
1103 if stype
== "desert_sandstone" then
1104 code_table
= code_desert_sandstone
1105 elseif stype
== "desert_stone" then
1106 code_table
= code_desert_stone
1108 local layout_traps
= table.copy(layout_traps_template
1109 layout_traps
= rotate_layout(layout_traps
, rotations
1110 shuffle_traps(layout_traps
, layout_room
, math
1111 -- Depth is total depth of trap area:
1112 -- * top layer with trap stones
1113 -- * followed by air layers
1114 -- * followed by 2 layers of lava
1115 -- * and 2 layers of sandstone/brick at the bottom (to prevent lava escaping)
1116 -- The depth of air between trap stones and lava layer is <depth> - 4
1117 local deep_trap
= math
.random(1,2) == 1
1127 local wmin
, wmax
= -1,9
1128 local hole
= {x
, z
1130 for ix
,1 do
1131 for iz
,1 do
1133 if ix
== wmin
or ix
== wmax
or iz
== wmin
or iz
== wmax
1134 -- Walls around room
1136 n_str
= code_table
1138 n_str
= code_table
1140 minetest
}, {name
1142 n_str
= layout_traps
1143 minetest
}, {name
, iy
, depth
, code_table
, trap_node
1150 function tsm_pyramids
, stype
1151 local set_to_sand
= {}
1152 local nn
= "default:sand"
1153 if stype
== "desert_sandstone" or stype
== "desert_stone" then
1154 nn
= "default:desert_sand"
1156 local hole
= {x
+1, z
1157 local maxh
= math
1158 local chance
= math
1161 if math
) == 1 then
1162 local h
= math
1164 local p
= {x
1165 if minetest
== "air" then
1166 table.insert(set_to_sand
, p
1172 minetest
, {name