1 IA64 ISA simulator, Alpha release, version 0.1
2 ----------------------------------------------
4 This source distribution is placed in the public domain by its author,
5 Jason Papadopoulos. You may use it for any purpose, free of charge,
6 without having to notify anyone. I disclaim any responsibility for any
7 errors, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies with real-world hardware
8 implementations of the IA64 instruction set. If you build a mission-
9 critical system based only on this simulator and something goes wrong,
10 it's your own damned fault.
12 Optionally, please be nice and tell me if you find this source to be
13 useful. Again optionally, if you add to the functionality present here
14 please consider making those additions public too, so that others may
15 benefit from your work.