1 This is JESSIE, a cleanroom implementation of the Java Secure Sockets
2 Extension, the JSSE, aiming for compliance and compatibility with the
3 JSSE as it exists in Java 1.4. It includes
5 1) A cleanroom implementation of the JSSE API.
7 2) Implementations of the SSLv3 and TLSv1 protocols.
9 This package is meant to operate in the Classpath implementation of
10 the Java class libraries, and has some specific dependencies to
11 classes that exist only in Classpath (and, by extension, GCJ's
12 libjava). These dependencies are small, however, and can easily be
13 resolved by including parts of Classpath. The only other dependency is
14 GNU Crypto <http://www.gnu.org/software/gnu-crypto/>, the forthcoming
15 version 2.0, or the current CVS sources. GNU JAXP
16 <http://www.gnu.org/software/classpathx/jaxp/jaxp.html> is also used,
17 but is included with Classpath.
19 ``JESSIE'' might stand for ``JESSIE Executes Secure Sockets In Excess'',
20 if you are in that sort of mood.