1 minix-base Minix base system
2 minix-comp Minix compilation tools
3 minix-games Minix BSD games
4 minix-kernel Minix kernel and modules
5 minix-man Minix manuals
6 minix-tests Minix tests suites
7 base-adosfs-root Root file system support for Amiga DOS file system support
8 base-amd-bin auto-mounter daemon
9 base-amd-examples example configuration files for the auto-mounter daemon and utilities
10 base-amd-shlib auto-mounter daemon shared library
11 base-audio-bin utilities for playing and recording audio
12 base-bind-bin the BIND DNS server
13 base-bind-examples example configuration files for BIND
14 base-bind-root root file system directories required by BIND
15 base-bootserver-bin software for booting diskless systems
16 base-c-bin utilities for the C programming language
17 base-c-usr /usr file system directories required by C programming language utilities
18 base-calendar-bin calendar(1) displays lines from the calendar database matching certain dates
19 base-calendar-share database of important dates for calendar(1)
20 base-cron-bin the cron daemon and related utilities
21 base-cron-root root file system directories required by the cron daemon
22 base-crypto-bin cryptographic utilities
23 base-crypto-examples example configuration files for cryptographic utilities
24 base-crypto-root root file system directories required by cryptographic utilities
25 base-crypto-shlib shared library providing cryptographic routines
26 base-cxx-usr /usr file system directories required by C++ programming language utilities
27 base-debug-bin debugging utilities
28 base-dhclient-root root file system support for DHCP client software
29 base-dhcpd-bin DHCP server
30 base-dhcpd-examples example configuration files for DHCP server
31 base-efs-root root file system support for efs file system
32 base-ext2fs-root root file system support for ext2fs file system
33 base-filecorefs-root root file system support for the Acorn FILECORE file system
34 base-fstab-examples various example file system tables
35 base-games-root root file system support for games
36 base-games-share shared data files for games
37 base-games-usr directories for the games subsystem
38 base-gnats-bin the GNATS bug reporting utility
39 base-gnats-share shared data files for the GNATS bug reporting utility
40 base-groff-font fonts for the groff family of text formatters
41 base-groff-share shared data files for the groff family of text formatters
42 base-hesiod-bin utilities for the HESIOD network information system
43 base-htmldoc-share HTML documentation
44 base-i18n-root directories for internationalisation support
45 base-i18n-shlib shared library modules for internationalisation support
46 base-ipf-bin utilities for IPfilter
47 base-ipf-root directories for IPfilter
48 base-isdn-bin utilities and daemons for ISDN network connectivity
49 base-isdn-examples directories for the ISDN example files
50 base-krb5-bin commands and utilities for the Kerberos V network authentication system
51 base-krb5-examples example configuration files for the Kerberos V network authentication system
52 base-krb5-root root file system support for the Kerberos V network authentication system
53 base-krb5-shlib root file system support for the Kerberos V network authentication system
54 base-libsaslc-examples example configuration files for the SASL C library
55 base-locale-Pig igPey atinLey ocaleley upportsey
56 base-locale-af Afghan language locale support
57 base-locale-be Belgian language locale support
58 base-locale-bg Bulgarian language locale support
59 base-locale-bin utilities for working with locales
60 base-locale-ca Catalan language locale support
61 base-locale-cs Czech language locale support
62 base-locale-da Danish language locale support
63 base-locale-de German language locale support
64 base-locale-el Greek language locale support
65 base-locale-en English language locale support
66 base-locale-eo Esperanto language locale support
67 base-locale-es Spanish language locale support
68 base-locale-et Estonian language locale support
69 base-locale-eu Basque language/region locale support
70 base-locale-fi Finnish language locale support
71 base-locale-fr French language locale support
72 base-locale-gl Galician language locale support
73 base-locale-he Hebrew language locale support
74 base-locale-hr Croatian language locale support
75 base-locale-hu Hungarian language locale support
76 base-locale-hy Armenian language locale support
77 base-locale-id Indonesian language locale support
78 base-locale-is Icelandic language locale support
79 base-locale-it Italian language locale support
80 base-locale-ja Japanese language locale support
81 base-locale-kk Kazakh language locale support
82 base-locale-ko Korean language locale support
83 base-locale-lt Lithuanian language locale support
84 base-locale-nb Norwegian Bokmal language locale support
85 base-locale-nl Dutch language locale support
86 base-locale-nn Norwegian Nynorsk language locale support
87 base-locale-no Norwegian language locale support
88 base-locale-pl Polish language locale support
89 base-locale-pt Portuguese language locale support
90 base-locale-ro Romanian language locale support
91 base-locale-ru Russian language locale support
92 base-locale-share /usr/share file system support for all locales
93 base-locale-sk Slovak language locale support
94 base-locale-sl Slovenian language locale support
95 base-locale-sr Suriname language locale support
96 base-locale-sv Swedish language locale support
97 base-locale-tr Turkish language locale support
98 base-locale-uk Ukrainian language locale support
99 base-locale-zh Chinese language locale support
100 base-lpr-bin utilities for printing support
101 base-lpr-root root file system support for printing utilities
102 base-lpr-usr /usr file system support for printing
103 base-magic-share shared files for the file(1) utility
104 base-mail-bin mail utilities
105 base-mail-root root file system support for mail utilities
106 base-mailwrapper-bin the mailwrapper(8) program for multiple mailer support
107 base-man-bin utilities for reading online manual pages
108 base-man-share shared data files for the online manual pages
109 base-miscfs-examples example configuration files for miscellaneous file systems
110 base-miscfs-root root file system support for miscellaneous file systems
111 base-net-shlib shared libraries for network programming
112 base-netutil-bin networking utilities
113 base-netutil-examples example configuration files for networking programs
114 base-netutil-root root file system support for networking utilities
115 base-nfsclient-bin network file system client utilities
116 base-nfsclient-root root file system support for network file system client utilities
117 base-nfsserver-bin network file system server program
118 base-nis-bin progams and utilities for the NIS network information system
119 base-nis-root root file system support for the NIS network information system
120 base-ntfs-root root file system support for the Windows NT file system
121 base-ntp-bin utilities for network time protocol support
122 base-ntp-root basic directories for network time protocol support
123 base-objc-usr /usr file system support for the Objective C programming language
124 base-pf-bin utilities for the PF packet filter
125 base-pf-root directories for the PF packet filter
126 base-pkgutil-bin package system utilities
127 base-postfix-bin the Postfix mailer
128 base-postfix-examples example configuration files for the Postfix mailer
129 base-postfix-root root file system support for the Postfix mailer
130 base-postfix-usr /usr file system support for the Postfix mailer
131 base-ppp-bin utilities for the PPP point-to-point remote access protocol
132 base-psd-share directory structure for the Programmer's Supplementary Documentation
133 base-rcs-bin utilities for the RCS Revision Control System
134 base-reference-share directory structure for miscellaneous reference documents
135 base-rescue-root statically-linked binaries which can be used in extremis
136 base-router-bin network routing utilities
137 base-router-examples base directories for network routing utilities
138 base-router-root root file system support for network routing utilities
139 base-secsh-bin secure shell SSH client and server
140 base-slip-bin the SLIP serial line internet protocol
141 base-slip-root root file system support for the SLIP remote access protocol
142 base-smbfs-root root file system support for the smbfs client SMB filesystem support
143 base-smm-share directory structure for the System Manager's Manual
144 base-sup-bin utilities for the SUP software update protocol
145 base-sup-examples example configuration files for the SUP software update protocol
146 base-sys-devlinks device node symbolic links
147 base-sys-examples example configuration files for kernel functionality
148 base-sys-root required root file system structure
149 base-sys-share required /usr/share file system structure
150 base-sys-shlib shared libraries for basic system functionality
151 base-sys-usr required /usr file system structure
152 base-sysutil-bin system utilities
153 base-sysutil-examples example configuration files for miscellaneous system utilities
154 base-sysutil-root root file system support for system utilities
155 base-sysutil-share shared data files for system utilities
156 base-sysutil_locale-share shared locale support for system utilities
157 base-termcap-share shared files for terminal capability database
158 base-texinfo-bin the GNU texinfo software
159 base-texinfo-share shared data files for the GNU texinfo software
160 base-texinfo_locale-cs Czech language support for the GNU texinfo software
161 base-texinfo_locale-da Danish language support for the GNU texinfo software
162 base-texinfo_locale-de German language support for the GNU texinfo software
163 base-texinfo_locale-eo Esperanto language support for the GNU texinfo software
164 base-texinfo_locale-fr French language support for the GNU texinfo software
165 base-texinfo_locale-he Hebrew language support for the GNU texinfo software
166 base-texinfo_locale-hr Croatian language support for the GNU texinfo software
167 base-texinfo_locale-ja Japanese language support for the GNU texinfo software
168 base-texinfo_locale-nl Dutch language support for the GNU texinfo software
169 base-texinfo_locale-no Norwegian Bokmal language support for the GNU texinfo software
170 base-texinfo_locale-no Norwegian language support for the GNU texinfo software
171 base-texinfo_locale-pl Polish language support for the GNU texinfo software
172 base-texinfo_locale-pl Romanian language support for the GNU texinfo software
173 base-texinfo_locale-ru Russian language support for the GNU texinfo software
174 base-texinfo_locale-sv Swedish language support for the GNU texinfo software
175 base-texinfo_locale-tr Turkish language support for the GNU texinfo software
176 base-texinfo_locale-zh Chinese language support for the GNU texinfo software
177 base-timed-bin utilities for the timed(8) network time daemon
178 base-tn3270-bin utilities for connecting to IBM VM/CMS systems
179 base-tpm-bin utilities for the Trusted Platform Module
180 base-usd-share directory structure for the User's Supplementary Documentation
181 base-util-bin standard utilities for use by users
182 base-util-root root file system support for standard user utilities
183 base-util-share shared data files for standard user utilities
184 base-util_locale-cs Czech language support for standard utilities
185 base-util_locale-de German language support for standard utilities
186 base-util_locale-el Greek language support for standard utilities
187 base-util_locale-eo Esperanto language support for standard utilities
188 base-util_locale-es Spanish language support for standard utilities
189 base-util_locale-et Estonian language support for standard utilities
190 base-util_locale-fr French language support for standard utilities
191 base-util_locale-gl Galician language support for standard utilities
192 base-util_locale-hr Croatian language support for standard utilities
193 base-util_locale-id Indonesian language support for standard utilities
194 base-util_locale-it Italian language support for standard utilities
195 base-util_locale-ja Japanese language support for standard utilities
196 base-util_locale-sv Swedish language support for standard utilities
198 comp-c-bin This package includes compilers and tools for the C programming language:
199 comp-c-bin c89, c99, cc, gcc - C compilers
200 comp-c-bin flex, lex - lexical analyzer generator
201 comp-c-bin lint - C program validator
202 comp-c-bin rpcgen - RPC stub generator
203 comp-c-bin yacc - parser generator
209 comp-c-catman c89, c99, cc, gcc - C compilers
210 comp-c-catman flex, lex - lexical analyzer generator
211 comp-c-catman lint - C program validator
212 comp-c-catman rpcgen - RPC stub generator
213 comp-c-catman yacc - parser generator
214 comp-c-catman This package includes formatted manual pages for compilers and tools for
215 comp-c-catman the C programming language:
216 comp-c-include This package contains header files for the C programming language,
217 comp-c-include including standard C and UNIX APIs, and APIs specific to the NetBSD
218 comp-c-include operating system.
219 comp-c-lib This contains library archives to build statically linked versions of C
220 comp-c-lib libraries.
221 comp-c-lib programs and simbolic links for use in linking software against shared
222 comp-c-lintlib C language syntax checker.
223 comp-c-lintlib This package contains library description files for use with the lint(1)
229 comp-c-man c89, c99, cc, gcc - C compilers
230 comp-c-man flex, lex - lexical analyzer generator
231 comp-c-man lint - C program validator
232 comp-c-man rpcgen - RPC stub generator
233 comp-c-man yacc - program parser generator
234 comp-c-man This package includes the manual pages sources for compilers and tools
235 comp-c-man for the C programming language:
236 comp-c-piclib This includes archives of position-independent object files which can be
237 comp-c-piclib system.
238 comp-c-piclib used to recreate the shared libraries distributed with the base NetBSD
239 comp-c-proflib This includes versions of system libraries for use in profiling user code.
240 comp-c-root This contains data files installed in /var and used by C language
241 comp-c-root programming utilities.
242 comp-c-share This contains data files installed in /usr/share and used by C language
243 comp-c-share language.
244 comp-c-share programming utilities, including user reference documents on the C
245 comp-c-shlib shared libraries for binary file utilities and machine opcodes
246 comp-c_locale-be Belgian language locale support for development utilities
247 comp-c_locale-ca Canadian language locale support for development utilities
248 comp-c_locale-cs Czech language locale support for development utilities
249 comp-c_locale-da Danish language locale support for development utilities
250 comp-c_locale-de German language locale support for development utilities
251 comp-c_locale-el Greek language locale support for development utilities
252 comp-c_locale-es Spanish language locale support for development utilities
253 comp-c_locale-et Estonian language locale support for development utilities
254 comp-c_locale-fi Finnish language locale support for development utilities
255 comp-c_locale-fr French language locale support for development utilities
256 comp-c_locale-gl Galician language locale support for development utilities
257 comp-c_locale-id Indonesian language locale support for development utilities
258 comp-c_locale-it Italian language locale support for development utilities
259 comp-c_locale-ja Japanese language locale support for development utilities
260 comp-c_locale-ko Korean language locale support for development utilities
261 comp-c_locale-nl Dutch language locale support for development utilities
262 comp-c_locale-nn Norwegian Nynorsk language locale support for development utilities
263 comp-c_locale-no Norwegian language locale support for development utilities
264 comp-c_locale-pl Polish language locale support for development utilities
265 comp-c_locale-pt_BR Portuguese Brazilian language locale support for development utilities
266 comp-c_locale-ro Romanian language locale support for development utilities
267 comp-c_locale-ru Russian language locale support for development utilities
268 comp-c_locale-sk Slovak language locale support for development utilities
269 comp-c_locale-sl Slovenian language locale support for development utilities
270 comp-c_locale-sr Suriname language locale support for development utilities
271 comp-c_locale-sv Swedish language locale support for development utilities
272 comp-c_locale-tr Turkish language locale support for development utilities
273 comp-c_locale-uk Ukranian language locale support for development utilities
274 comp-c_locale-zh_CN Chinese language locale support for development utilities
275 comp-c_locale-zh_TW Taiwanese language locale support for development utilities
276 comp-cvs-bin CVS is a version control system, which allows you to keep old versions
277 comp-cvs-bin allows triggers to enable/log/control various operations and works well
278 comp-cvs-bin but operates on hierarchical collections of directories consisting of
279 comp-cvs-bin does not just operate on one file at a time or one directory at a time,
280 comp-cvs-bin occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. Unlike the simpler systems, CVS
281 comp-cvs-bin of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes
282 comp-cvs-bin over a wide area network (see manual pages).
283 comp-cvs-bin the concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. CVS
284 comp-cvs-bin version controlled files. CVS helps to manage releases and to control
285 comp-cvs-catman CVS does not just operate on one file at a time or one directory at a
286 comp-cvs-catman This contains groff-formatted manual pages for the CVS revision control
287 comp-cvs-catman changes occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. Unlike the simpler systems,
288 comp-cvs-catman of version controlled files. CVS helps to manage releases and to control
289 comp-cvs-catman system. CVS is a version control system which allows you to keep old
290 comp-cvs-catman the concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. CVS allows
291 comp-cvs-catman time, but operates on hierarchical collections of directories consisting
292 comp-cvs-catman triggers to enable/log/control various operations and works well over a
293 comp-cvs-catman versions of files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why
294 comp-cvs-catman wide area network (see manual pages).
295 comp-cvs-man CVS is a version control system which allows you to keep old versions of
296 comp-cvs-man This contains manual page groff source for the CVS revision control system.
297 comp-cvs-man concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. CVS allows
298 comp-cvs-man controlled files. CVS helps to manage releases and to control the
299 comp-cvs-man files (usually source code), keep a log of who, when, and why changes
300 comp-cvs-man not just operate on one file at a time or one directory at a time, but
301 comp-cvs-man occurred, etc., like RCS or SCCS. Unlike the simpler systems, CVS does
302 comp-cvs-man operates on hierarchical collections of directories consisting of version
303 comp-cvs-man triggers to enable/log/control various operations and works well over a
304 comp-cvs-man wide area network (see manual pages).
306 comp-cxx-bin c++, g++ - C++ compiler
307 comp-cxx-bin c++filt - tool for demangling C++ single function names
308 comp-cxx-bin flex++ - C++ lexical analyzser generator (a C++ version of flex)
309 comp-cxx-bin This package includes compilers and tools for the C++ programming language:
311 comp-cxx-catman c++, g++ - C++ compiler
312 comp-cxx-catman c++filt - tool for demangling C++ single function names
313 comp-cxx-catman flex++ - C++ lexical analyzser generator (a C++ version of flex)
314 comp-cxx-catman C++ programming language:
315 comp-cxx-catman This contains groff-formatted manual pages on compilers and tools for the
316 comp-cxx-include This contains header files for the C++ programming language.
317 comp-cxx-lib This contains library archives to build statically linked versions of C++
318 comp-cxx-lib libraries.
319 comp-cxx-lib programs and simbolic links for use in linking software against shared
321 comp-cxx-man c++, g++ - C++ compiler
322 comp-cxx-man c++filt - tool for demangling C++ single function names
323 comp-cxx-man flex++ - C++ lexical analyzser generator (a C++ version of flex)
324 comp-cxx-man This contains the manual page source on compilers and tools for the C++
325 comp-cxx-man programming language:
326 comp-cxx-piclib This includes archives of position-independent object files which can be
327 comp-cxx-piclib system.
328 comp-cxx-piclib used to recreate the shared C++ libraries distributed with the base NetBSD
329 comp-cxx-proflib This includes versions of system libraries for use in profiling user C++
330 comp-cxx-proflib code.
335 comp-debug-bin -ftest-coverage. These options cause the compiler to insert
336 comp-debug-bin addr2line - translates program addresses into file names and line
337 comp-debug-bin execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs.
338 comp-debug-bin gcov - displays basic block profile / coverage data, if requested
339 comp-debug-bin gdb - is the GNU debugger. The purpose of a debugger such as GDB
340 comp-debug-bin gprof - displays call graph profile data. gprof produces an
341 comp-debug-bin how often each basic block is executed;
342 comp-debug-bin information in the executable to figure out which file name and
343 comp-debug-bin instrumentation into the object files it generates, which measure
344 comp-debug-bin is to allow you to see what is going on ``inside'' another program
345 comp-debug-bin it crashed;
346 comp-debug-bin line number are associated with a given address;
347 comp-debug-bin numbers. Given an address and an executable, it uses the debugging
348 comp-debug-bin via the C compiler gcc(1) command line options -fprofile-arcs and
349 comp-debug-bin while it executes, or what another program was doing at the moment
350 comp-debug-bin This package contains various C programming debugging utilities, such as:
355 comp-debug-catman -ftest-coverage. These options cause the compiler to insert
356 comp-debug-catman addr2line - translates program addresses into file names and line
357 comp-debug-catman execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs.
358 comp-debug-catman gcov - displays basic block profile / coverage data, if requested
359 comp-debug-catman gdb - is the GNU debugger. The purpose of a debugger such as GDB
360 comp-debug-catman gprof - displays call graph profile data. gprof produces an
361 comp-debug-catman how often each basic block is executed;
362 comp-debug-catman information in the executable to figure out which file name and
363 comp-debug-catman instrumentation into the object files it generates, which measure
364 comp-debug-catman is to allow you to see what is going on ``inside'' another program
365 comp-debug-catman it crashed;
366 comp-debug-catman line number are associated with a given address;
367 comp-debug-catman numbers. Given an address and an executable, it uses the debugging
368 comp-debug-catman via the C compiler gcc(1) command line options -fprofile-arcs and
369 comp-debug-catman while it executes, or what another program was doing at the moment
370 comp-debug-catman This package contains formatted manual pages on various C programming
371 comp-debug-catman debugging utilities, such as:
376 comp-debug-man -ftest-coverage. These options cause the compiler to insert
377 comp-debug-man addr2line - translates program addresses into file names and line
378 comp-debug-man execution profile of C, Pascal, or Fortran77 programs.
379 comp-debug-man gcov - displays basic block profile / coverage data, if requested
380 comp-debug-man gdb - is the GNU debugger. The purpose of a debugger such as GDB
381 comp-debug-man gprof - displays call graph profile data. gprof produces an
382 comp-debug-man how often each basic block is executed;
383 comp-debug-man information in the executable to figure out which file name and
384 comp-debug-man instrumentation into the object files it generates, which measure
385 comp-debug-man is to allow you to see what is going on ``inside'' another program
386 comp-debug-man it crashed;
387 comp-debug-man line number are associated with a given address;
388 comp-debug-man numbers. Given an address and an executable, it uses the debugging
389 comp-debug-man via the C compiler gcc(1) command line options -fprofile-arcs and
390 comp-debug-man while it executes, or what another program was doing at the moment
391 comp-debug-man This package contains the manual pages groff source on various C programming
392 comp-debug-man debugging utilities, such as:
393 comp-debug-sbin This package contains kgmon, a kernel debugging utility. kgmon is a tool
394 comp-debug-sbin extracts profile data from the operating system and produces a gmon.out
395 comp-debug-sbin file suitable for later analysis by gprof(1).
396 comp-debug-sbin kgmon indicates the state of operating system profiling as running, off,
397 comp-debug-sbin or not configured. (see config(8)) If the -p flag is specified, kgmon
398 comp-debug-sbin used when profiling the operating system. When no arguments are supplied,
402 comp-fortran-bin FORTRAN 77, also called F77). gcc processes input files through
403 comp-fortran-bin and F77 compilers are integrated; g77 is a program to call gcc
404 comp-fortran-bin asa - interpret carriage-control characters. The asa utility reads
405 comp-fortran-bin assembly, and linking. This manual page contains full descriptions
406 comp-fortran-bin contains summaries of some general-purpose options. For a fuller
407 comp-fortran-bin conventions into files formatted according to UNIX line printer
408 comp-fortran-bin conventions.
409 comp-fortran-bin explanation of the compiler, see gcc(1);
410 comp-fortran-bin f77, fort77, g77 - GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.24). The C
411 comp-fortran-bin files formatted according to Fortran's carriage control
412 comp-fortran-bin files sequentially, mapping FORTRAN carriage-control characters
413 comp-fortran-bin for only F77-specific aspects of the compiler, though it also
414 comp-fortran-bin fpr - print Fortran file utility. fpr is a filter that transforms
415 comp-fortran-bin one or more of four stages: prepro- cessing, compilation,
416 comp-fortran-bin output;
417 comp-fortran-bin to line-printer control sequences, and writes them to the standard
418 comp-fortran-bin with options to recognize programs written in Fortran (ANSI
419 comp-fortran-bin This package contains compilers and tools for the FORTRAN programming
420 comp-fortran-bin language, including the following:
424 comp-fortran-catman FORTRAN 77, also called F77). gcc processes input files through
425 comp-fortran-catman and F77 compilers are integrated; g77 is a program to call gcc
426 comp-fortran-catman asa - interpret carriage-control characters. The asa utility reads
427 comp-fortran-catman assembly, and linking. This manual page contains full descriptions
428 comp-fortran-catman contains summaries of some general-purpose options. For a fuller
429 comp-fortran-catman conventions into files formatted according to UNIX line printer
430 comp-fortran-catman conventions.
431 comp-fortran-catman explanation of the compiler, see gcc(1);
432 comp-fortran-catman f77, fort77, g77 - GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.24). The C
433 comp-fortran-catman files formatted according to Fortran's carriage control
434 comp-fortran-catman files sequentially, mapping FORTRAN carriage-control characters
435 comp-fortran-catman for only F77-specific aspects of the compiler, though it also
436 comp-fortran-catman fpr - print Fortran file utility. fpr is a filter that transforms
437 comp-fortran-catman one or more of four stages: prepro- cessing, compilation,
438 comp-fortran-catman output;
439 comp-fortran-catman to line-printer control sequences, and writes them to the standard
440 comp-fortran-catman with options to recognize programs written in Fortran (ANSI
441 comp-fortran-catman This package contains formatted manual pages for compilers and tools for
442 comp-fortran-catman the FORTRAN programming language, which include:
443 comp-fortran-lib FORTRAN programs and simbolic links for use in linking software against
444 comp-fortran-lib This contains library archives to build statically linked versions of
445 comp-fortran-lib shared libraries.
449 comp-fortran-man FORTRAN 77, also called F77). gcc processes input files through
450 comp-fortran-man and F77 compilers are integrated; g77 is a program to call gcc
451 comp-fortran-man asa - interpret carriage-control characters. The asa utility reads
452 comp-fortran-man assembly, and linking. This manual page contains full descriptions
453 comp-fortran-man contains summaries of some general-purpose options. For a fuller
454 comp-fortran-man conventions into files formatted according to UNIX line printer
455 comp-fortran-man conventions.
456 comp-fortran-man explanation of the compiler, see gcc(1);
457 comp-fortran-man f77, fort77, g77 - GNU project Fortran Compiler (v0.5.24). The C
458 comp-fortran-man files formatted according to Fortran's carriage control
459 comp-fortran-man files sequentially, mapping FORTRAN carriage-control characters
460 comp-fortran-man for only F77-specific aspects of the compiler, though it also
461 comp-fortran-man fpr - print Fortran file utility. fpr is a filter that transforms
462 comp-fortran-man one or more of four stages: prepro- cessing, compilation,
463 comp-fortran-man output;
464 comp-fortran-man to line-printer control sequences, and writes them to the standard
465 comp-fortran-man with options to recognize programs written in Fortran (ANSI
466 comp-fortran-man This package contains manual pages groff sources for compilers and tools for
467 comp-fortran-man the FORTRAN programming language, which include:
468 comp-fortran-piclib NetBSD system.
469 comp-fortran-piclib This includes archives of position-independent object files which can be
470 comp-fortran-piclib used to recreate the shared FORTRAN libraries distributed with the base
471 comp-fortran-proflib FORTRAN code.
472 comp-fortran-proflib This includes versions of system libraries for use in profiling user
473 comp-fortran-shlib Shared libraries for the FORTRAN programming language
474 comp-i18n-lib static libraries and shared library links for compiling applications with internationalisation support
475 comp-ipf-include header files for the IPfilter C API
476 comp-krb5-catman formatted manual pages for Kerberos V support
477 comp-krb5-include header files for Kerberos V support
478 comp-krb5-lib libraries to support Kerberos V compilation
479 comp-krb5-man source manual pages for Kerberos V support
480 comp-krb5-proflib profiling libraries for Kerberos V support
481 comp-krb5c-catman pre-formatted manual pages for Kerberos V C support
482 comp-objc-bin This contains the gcc backend for Objective C programming. With this
483 comp-objc-bin package installed, it is possible to compile Objective C programs with
484 comp-objc-bin the cc(1) or gcc(1) commands.
485 comp-objc-lib Objective C programs and simbolic links for use in linking software
486 comp-objc-lib This contains library archives to build statically linked versions of
487 comp-objc-lib against shared Objective C libraries.
488 comp-objc-piclib This includes archives of position-independent object files which can be
489 comp-objc-piclib base NetBSD system.
490 comp-objc-piclib used to recreate the shared Objective C libraries distributed with the
491 comp-objc-proflib Objective C code.
492 comp-objc-proflib This includes versions of system libraries for use in profiling user
493 comp-sys-catman This contains section 9 of the online manual pages for kernel programming,
494 comp-sys-catman of the kernel.
495 comp-sys-catman which describe APIs available for writing device drivers and other parts
496 comp-sys-man manual pages source for kernel programming
497 comp-sys-shlib shared library support for basic i386 math and utility libs
498 comp-sysutil-catman formatted manual pages for system utilities
499 comp-sysutil-man manual pages source for system utilities
500 comp-sysutil-root manual pages source for system utilities
501 comp-sysutil-sbin system utilities
502 comp-tpm-catman formated manual pages for the Trusted Platform Module libraries
503 comp-tpm-debug debugging symbols for the Trusted Platfor Module utilities and libraries
504 comp-tpm-htmlman HTML documentation for the Trusted Platform Module libraries
505 comp-tpm-lib libraries for the Trusted Platform Module
506 comp-tpm-man documentation for the Trusted Platform Module libraries
507 comp-util-bin programming utilities
508 comp-util-catman formatted manual pages for programming utilities
509 comp-util-man manual pages source for programming utilities
510 comp-util-sbin system development utilities
511 comp-util-share reference files for programming utilities
512 etc-amd-rc startup script for auto-mounter daemon
513 etc-audio-rc startup script for audio mixer control utility
514 etc-bind-etc configuration files for BIND DNS server
515 etc-bind-rc startup script for BIND DNS server
516 etc-bootserver-etc configuration files for diskless boot server utilities
517 etc-bootserver-rc startup script for diskless boot server utilities
518 etc-cron-log empty log file for cron(8)
519 etc-cron-rc startup script for cron(8) command scheduler
520 etc-cron-root root file system support for cron(8) command scheduler
521 etc-dhclient-etc configuration files for DHCP dyanamic host configuration protocol client utilities
522 etc-dhclient-rc startup script for DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol client
523 etc-dhcpd-rc startup script for DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol daemon
524 etc-extsrc-rc startup scripts for externally added programs
525 etc-games-etc configuration file for games
526 etc-games-scores empty score files for games
527 etc-ipf-rc startup script for IP filter
528 etc-iscsi-etc configuration files for the NetBSD iSCSI target
529 etc-iscsi-rc startup script for the NetBSD iSCSI target
530 etc-isdn-rc startup script for ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) network connectivity utilities
531 etc-krb5-rc startup script for the Kerberos V authentication service
532 etc-libsaslc-etc configuration file for SASL C library
533 etc-libsaslc-postfix configuration file for postfix SASL
534 etc-lpr-etc configuration file for printing services
535 etc-lpr-log empty log file for printing services
536 etc-lpr-rc startup script for printing services
537 etc-mail-etc configuration file for mail utilities
538 etc-mailwrapper-etc configuration files for the mailwrapper(8) program for multiple mailer support
539 etc-man-etc configuration files for the online manual pages
540 etc-net-etc configuration files for networking
541 etc-net-rc startup files for networking
542 etc-netutil-etc configuration files for network utilities
543 etc-netutil-log empty log files for networking utilities
544 etc-nfsserver-rc startup script for NFS network file system server utilities
545 etc-nis-rc startup script for the NIS network information system
546 etc-nis-root root file system support for the NIS network file system
547 etc-ntp-etc configuration files for the ntpd(8) Network Time Protocol server
548 etc-ntp-rc startup script for the ntpd(8) Network Time Protocol server
549 etc-pf-defaults default configuration for the PF packet filter
550 etc-pf-etc configuration files for the PF packet filter
551 etc-postfix-etc configuration file for the postfix mailer program
552 etc-postfix-rc startup script for the postfix mailer program
553 etc-ppp-rc startup script for the PPP point-to-point connection protocol
554 etc-root-root login configuration files for the user root
555 etc-router-etc configuration files for network routing
556 etc-router-rc startup scripts for routing services
557 etc-secsh-etc configuration file for SSH secure remote shell utility
558 etc-secsh-rc startup script for SSH secure remote shell utility
559 etc-sendmail-log empty log files for the sendmail(8) mailer
560 etc-sys-defaults default system startup configuration files
561 etc-sys-etc system software configuration files
562 etc-sys-log empty system log files
563 etc-sys-rc standard system startup scripts
564 etc-sys-root required root file system structure for system software
565 etc-sysutil-etc configuration files for miscellaneous system utilities
566 etc-sysutil-log empty log files for miscellaneous system utilities
567 etc-sysutil-rc startup scripts for miscellaneous system utilities
568 etc-timed-rc startup script for the timed(8) network time daemon
569 etc-util-etc configuration file for standard system utilities
570 etc-x11-rc startup scripts for the X11 X Window System
571 games-games-bin command line games
572 games-games-catman formatted manual pages for command-line games
573 games-games-man manual pages source for command-line games
574 games-games-root data and score files for command line games
575 games-games-share shared data files for command-line games
576 games-sys-root required root file system structure for configuration files
577 games-usd-doc miscellaneous documentation for games
578 games-utils-bin miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
579 games-utils-catman formatted manual pages for miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
580 games-utils-man manual pages source for miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
581 games-utils-share shared data files for miscellaneous utilities from /usr/games
582 man-adosfs-catman formatted manual pages for AmigaDOS file system support
583 man-adosfs-man manual pages source for AmigaDOS file system support
584 man-amd-catman formatted manual pages for the amd(8) auto-mounting daemon
585 man-amd-info texinfo documentation for the amd(8) auto-mounting daemon
586 man-amd-man manual pages source for the amd(8) auto-mounting daemon
587 man-audio-catman formatted manual pages for utilities for playing and recording audio
588 man-audio-man manual pages source for utilities for playing and recording audio
589 man-bind-catman formatted manual pages for the bind(8) domain name server daemon
590 man-bind-man manual pages source for the bind(8) domain name server daemon
591 man-bootserver-catman formatted manual pages for utilities to support remote booting of diskless workstations
592 man-bootserver-man manual pages source for utilities to support remote booting of diskless workstations
593 man-c-catman formatted manual pages for the C programming language
594 man-c-info the GNU texinfo software
595 man-c-man manual pages source for the C programming language
596 man-computil-info texinfo documentation for compiler utilities
597 man-cron-catman formatted manual pages for the cron(8) command scheduler
598 man-cron-man manual pages source for the cron(8) command scheduler
599 man-crypto-catman formatted manual pages for cryptographic utilities
600 man-crypto-man manual pages source for cryptographic utilities
601 man-cvs-info texinfo documentation for the CVS version control system
602 man-cxx-info texinfo documentation for the C++ programming language
603 man-debug-catman formatted manual pages for debugging utilities
604 man-debug-info texinfo documentation for debugging utilities
605 man-debug-man manual pages source for debugging utilities
606 man-dhclient-catman formatted manual pages for DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) client utilities
607 man-dhclient-man manual pages source for DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) client utilities
608 man-dhcpd-catman formatted manual pages for DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server utilities
609 man-dhcpd-man manual pages source for DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) server utilities
610 man-efs-catman formatted manual pages for the Silicon Graphics EFS file system support
611 man-efs-man manual pages source for the Silicon Graphics EFS file system support
612 man-ext2fs-catman formatted manual pages for the Linux ext2fx file system support
613 man-ext2fs-man manual pages source for the Linux ext2fx file system support
614 man-filecorefs-catman formatted manual pages Acorn FileCore file system support
615 man-filecorefs-man manual pages source Acorn FileCore file system support
616 man-fortran-info texinfo documentation for the FORTRAN programming language
617 man-games-catman formatted manual pages for games
618 man-games-man manual pages source for games
619 man-gnats-catman formatted manual pages for the GNATS bug reported system
620 man-gnats-info texinfo documentation for the GNATS bug reported system
621 man-gnats-man manual pages source for the GNATS bug reported system
622 man-groff-catman formatted manual pages for the groff documentation formatting utility
623 man-groff-man manual pages source for the groff documentation formatting utility
624 man-hesiod-catman formatted manual pages for the HESIOD network information system
625 man-hesiod-man manual pages source for the HESIOD network information system
626 man-hfs-catman formatted manual pages for the HFS file system
627 man-hfs-man manual pages source for the HFS file system
628 man-info-share required file system structure for GNU texinfo documentation
629 man-ipf-catman formatted manual pages for the IPfilter packet filtering software
630 man-ipf-man manual pages source for the IPfilter packet filtering software
631 man-iscsi-catman formatted manual pages for NetBSD iSCSI target
632 man-iscsi-man manual pages source for NetBSD iSCSI target
633 man-isdn-catman formatted manual pages for ISDN (Integrated Services Data Networking) support
634 man-isdn-man manual pages source for ISDN (Integrated Services Data Networking) support
635 man-krb5-catman formatted manual pages for the Kerberos V network authentication system
636 man-krb5-info the GNU texinfo software
637 man-krb5-man manual pages source for the Kerberos V network authentication system
638 man-locale-catman formatted manual pages for locale support utilities
639 man-locale-man manual pages source for locale support utilities
640 man-lpr-catman formatted manual pages for printing support
641 man-lpr-man manual pages source for printing support
642 man-mail-catman formatted manual pages for mail utilities
643 man-mail-man manual pages source for mail utilities
644 man-mailwrapper-catman formatted manual pages for the mailwrapper(8) program for multiple mailer support
645 man-mailwrapper-man manual pages source for the mailwrapper(8) program for multiple mailer support
646 man-man-catman formatted manual pages for the utilities for viewing the online manual
647 man-man-man manual pages source for the utilities for viewing the online manual
648 man-miscfs-catman the GNU texinfo software
649 man-miscfs-man manual pages sources for miscellaneous file system support
650 man-net-catman formatted manual pages for networking support
651 man-net-man manual pages source for networking support
652 man-netutil-catman formatted manual pages for networking utilities
653 man-netutil-man manual pages source for networking utilities
654 man-nfsclient-catman formatted manual pages for NFS (network file system) client utilities
655 man-nfsclient-man manual pages source for NFS (network file system) client utilities
656 man-nfsserver-catman formatted manual pages for NFS (network file system) server utilities
657 man-nfsserver-man manual pages source for NFS (network file system) server utilities
658 man-nis-catman formatted manual pages for the NIS network information system utilities
659 man-nis-man manual pages source for the NIS network information system utilities
660 man-ntfs-catman formatted manual pages for the Windows NT file system support
661 man-ntfs-man manual pages source for the Windows NT file system support
662 man-ntp-catman formatted manual pages for the network time protocol utilities
663 man-ntp-man manual pages source for the network time protocol utilities
664 man-pf-catman formatted manual pages for the PF packet filter
665 man-pf-man manual page source for the PF packet filter
666 man-pkgutil-catman formatted manual pages for the package system utilities
667 man-pkgutil-man manual pages source for the package system utilities
668 man-postfix-catman formatted manual pages for the postfix mailer
669 man-postfix-man manual pages source for the postfix mailer
670 man-ppp-catman formatted manual pages for the ppp point-to-point connection protocol
671 man-ppp-man manual pages source for the ppp point-to-point connection protocol
672 man-rc-catman formatted manual pages for system startup scripts
673 man-rc-man manual pages source for system startup scripts
674 man-rcs-catman formatted manual pages for the rcs(1) revision control system
675 man-rcs-man manual pages source for the rcs(1) revision control system
676 man-reference-catman formatted manual pages for miscellaneous system- and non-system-related reference documents
677 man-reference-man manual pages source for miscellaneous system- and non-system-related reference documents
678 man-router-catman formatted manual pages for routing utilities
679 man-router-man manual pages source for routing utilities
680 man-rpcserver-catman formatted manual pages for RPC server utility
681 man-rpcserver-man manual pages source for RPC server utility
682 man-rpcutil-catman formatted manual pages for RPC utility
683 man-rpcutil-man manual pages source for RPC utility
684 man-secsh-catman formatted manual pages for the ssh(1) remote secure shell connection utility
685 man-secsh-man manual pages source for the ssh(1) remote secure shell connection utility
686 man-shlib-catman formatted manual pages for shared library support
687 man-shlib-man manual pages source for shared library support
688 man-slip-catman formatted manual pages for SLIP (serial line IP) remote access protocol
689 man-slip-man manual pages source for SLIP (serial line IP) remote access protocol
690 man-smbfs-catman formatted manual pages for SMB filesystem
691 man-smbfs-man source manual pages for SMB filesystem
692 man-sup-catman formatted manual pages for the sup(8) software update protocol
693 man-sup-man manual pages source for the sup(8) software update protocol
694 man-sys-catman formatted manual pages for base operating system functionality
695 man-sys-info the GNU texinfo software
696 man-sys-man manual pages source for base operating system functionality
697 man-sys-root required root file system structure for manual pages
698 man-sysutil-catman formatted manual pages for system utilities
699 man-sysutil-man manual pages source for system utilities
700 man-texinfo-catman formatted manual pages for texinfo utilities
701 man-texinfo-info texinfo documentation for texinfo utilities
702 man-texinfo-man source manual pages for texinfo utilities
703 man-timed-catman formatted manual pages for the timed(8) network time daemon
704 man-timed-man manual pages source for the timed(8) network time daemon
705 man-tn3270-catman formatted manual pages for utilities for connecting to IBM VM/CMS systems
706 man-tn3270-man manual pages source for utilities for connecting to IBM VM/CMS systems
707 man-tpm-catman formated manual pages for the Trusted Platform Module utilities
708 man-tpm-htmlman HTML documentation for the Trusted Platform Module utilities
709 man-tpm-man documentation for the Trusted Platform Module utilities
710 man-util-catman formatted manual pages for basic user utilities
711 man-util-info the GNU texinfo software
712 man-util-man manual pages source for basic user utilities
713 misc-amd-examples example configuration files for automatically mount file systems
714 misc-bind-examples example configuration files for bind
715 misc-bind-htmldoc HTML documentation for bind
716 misc-crypto-examples example configuration files for cryptographic software
717 misc-dhcpd-examples example configuration files for dhcpd(8)
718 misc-fstab-examples example configuration files for file system tables
719 misc-ipf-examples example configuration files for IPfilter
720 misc-isdn-examples example configuration files for isdn
721 misc-krb5-examples example configuration files for Kerberos5
722 misc-libsaslc-examples example configuration files for libsaslc
723 misc-netutil-examples example configuration files for network software
724 misc-ntp-htmldoc HTML documentation for ntp(8) software
725 misc-pf-examples example configuration files for the PF packet filter
726 misc-ntp-htmldoc HTML documentation for NTP
727 misc-postfix-examples example configuration files for postfix
728 misc-postfix-htmldoc HTML documentation for postfix
729 misc-psd-doc the Programmer's Supplementary Documentation for BSD
730 misc-reference-share miscellaneous reference documents
731 misc-router-examples example configuration files for routing daemons
732 misc-smm-doc the System Manager's Manual for BSD
733 misc-sup-examples example configuration files for sup(8)
734 misc-sys-examples example configuration files for kernel functionality
735 misc-sysutil-examples example configuration files for system utilities
736 misc-usd-doc the User's Supplementary Documents for BSD
737 misc-util-htmldoc HTML documentation for miscellaneous utilities
738 text-groff-bin Groff (GNU Troff) is a document processor which reads plain text mixed
739 text-groff-bin with formatting commands and produces formatted output. Included in this
740 text-groff-bin release are implementations of troff, pic, eqn, tbl, refer, the -man
741 text-groff-bin macros and the -ms macros, and drivers for PostScript, TeX dvi format, HP
742 text-groff-bin LaserJet 4 printers, HTML format (still alpha), and typewriter-like
743 text-groff-bin devices. Also included is a modified version of the Berkeley -me macros,
744 text-groff-bin an enhanced version of the X11 xditview previewer, and an implementation
745 text-groff-bin of the -mm macros.
746 text-groff-catman This package contains manual page sources for the groff family of text
747 text-groff-catman formatters. As described in the DESCR file for text-groff-catman, the
748 text-groff-catman online manual pages for groff contain information about the following
749 text-groff-catman groff-related utilities:
751 text-groff-catman grog - grog reads files and guesses which of the groff(1) options
752 text-groff-catman -e, -man, -me, -mm, -ms, -p, -s, and -t are required for
753 text-groff-catman printing files, and prints the groff command including those
754 text-groff-catman options on the standard output;
756 text-groff-catman troff - describes the GNU version of troff, which is part of the
757 text-groff-catman groff document formatting system;
759 text-groff-catman tbl - tbl compiles descriptions of tables embedded within troff
760 text-groff-catman input files into commands that are understood by troff;
762 text-groff-catman pic - pic compiles descriptions of pictures embedded within
763 text-groff-catman troff or TeX input files into commands that are understood by
764 text-groff-catman TeX or troff;
766 text-groff-catman eqn - compiles descriptions of equations embedded within troff
767 text-groff-catman input files into commands that are understood by troff
769 text-groff-catman soelim - eliminate .so directives from nroff input
771 text-groff-catman refer - preprocess bibliographic references for groff
773 text-groff-catman grops - translates the output of GNU troff to PostScript
775 text-groff-catman grodvi - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
777 text-groff-catman grotty - translates the output of GNU troff into a form
778 text-groff-catman suitable for typewriter-like devices
780 text-groff-catman groff_font - format of groff device and font description files
782 text-groff-catman groff_out - groff intermediate output format
784 text-groff-catman groff_ms, ms - groff ms macros
786 text-groff-catman me - macros for formatting technical papers
788 text-groff-catman groff_char - lists the standard groff input characters
791 text-groff-font This package contains groff font description files. The font files for
792 text-groff-font device <name> are stored in a directory 'dev<name>'. There are two types
793 text-groff-font of files per device: a device description file called DESC and for each
794 text-groff-font font F a font file called F. These are text files; there is no associated
795 text-groff-font binary format. Available devices are:
796 text-groff-font X100 For a 100dpi X11 previewer
797 text-groff-font X75 For a 75 dpi X11 previewer
798 text-groff-font ascii For typewriter-like devices
799 text-groff-font dvi For TeX dvi format
800 text-groff-font latin1 For typewriter-like devices using the ISO Latin-1
801 text-groff-font character set.
802 text-groff-font ps For PostScript printers and previewers
803 text-groff-man This package contains manual page sources for the groff family of text
804 text-groff-man formatters. As described in the DESCR file for text-groff-catman, the
805 text-groff-man online manual pages for groff contain information about the following
806 text-groff-man groff-related utilities:
808 text-groff-man grog - grog reads files and guesses which of the groff(1) options
809 text-groff-man -e, -man, -me, -mm, -ms, -p, -s, and -t are required for
810 text-groff-man printing files, and prints the groff command including those
811 text-groff-man options on the standard output;
813 text-groff-man troff - describes the GNU version of troff, which is part of the
814 text-groff-man groff document formatting system;
816 text-groff-man tbl - tbl compiles descriptions of tables embedded within troff
817 text-groff-man input files into commands that are understood by troff;
819 text-groff-man pic - pic compiles descriptions of pictures embedded within
820 text-groff-man troff or TeX input files into commands that are understood by
821 text-groff-man TeX or troff;
823 text-groff-man eqn - compiles descriptions of equations embedded within troff
824 text-groff-man input files into commands that are understood by troff
826 text-groff-man soelim - eliminate .so directives from nroff input
828 text-groff-man refer - preprocess bibliographic references for groff
830 text-groff-man grops - translates the output of GNU troff to PostScript
832 text-groff-man grodvi - convert groff output to TeX dvi format
834 text-groff-man grotty - translates the output of GNU troff into a form
835 text-groff-man suitable for typewriter-like devices
837 text-groff-man groff_font - format of groff device and font description files
839 text-groff-man groff_out - groff intermediate output format
841 text-groff-man groff_ms, ms - groff ms macros
843 text-groff-man me - macros for formatting technical papers
845 text-groff-man groff_char - lists the standard groff input characters
847 text-groff-share This package contains groff macros and data files for the macro sets
848 text-groff-share distributed with groff. These include:
849 text-groff-share man - wrapper for the man.old and mandoc macro sets for
850 text-groff-share displaying/printing the online manual pages;
851 text-groff-share man.old - old style manual page macros;
852 text-groff-share mandoc - a set of content-based and domain-based macros used to
853 text-groff-share format the BSD manual pages;
854 text-groff-share me, mm - formatting facility for technical papers in various
855 text-groff-share formats; mm has supports macro output in various languages other
856 text-groff-share than English;
857 text-groff-share mmse - example macro set file which generates macro output in
858 text-groff-share Swedish language;
859 text-groff-share ms - the Manuscript macros, set of macros for writing manuscripts;
860 text-texinfo-bin the GNU texinfo software
861 text-texinfo-share shared files for the GNU texinfo software