etc/protocols - sync with NetBSD-8
[minix.git] / usr.bin / units / units.lib
1 /       $NetBSD: units.lib,v 1.18 2015/09/20 15:09:06 martin Exp $
3 / primitive units
5 m                       !a!
6 kg                      !b!
7 sec                     !c!
8 coul                    !d!
9 candela                 !e!
10 dollar                  !f!
11 bit                     !h!
12 erlang                  !i!
13 K                       !j!
15 / prefixes
17 yotta-                  1e24
18 zetta-                  1e21
19 exa-                    1e18
20 peta-                   1e15
21 tera-                   1e12
22 giga-                   1e9
23 mega-                   1e6
24 myria-                  1e4
25 kilo-                   1e3
26 hecto-                  1e2
27 deka-                   1e1
28 deci-                   1e-1
29 centi-                  1e-2
30 milli-                  1e-3
31 micro-                  1e-6
32 nano-                   1e-9
33 pico-                   1e-12
34 femto-                  1e-15
35 atto-                   1e-18
36 zopto-                  1e-21
37 yocto-                  1e-24
39 semi-                   .5
40 demi-                   .5
42 Y-                      yotta
43 Z-                      zetta
44 E-                      exa
45 P-                      peta
46 T-                      tera
47 G-                      giga
48 M-                      mega
49 k-                      kilo
50 h-                      hecto
51 da-                     deka
52 d-                      deci
53 c-                      centi
54 m-                      milli
55 p-                      pico
56 f-                      femto
57 a-                      atto
58 z-                      zopto
59 y-                      yocto
61 / constants
63 fuzz                    1
64 pi                      3.14159265358979323846
65 c                       2.99792458e+8 m/sec fuzz
66 g                       9.80665 m/sec2
67 au                      1.49597871e+11 m fuzz
68 mole                    6.022169e+23 fuzz
69 e                       1.6021917e-19 coul fuzz
70 energy                  c2
71 force                   g
72 mercury                 1.33322e+5 kg/m2-sec2
73 hg                      mercury
75 / dimensionless
77 radian                  .5 / pi
78 degree                  1|180 pi-radian
79 circle                  2 pi-radian
80 turn                    2 pi-radian
81 revolution                      turn
82 rev                     turn
83 grade                   .9 degree
84 arcdeg                  1 degree
85 arcmin                  1|60 arcdeg
86 ccs                     1|36 erlang
87 arcsec                  1|60 arcmin
89 steradian               radian2
90 sphere                  4 pi-steradian
91 sr                      steradian
93 / Time
95 second                  sec
96 s                       sec
97 minute                  60 sec
98 min                     minute
99 hour                    60 min
100 hr                      hour
101 day                     24 hr
102 da                      day
103 week                    7 day
104 year                    365.24219879 day fuzz
105 yr                      year
106 month                   1|12 year
107 ms                      millisec
108 us                      microsec
110 / Mass
112 gram                    millikg
113 gm                      gram
114 mg                      milligram
115 metricton               kilokg
117 / Avoirdupois
119 lb                      .45359237 kg
120 pound                   lb
121 lbf                     lb g
122 ounce                   1|16 lb
123 oz                      ounce
124 dram                    1|16 oz
125 dr                      dram
126 grain                   1|7000 lb
127 gr                      grain
128 shortton                2000 lb
129 ton                     shortton
130 longton                 2240 lb
132 / Apothecary
134 scruple                 20 grain
135 apdram                  60 grain
136 apounce                 480 grain
137 appound                 5760 grain
138 troypound               appound
140 / Length
142 meter                   m
143 cm                      centimeter
144 mm                      millimeter
145 km                      kilometer
146 nm                      nanometer
147 micron                  micrometer
148 angstrom                decinanometer
150 inch                    2.54 cm
151 in                      inch
152 foot                    12 in
153 feet                    foot
154 ft                      foot
155 yard                    3 ft
156 yd                      yard
157 rod                     5.5 yd
158 rd                      rod
159 mile                    5280 ft
160 mi                      mile
162 british                 1200|3937 m/ft
163 nmile                   1852 m
165 acre                    4840 yd2
167 cc                      cm3
168 liter                   kilocc
169 ml                      milliliter
171 / US Liquid
173 gallon                  231 in3
174 imperial                1.20095
175 gal                     gallon
176 quart                   1|4 gal
177 qt                      quart
178 pint                    1|2 qt
179 pt                      pint
181 floz                    1|16 pt
182 fldr                    1|8 floz
184 / US Dry
186 dry                     268.8025 in3/gallon fuzz
187 peck                    8 dry-quart
188 pk                      peck
189 bushel                  4 peck
190 bu                      bushel
191 chaldron                36 bushel
193 / British
195 brgallon                277.420 in3 fuzz
196 brquart                 1|4 brgallon
197 brpint                  1|2 brquart
198 brfloz                  1|20 brpint
199 brpeck                  554.84 in3 fuzz
200 brbushel                4 brpeck
202 / Bottles
204 bottle                  750 milliliter
205 /bottle                 fifth
207 miniature               100 milliliter
208 split                   1|4 bottle
209 half                    1|2 bottle
210 magnum                  2 bottle
211 jeroboam                4 bottle
212 rehoboam                6 bottle
213 methuselah              8 bottle
214 salmanazar              12 bottle
215 balthazar               16 bottle
216 nebuchadnezzar          20 bottle
217 sovereign               34 bottle
219 / Bottles - alternate names and spellings
221 pony                    split
222 fillette                half
223 tappithen               3 bottle
224 rheoboam                rehoboam
225 shalmaneser             salmanazar
227 / Energy Work
229 newton                  kg-m/sec2
230 nt                      newton
231 N                       newton
232 joule                   nt-m
233 cal                     4.1868 joule
235 / Electrical
237 coulomb                 coul
238 C                       coul
239 ampere                  coul/sec
240 amp                     ampere
241 watt                    joule/sec
242 volt                    watt/amp
243 ohm                     volt/amp
244 mho                     /ohm
245 farad                   coul/volt
246 henry                   sec2/farad
247 weber                   volt-sec
249 / Light
251 cd                      candela
252 lumen                   cd sr
253 lux                     cd sr/m2
255 / Wall Street Journal, July 2, 1993
257 $                       dollar
258 argentinapeso           $
259 australiadollar         .66 $
260 bahraindinar            2.6522 $
261 brazilcruzeiro          .000019 $
262 britainpound            1.49 $
263 canadadollar            .77 $
264 czechkoruna             .034 $
265 chilepeso               .0025 $
266 chinarenminbi           .174856 $
267 colombiapeso            .001495 $
268 denmarkkrone            .15 $
269 ecuadorsucre            .000539 $
270 europeeuro              0.9142 $
271 greatbritainpound       britainpound
272 hongkongdollar          .13  $
273 hungaryforint           .011 $
274 indiarupee              .03211 $
275 indonesiarupiah         .0004782 $
276 israelshekel            .3642 $
277 japanyen                .0093 $
278 jordandinar             1.4682 $
279 kuwaitdinar             3.3173 $
280 lebanonpound            .000578 $
281 malaysiaringgit         .338 $
282 maltalira               2.6042 $
283 mexicopeso              .3205128 $
284 newzealanddollar        .539 $
285 norwaykrone             .139 $
286 pakistanrupee           .037 $
287 perunewsol              .5065 $
288 philippinespeso         .03738 $
289 polandzloty             .000059 $
290 saudiarabiariyal        .26702 $
291 singaporedollar         .6157 $
292 slovakkoruna            .034 $
293 southafricarand         .21 $
294 southkoreawon           .001 $
295 swedenkrona             .13 $
296 switzerlandfranc        .66 $
297 taiwandollar            .038285 $
298 thailandbaht            .03962 $
299 turkeylira              .0000929 $
300 unitedarabdirham        .2723 $
301 uruguaynewpeso          .246852 $
302 venezuelabolivar        .011 $
304 / The following currencies are locked to the Euro:
305 / <URL:>
306 belgiumfranc            1|40.3399 euro
307 germanymark             1|1.95583 euro
308 spainpeseta             1|166.386 euro
309 francefranc             1|6.55957 euro
310 irelandpunt             1|.787564 euro
311 italylira               1|1936.27 euro
312 luxembourgfranc         1|40.3399 euro
313 netherlandsguilder      1|2.20371 euro
314 austriaschilling        1|13.7603 euro
315 portugalescudo          1|200.482 euro
316 finlandmarkka           1|5.94573 euro
317 greecedrachma           1|340.750 euro
319 mark                    germanymark
320 euro                    europeeuro
321 bolivar                 venezuelabolivar
322 peseta                  spainpeseta
323 rand                    southafricarand
324 escudo                  portugalescudo
325 newsol                  perunewsol
326 guilder                 netherlandsguilder
327 hollandguilder          netherlandsguilder
328 peso                    mexicopeso
329 yen                     japanyen
330 lira                    italylira
331 rupee                   indiarupee
332 drachma                 greecedrachma
333 franc                   francefranc
334 markka                  finlandmarkka
335 sucre                   ecuadorsucre
336 poundsterling           britainpound
337 cruzeiro                brazilcruzeiro
339 / computer
341 baud                    bit/sec
342 byte                    8 bit
343 block                   512 byte
344 kbyte                   1024 byte
345 megabyte                1024 kbyte
346 gigabyte                1024 megabyte
347 meg                     megabyte
348 terabyte                1024 gigabyte
349 petabyte                1024 terabyte
352 / Trivia
354 %                       1|100
355 admiraltyknot           6080 ft/hr
356 apostilb                cd/pi-m2
357 are                     1e+2 m2
358 arpentcan               27.52 mi
359 arpentlin               191.835 ft
360 astronomicalunit        au
361 atmosphere              1.01325e+5 nt/m2
362 atm                     atmosphere
363 atomicmassunit          1.66044e-27 kg fuzz
364 amu                     atomicmassunit
365 bag                     94 lb
366 bakersdozen             13
367 bar                     1e+5 nt/m2
368 barie                   1e-1 nt/m2
369 barleycorn              1|3 in
370 barn                    1e-28 m2
371 barrel                  42 gal
372 barye                   1e-1 nt/m2
373 bev                     1e+9 e-volt
374 biot                    10 amp
375 blondel                 cd/pi-m2
376 boardfoot               144 in3
377 bolt                    40 yd
378 bottommeasure           1|40 in
379 britishthermalunit      1.05506e+3 joule fuzz
380 btu                     britishthermalunit
381 refrigeration           12000 btu/ton-hour
382 buck                    dollar
383 Ci                      curie
384 cable                   720 ft
385 caliber                 1e-2 in
386 calorie                 cal
387 carat                   205 mg
388 caratgold               1|24
389 cent                    centidollar
390 cental                  100 lb
391 centesimalminute        1e-2 grade
392 centesimalsecond        1e-4 grade
393 century                 100 year
394 cfs                     ft3/sec
395 chain                   66 ft
396 circularinch            1|4 pi-in2
397 circularmil             1e-6|4 pi-in2
398 clusec                  1e-8 mm-hg m3/s
399 coomb                   4 bu
400 cord                    128 ft3
401 cordfoot                cord
402 crith                   9.06e-2 gm
403 cubit                   18 in
404 cup                     1|2 pt
405 curie                   3.7e+10 /sec
406 dalton                  amu
407 decade                  10 yr
408 diopter                 /m
409 displacementton         35 ft3
410 doppelzentner           100 kg
411 dozen                   12
412 drop                    .03 cm3
413 dyne                    cm-gm/sec2
414 electronvolt            e-volt
415 ell                     45 in
416 engineerschain          100 ft
417 engineerslink           100|100 ft
418 equivalentfootcandle    lumen/pi-ft2
419 equivalentlux           lumen/pi-m2
420 equivalentphot          cd/pi-cm2
421 erg                     cm2-gm/sec2
422 ev                      e-volt
423 faraday                 9.652e+4 coul
424 fathom                  6 ft
425 fermi                   1e-15 m
426 fifth                   4|5 qt
427 fin                     5 dollar
428 finger                  7|8 in
429 firkin                  9 gal
430 footcandle              lumen/ft2
431 footlambert             cd/pi-ft2
432 fortnight               14 da
433 franklin                3.33564e-10 coul
434 frigorie                kilocal
435 furlong                 220 yd
436 Gy                      gray
437 galileo                 1e-2 m/sec2
438 gamma                   1e-9 weber/m2
439 gauss                   1e-4 weber/m2
440 geodeticfoot            british-ft
441 geographicalmile        1852 m
442 gilbert                 7.95775e-1 amp
443 gill                    1|4 pt
444 gray                    joule/kg
445 gross                   144
446 gunterschain            22 yd
447 hand                    4 in
448 hectare                 1e+4 m2
449 hefnercandle            .92 cd
450 hertz                   /sec
451 Hz                      hertz
452 hogshead                63 gallon
453 hd                      hogshead
454 homestead               1|4 mi2
455 horsepower              550 ft-lb-g/sec
456 hp                      horsepower
457 hyl                     gm force sec2/m
458 hz                      /sec
459 imaginarycubicfoot      1.4 ft3
460 karat                   1|24
461 kcal                    kilocal
462 kcalorie                kilocal
463 kev                     1e+3 e-volt
464 key                     kg
465 khz                     1e+3 /sec
466 kilderkin               18 gal
467 knot                    nmile/hr
468 lambert                 cd/pi-cm2
469 langley                 cal/cm2
470 last                    80 bu
471 league                  3 mi
472 lightyear               c-yr
473 line                    1|12 in
474 link                    66|100 ft
475 longhundredweight       112 lb
476 longquarter             28 lb
477 lusec                   1e-6 mm-hg m3/s
478 mach                    331.46 m/sec
479 marineleague            3 nmile
480 maxwell                 1e-8 weber
481 metriccarat             200 mg
482 mgd                     megagal/day
483 mh                      millihenry
484 mhz                     1e+6 /sec
485 mil                     1e-3 in
486 millennium              1000 year
487 minersinch              1.5 ft3/min
488 minim                   1|60 fldr
489 mo                      month
490 mpg                     mile/gal
491 mph                     mile/hr
492 nail                    1|16 yd
493 nauticalmile            nmile
494 nit                     cd/m2
495 noggin                  1|8 qt
496 nox                     1e-3 lux
497 ns                      nanosec
498 oersted                 2.5e+2 pi-amp/m
499 oe                      oersted
500 pace                    36 in
501 palm                    3 in
502 parasang                3.5 mi
503 parsec                  au-radian/arcsec
504 pascal                  nt/m2
505 pc                      parsec
506 pennyweight             1|20 oz
507 pwt                     pennyweight
508 percent                 %
509 perch                   rd
510 pf                      picofarad
511 phot                    lumen/cm2
512 pica                    1|6 in
513 pieze                   1e+3 nt/m2
514 pipe                    4 barrel
515 point                   1|72 in
516 poise                   gm/cm-sec
517 pole                    rd
518 poundal                 ft-lb/sec2
519 pdl                     poundal
520 proof                   1|200
521 psi                     lb-g/in2
522 quarter                 9 in
523 quartersection          1|4 mi2
524 quintal                 100 kg
525 quire                   25
526 R                       roentgen
527 rackunit                1.75 in
528 rad                     100 erg/gm
529 ream                    500
530 registerton             100 ft3
531 rem                     1e-2 sievert
532 rhe                     10 m2/nt-sec
533 roentgen                2.58e-4 coulomb/kg
534 rontgen                 roentgen
535 rood                    1.21e+3 yd
536 rope                    20 ft
537 RU                      rackunit
538 rutherford              1e+6 /sec
539 rydberg                 1.36054e+1 ev
540 Sv                      sievert
541 sabin                   1 ft2
542 sack                    3 bu
543 score                   20
544 seam                    8 bu
545 section                 mi2
546 shed                    1e-24 barn
547 shippington             40 ft3
548 shorthundredweight      100 lb
549 shortquarter            25 lb
550 siemens                 /ohm
551 sievert                 joule/kg
552 sigma                   microsec
553 skein                   120 yd
554 skot                    1e-3 apostilb
555 slug                    lb-g-sec2/ft
556 smoot                   67 in
557 span                    9 in
558 spat                    4 pi sr
559 spindle                 14400 yd
560 square                  100 ft2
561 stere                   m3
562 sthene                  1e+3 nt
563 stilb                   cd/cm2
564 stoke                   1e-4 m2/sec
565 stone                   14 lb
566 strike                  2 bu
567 surveyfoot              british-ft
568 surveyyard              3 surveyfoot
569 surveyorschain          66 ft
570 surveyorslink           66|100 ft
571 tablespoon              4 fldr
572 teaspoon                4|3 fldr
573 tesla                   weber/m2
574 therm                   1e+5 btu
575 thermie                 1e+6 cal
576 timberfoot              ft3
577 tnt                     4.6e+6 m2/sec2
578 tonne                   1e+6 gm
579 torr                    mm hg
580 township                36 mi2
581 tun                     8 barrel
582 U                       rackunit
583 water                   gram g / cc
584 wey                     40 bu
585 weymass                 252 lb
586 Xunit                   1.00202e-13 m
587 k                       1.38047e-16 erg/degC
590 degC                    K
591 kelvin                  K
592 brewster                1e-12 m2/newton
593 degF                    5|9 degC
594 degreesrankine          degF
595 degrankine              degreesrankine
596 degreerankine           degF
597 degreaumur              10|8 degC
598 drachm                  60 grain
599 poncelet                100 kg m g / sec
600 denier                  .05|450 gram / m
601 tex                     .001 gram / m
602 englishell              45 inch
603 scottishell             37.2 inch
604 flemishell              27 inch
605 planck                  6.626e-34 joule-sec
606 hbar                    1.055e-34 joule-sec
607 electronmass            9.1095e-31 kg
608 protonmass              1.6726e-27 kg
609 neutronmass             1.6606e-27 kg
610 V                       volt
611 eV                      e V
612 bohrradius              hbar2-C2/8.988e9 N m2-e2-electronmass
613 becquerel               1|3.7e10 curie
614 fresnel                 1e12 hertz
615 statcoul                1|2.99792458e9 coul
616 statamp                 1|2.99792458e9 amp
617 statvolt                2.99792458e2 volt
618 statcoulomb             statcoul
619 statampere              statamp
620 debye                   3.336e-30 coul-m
621 pulsatance              2 pi/sec
622 rpm                     rev/minute
623 rps                     rev/sec
624 kilohm                  kiloohm
625 megohm                  megaohm
626 siderealyear            365.256360417 day
627 siderealday             23.934469444 hour
628 siderealhour            1|24 siderealday
629 lunarmonth              29.5305555 day
630 synodicmonth            lunarmonth
631 siderealmonth           27.32152777 day
632 tropicalyear            year
633 solaryear               year
634 lunaryear               12 lunarmonth
635 cran                    37.5 brgallon
636 kip                     1000 lbf
637 frenchfoot              16|15 ft
638 frenchfeet              frenchfoot
639 toise                   6 frenchfeet
640 candle                  1.02 candela
641 militarypace            2.5 feet
642 metre                   meter
643 litre                   liter
644 gramme                  gram
645 iudiptheria             62.8 microgram
646 iupenicillin            .6 microgram
647 iuinsulin               41.67 microgram
648 cottonyarncount         2520 ft/pound
649 linenyarncount          900 ft/pound
650 worstedyarncount        1680 ft/pound
651 metricyarncount         meter/gram
652 jewlerspoint            2 milligram