3 This is how a comment looks: # comment
5 make: "cond1" line 75: warning: extra else
6 make: "cond1" line 85: warning: extra else
8 A='other' B='unknown' C='clever' o='no,no'
14 !((var != var) && defined(name))
23 make: warning: String comparison operator should be either == or !=
24 make: Bad conditional expression `"0" > 0' in "0" > 0?OK:No
27 UT_DOLLAR=This is $UT_FU
28 UT_FOO=foobar is fubar
32 UT_ALL=even this gets exported
33 UT_DOLLAR=This is $UT_FU
35 UT_FOO=foobar is fubar
65 make: Graph cycles through `cycle.2.99'
66 make: Graph cycles through `cycle.2.98'
67 make: Graph cycles through `cycle.2.97'
71 Expect: Unknown modifier 'Z'
72 make: Unknown modifier 'Z'
74 Expect: Unknown modifier 'Z'
75 make: Unknown modifier 'Z'
77 Expect: Unclosed variable specification for VAR
78 make: Unclosed variable specification (expecting '}') for "VAR" (value "Thevariable") modifier S
79 VAR:S,V,v,=Thevariable
80 Expect: Unclosed variable specification for VAR
81 make: Unclosed variable specification after complex modifier (expecting '}') for VAR
82 VAR:S,V,v,=Thevariable
83 Expect: Unclosed substitution for VAR (, missing)
84 make: Unclosed substitution for VAR (, missing)
86 LIB=a X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "/tmp/liba.a"
87 LIB=a X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "/tmp/liba.a"
88 LIB=a X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "/TMP/LIBA.A"
89 LIB=b X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is ""
90 LIB=b X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is ""
91 LIB=b X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is ""
92 LIB=c X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is ""
93 LIB=c X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is ""
94 LIB=c X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is ""
95 LIB=d X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "/tmp/libd.a"
96 LIB=d X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "/tmp/libd.a"
97 LIB=d X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "/TMP/LIBD.A"
98 LIB=e X_LIBS:M${LIB${LIB:tu}} is "/tmp/libe.a"
99 LIB=e X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a is "/tmp/libe.a"
100 LIB=e X_LIBS:M*/lib${LIB}.a:tu is "/TMP/LIBE.A"
102 path=':/bin:/usr/bin::/sbin:/usr/sbin:.:/home/user/bin:.'
103 path='/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/user/bin'
104 path='/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/homes/user/bin'
105 path='/bin':'/usr/bin':'/sbin':'/usr/sbin':'/home/user/bin'
106 path='/bin':'/usr/bin':'/sbin':'/usr/sbin':'/homes/user/bin'
107 path_/usr/xbin=/opt/xbin/
108 paths=/bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /homes/user/bin /opt/xbin
110 LIST = one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
111 LIST:O = eight five four nine one seven six ten three two
116 make: Bad modifier `:OX' for LIST
118 make: Bad modifier `:OxXX' for LIST
120 LIST="one two three four five six"
121 LIST:ts,="one,two,three,four,five,six"
126 LIST:ts:="one:two:three:four:five:six"
127 LIST:ts="onetwothreefourfivesix"
128 LIST:ts:S/two/2/="one2threefourfivesix"
129 LIST:S/two/2/:ts="one2threefourfivesix"
130 LIST:ts/:S/two/2/="one/2/three/four/five/six"
131 Pretend the '/' in '/n' etc. below are back-slashes.
138 LIST:ts/t="one two three four five six"
145 make: Bad modifier `:tx' for LIST
147 make: Bad modifier `:ts\x' for LIST
148 LIST:ts/x:tu="\x:tu}"
150 FU_mod-ts:ts:T="cool" == cool?
151 B.${AAA:ts}="Baaa" == Baaa?
152 make: Bad modifier `:[]' for LIST
153 LIST:[]="" is an error
154 LIST:[0]="one two three four five six"
155 LIST:[0x0]="one two three four five six"
156 LIST:[000]="one two three four five six"
157 LIST:[*]="one two three four five six"
158 LIST:[@]="one two three four five six"
159 LIST:[0]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six"
160 LIST:[0]:C/ /,/g="one,two,three,four,five,six"
161 LIST:[0]:C/ /,/1g="one,two,three,four,five,six"
162 LIST:[*]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six"
163 LIST:[*]:C/ /,/g="one,two,three,four,five,six"
164 LIST:[*]:C/ /,/1g="one,two,three,four,five,six"
165 LIST:[@]:C/ /,/="one two three four five six"
166 LIST:[@]:C/ /,/g="one two three four five six"
167 LIST:[@]:C/ /,/1g="one two three four five six"
168 LIST:[@]:[0]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six"
169 LIST:[0]:[@]:C/ /,/="one two three four five six"
170 LIST:[@]:[*]:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six"
171 LIST:[*]:[@]:C/ /,/="one two three four five six"
175 ESCAPEDSPACE:[#]="1" == 1 ?
177 REALLYSPACE:[#]="1" == 1 ?
179 LIST:[0]:[#]="1" == 1 ?
180 LIST:[*]:[#]="1" == 1 ?
186 ESCAPEDSPACE:[1]="\ "
188 REALLYSPACE:[1]="" == "" ?
189 REALLYSPACE:[*]:[1]=" " == " " ?
191 make: Bad modifier `:[1.]' for LIST
192 LIST:[1.]="" is an error
193 make: Bad modifier `:[1].' for LIST
194 LIST:[1].="}" is an error
199 make: Bad modifier `:[-]' for LIST
200 LIST:[-]="" is an error
201 make: Bad modifier `:[--]' for LIST
202 LIST:[--]="" is an error
211 LIST:[0]:[1]="one two three four five six"
212 LIST:[*]:[1]="one two three four five six"
217 LIST:[*]:C/ /,/:[2]=""
218 LIST:[*]:C/ /,/:[*]:[2]=""
219 LIST:[*]:C/ /,/:[@]:[2]="three"
220 make: Bad modifier `:[1.]' for LIST
221 LIST:[1.]="" is an error
222 make: Bad modifier `:[1..]' for LIST
223 LIST:[1..]="" is an error
225 make: Bad modifier `:[1..1.]' for LIST
226 LIST:[1..1.]="" is an error
227 LIST:[1..2]="one two"
228 LIST:[2..1]="two one"
229 LIST:[3..-2]="three four five"
230 LIST:[-4..4]="three four"
231 make: Bad modifier `:[0..1]' for LIST
232 LIST:[0..1]="" is an error
233 make: Bad modifier `:[-1..0]' for LIST
234 LIST:[-1..0]="" is an error
235 LIST:[-1..1]="six five four three two one"
236 LIST:[0..0]="one two three four five six"
237 LIST:[3..99]="three four five six"
238 LIST:[-3..-99]="four three two one"
239 LIST:[-99..-3]="one two three four"
242 LIST:[${ZERO}]="one two three four five six"
243 LIST:[${ZERO}x${ONE}]="one"
245 LIST:[${MINUSONE}]="six"
246 LIST:[${STAR}]="one two three four five six"
247 LIST:[${AT}]="one two three four five six"
248 make: Bad modifier `:[${EMPTY' for LIST
249 LIST:[${EMPTY}]="" is an error
250 LIST:[${LONGLIST:[21]:S/2//}]="one"
251 LIST:[${LIST:[#]}]="six"
252 LIST:[${LIST:[${HASH}]}]="six"
253 LIST:S/ /,/="one two three four five six"
254 LIST:S/ /,/W="one,two three four five six"
255 LIST:S/ /,/gW="one,two,three,four,five,six"
258 LIST:C/ /,/="one two three four five six"
259 LIST:C/ /,/W="one,two three four five six"
260 LIST:C/ /,/gW="one,two,three,four,five,six"
263 LIST:tW="one two three four five six"
264 LIST:tw="one two three four five six"
265 LIST:tW:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six"
266 LIST:tW:C/ /,/g="one,two,three,four,five,six"
267 LIST:tW:C/ /,/1g="one,two,three,four,five,six"
268 LIST:tw:C/ /,/="one two three four five six"
269 LIST:tw:C/ /,/g="one two three four five six"
270 LIST:tw:C/ /,/1g="one two three four five six"
271 LIST:tw:tW:C/ /,/="one,two three four five six"
272 LIST:tW:tw:C/ /,/="one two three four five six"
273 Posix says we should execute the command as if run by system(3)
274 Expect 'Hello,' and 'World!'
278 a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n
282 echo "a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n"
283 a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n
288 echo "a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n"
289 a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n
290 { echo another command
292 Now we expect an error...
293 *** Error code 1 (continuing)
294 `all' not remade because of errors.
296 The answer is unknown
297 The answer is unknown
305 UT_DOLLAR=This is $UT_FU
309 default FU=<v>fu</v> FOO=<v>foo</v> VAR=<v></v>
310 two FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v></v>
311 three FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v></v>
312 four FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v>Internal</v>
313 five FU=<v>bar</v> FOO=<v>goo</v> VAR=<v>Internal</v>
316 show-v v=override k=override