improve behaviour under VPC, fixes from nicolas tittley.
[minix.git] / commands / elle / deffun.e
1 ;;;
2 ;;; ELLE Master Function Definition file - "deffun.e"
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This file serves as input to the ellec program. It defines
5 ;;; all ELLE functions which may serve as keyboard-bound user commands.
6 ;;;
7 ;;; Format: (efun <Index> <Name> <Routine> <Module>)
8 ;;; Index - an unique index # (used only within ELLE)
9 ;;; Name - an unique string identifying this function to the user.
10 ;;; Routine - the C routine implementing the function within ELLE.
11 ;;; Module - the name of the C source file that the routine is in.
12 ;;;
13 ;;; The following definitions are roughly organized by object.
14 ;;; All functions that emulate EMACS functions are given names identical
15 ;;; to the EMACS function names. For historical reasons these names
16 ;;; are not as consistent as they could be (sigh).
17 ;;; Those which have no exact counterpart in EMACS are identified by comments.
19 (undefall) ; Ensure all predefined stuff is cleared out.
21 ; Simple Insertion
22 (efun 1 "Insert Self" f_insself eef1)
23 (efun 2 "Quoted Insert" f_quotins eef1)
24 (efun 3 "CRLF" f_crlf eef1)
26 ; Characters
27 (efun 4 "Forward Character" f_fchar eef1)
28 (efun 5 "Backward Character" f_bchar eef1)
29 (efun 6 "Delete Character" f_dchar eef1)
30 (efun 7 "Backward Delete Character" f_bdchar eef1)
31 (efun 8 "Delete Horizontal Space" f_delspc eef1)
32 (efun 9 "Transpose Characters" f_tchars eef1)
34 ; Words
35 (efun 10 "Forward Word" f_fword eef1)
36 (efun 11 "Backward Word" f_bword eef1)
37 (efun 12 "Kill Word" f_kword eef1)
38 (efun 13 "Backward Kill Word" f_bkword eef1)
39 (efun 14 "Transpose Words" f_twords eef1)
40 (efun 15 "Uppercase Word" f_ucword eef1)
41 (efun 16 "Lowercase Word" f_lcword eef1)
42 (efun 17 "Uppercase Initial" f_uciword eef1)
43 ; 18-19 reserved
45 ; Lines
46 (efun 20 "Beginning of Line" f_begline eef2)
47 (efun 21 "End of Line" f_endline eef2)
48 (efun 22 "Next Line" f_nxtline eef2)
49 (efun 23 "Previous Line" f_prvline eef2)
50 (efun 24 "Down Real Line" f_dnrline eef2)
51 (efun 25 "Up Real Line" f_uprline eef2)
52 (efun 26 "Open Line" f_oline eef2)
53 (efun 27 "Delete Blank Lines" f_delblines eef2)
54 (efun 28 "Kill Line" f_kline eef2)
55 (efun 29 "Backward Kill Line" f_bkline eef2) ; not EMACS
56 (efun 30 "Goto Line" f_goline eef2) ; not EMACS
57 ; 31-34 reserved
59 ; Regions
60 (efun 35 "Set/Pop Mark" f_setmark eef2)
61 (efun 36 "Exchange Point and Mark" f_exchmark eef2)
62 (efun 37 "Kill Region" f_kregion eef2)
63 (efun 38 "Copy Region" f_copreg eef2)
64 (efun 39 "Uppercase Region" f_ucreg eef2)
65 (efun 40 "Lowercase Region" f_lcreg eef2)
66 (efun 41 "Fill Region" f_fillreg eef2)
67 ; 42-44 reserved
69 ; Paragraphs
70 (efun 45 "Forward Paragraph" f_fpara eef2)
71 (efun 46 "Backward Paragraph" f_bpara eef2)
72 (efun 47 "Mark Paragraph" f_mrkpara eef2)
73 (efun 48 "Fill Paragraph" f_fillpara eef2)
74 ; 49 reserved
76 ; Buffers
77 (efun 50 "Select Buffer" f_selbuffer eebuff)
78 (efun 51 "Select Existing Buffer" f_selxbuffer eebuff) ; not EMACS
79 (efun 52 "Kill Buffer" f_kbuffer eebuff)
80 (efun 53 "List Buffers" f_listbufs eebuff)
81 (efun 54 "Buffer Not Modified" f_bufnotmod eebuff)
82 (efun 55 "EOL CRLF Mode" f_eolmode eebuff) ; ELLE
83 (efun 56 "Goto Beginning" f_gobeg eebuff)
84 (efun 57 "Goto End" f_goend eebuff)
85 (efun 58 "What Page" f_whatpage eebuff)
86 ; 59 reserved
88 ; Files
89 (efun 60 "Find File" f_ffile eefile)
90 (efun 61 "Read File" f_rfile eefile)
91 (efun 62 "Visit File" f_vfile eefile)
92 (efun 63 "Insert File" f_ifile eefile)
93 (efun 64 "Save File" f_sfile eefile)
94 (efun 65 "Save All Files" f_savefiles eebuff)
95 (efun 66 "Write File" f_wfile eefile)
96 (efun 67 "Write Region" f_wreg eefile)
97 (efun 68 "Write Last Kill" f_wlastkill eefile) ; not EMACS
98 ; 69 reserved
100 ; Windows
101 (efun 70 "Two Windows" f_2winds eebuff)
102 (efun 71 "One Window" f_1wind eebuff)
103 (efun 72 "Other Window" f_othwind eebuff)
104 (efun 73 "Grow Window" f_growind eebuff)
105 (efun 74 "Shrink Window" f_shrinkwind eebuff) ; not EMACS
106 (efun 75 "Delete Window" f_delwind eebuff) ; not EMACS
107 (efun 76 "Standout Window" f_sowind eebuff) ; ELLE
108 (efun 77 "Two Mode Windows" f_2modewinds eebuff) ; ELLE
110 ; Window Positioning
111 (efun 78 "New Window" f_newwin eefd)
112 (efun 79 "Next Screen" f_nscreen eefd)
113 (efun 80 "Previous Screen" f_pscreen eefd)
114 (efun 81 "Other New Screen" f_othnscreen eefd) ; not EMACS
115 (efun 82 "Line to Window Border" f_lwindbord eefd) ; not EMACS
116 (efun 83 "Scroll Window Up" f_scupwind eefd) ; not EMACS
117 (efun 84 "Scroll Window Down" f_scdnwind eefd) ; not EMACS
118 (efun 85 "Move to Window Top" f_mvwtop eefd) ; not EMACS
119 (efun 86 "Move to Window Bottom" f_mvwbot eefd) ; not EMACS
120 ; 87-89 reserved
122 ; Command Input
123 (efun 90 "Set Profile" f_setprof eecmds) ; ELLE
124 (efun 91 "Prefix Meta" f_pfxmeta eecmds)
125 (efun 92 "Prefix Extend" f_pfxext eecmds)
126 (efun 93 "Universal Arg" f_uarg eecmds)
127 (efun 94 "Negative Argument" f_negarg eecmds)
128 (efun 95 "Argument Digit" f_argdig eecmds)
129 (efun 96 "VT100 Button Hack" f_vtbuttons eecmds) ; not EMACS
131 ; Help
132 (efun 97 "Describe" f_describe eehelp)
133 ; 98-99 reserved
135 ; Keyboard Macros
136 (efun 100 "Start Kbd Macro" f_skmac eekmac)
137 (efun 101 "End Kbd Macro" f_ekmac eekmac)
138 (efun 102 "Execute Kbd Macro" f_xkmac eekmac)
139 (efun 103 "View Kbd Macro" f_vkmac eekmac)
140 ; 104 reserved
142 ; Killing
143 (efun 105 "Un-kill" f_unkill eef3)
144 (efun 106 "Un-kill Pop" f_unkpop eef3)
145 (efun 107 "Append Next Kill" f_appnkill eef3)
146 ; 108-109 reserved
148 ; Searching
149 (efun 110 "String Search" f_srch eesrch)
150 (efun 111 "Reverse String Search" f_rsrch eesrch)
151 (efun 112 "Incremental Search" f_isrch eesrch)
152 (efun 113 "Reverse Search" f_risrch eesrch)
154 ; Query Replace & friends
155 (efun 114 "Replace String" f_repstr eequer)
156 (efun 115 "Query Replace" f_querep eequer)
157 (efun 116 "Replace in Line" f_repline eequer) ; not EMACS
159 ; Fill Mode
160 (efun 117 "Set Fill Column" f_sfcol eefill)
161 (efun 118 "Set Fill Prefix" f_sfpref eefill)
162 (efun 119 "Auto Fill Mode" f_fillmode eefill)
163 (efun 120 "Text Mode" f_textmode eefill) ; IMAGEN
165 ; Indentation
166 (efun 121 "Indent According to Mode" f_indatm eef3)
167 (efun 122 "Indent New Line" f_indnl eef3)
168 (efun 123 "Back to Indentation" f_backind eef3)
169 (efun 124 "Indent for Comment" f_indcomm eef3)
170 (efun 125 "Indent Relative" f_indrel eef3)
171 ; 126-128 reserved
173 ; Miscellaneous
174 (efun 129 "Match Bracket" f_matchbrack eef3) ; not EMACS
176 ; Process Control
177 (efun 130 "Push to Inferior" f_pshinf eemain)
178 (efun 131 "Return to Superior" f_retsup eemain)
179 (efun 132 "Write File Exit" f_wfexit eemain) ; not EMACS
180 ; 133-139 reserved
182 ; ELLE Debugging
183 (efun 140 "Hit Breakpoint" f_bkpt eeerr) ; ELLE
184 (efun 141 "Debug Mode" f_debug eediag) ; ELLE
185 ; 142-149 reserved
186 ;---------------------------------------------------------------
188 ; IMAGEN configuration only
189 (efun 150 "Execute Unix Command" f_xucmd eemake) ; IMAGEN
190 (efun 151 "Execute Make" f_make eemake) ; IMAGEN
191 (efun 152 "Find Next Error" f_nxterr eemake) ; IMAGEN
193 ; ICONOGRAPHICS-specific
194 (efun 153 "ICO Extend Command" f_icoxcmd eefico) ; ICONOGRAPHICS
195 (efun 154 "ICO Typeset Funs" f_icotypfns eefico) ; ICONOGRAPHICS
196 (efun 155 "ICO Spec Input Funs" f_icospifns eefico) ; ICONOGRAPHICS
198 ; SUN Mouse functions
199 (efun 156 "Stuff Selection" f_stuffsel eesun) ; SUN
200 (efun 157 "Select Region" f_selregion eesun) ; SUN