1 The "wildcard" DLZ module provides a "template" zone for domains matching
2 a wildcard name. For example, the following DLZ configuration would match
3 any zone name containing the string "example" and ending with .com, such
4 as "thisexample.com", "exampleofthat.com", or "anexampleoftheotherthing.com".
7 database "dlopen ../dlz_wildcard_dynamic.so
8 *example*.com 10.53.* 1800
9 @ 3600 SOA {ns3.example.nil. support.example.nil. 42 14400 7200 2592000 600}
10 @ 3600 NS ns3.example.nil.
11 @ 3600 NS ns4.example.nil.
12 @ 3600 NS ns8.example.nil.
13 @ 3600 MX {5 mail.example.nil.}
19 txt 300 TXT {\"you requested $record$ in $zone$\"}
20 * 86400 A";
23 For any zone name matchin the wildcard, it would return the data from
24 the template. "$zone$" is replaced with zone name: i.e., the shortest
25 possible string of labels in the query name that matches the wildcard.
26 "$record$" is replaced with the remainder of the query name. In the
27 example above, a query for "txt.thisexample.com/TXT" would return the
28 string "you requested txt in thisexample.com".
30 Any client whose source address matches the second wildcard ("10.53.*")
31 is allowed to request a zone transfer.