3 strings \- print all the strings in a binary file
5 \fBstrings\fR [\fB\-\fR] [\fB\-o\fR]\fR [\fB\-\fIn\fR] \fIfile ...\fR
18 .FL "\-" "search whole file, not just data seg"
19 .FL "\-o" "Print octal offset of each string"
20 .FL "\-\fIn" "\fIn\fR is minimum length string (default = 4)"
22 .EX "strings \-5 a.out" "Print the strings > 4 chars in \fIa.out\fR"
23 .EX "strings \- /bin/sh" "Search entire shell file (text and data)"
26 \fIStrings\fR looks for sequences of ASCII characters followed by a zero
28 These are usually strings. This program is typically used to help identify
29 unknown binary programs