1 log in proto tcp from any port > 0 to any
2 log in proto tcp from any to any port > 0
3 pass in proto 6 from any port != 0 to any port 0 >< 65535
4 pass in proto 17 from localhost port > 32000 to localhost port < 29000
5 block in proto udp from any port != \ntp to any port < echo
6 block in proto tcp from any port = smtp to any port > 25
7 pass in proto tcp/udp from any port 1 >< 3 to any port 1 <> 3
8 pass in proto tcp/udp from any port 2:2 to any port 10:20
9 pass in log first quick proto tcp from any port > 1023 to any port = 1723 flags S keep state