1 $! Quick script to check how well including individual header files works
2 $! on VMS, even when the VMS macro isn't defined.
4 $ sav_def = f$env("DEFAULT")
5 $ here = f$parse("A.;0",f$ENV("PROCEDURE")) - "A.;0"
7 $ set default [-.include.openssl]
8 $ define openssl 'f$env("DEFAULT")'
12 $ f = f$search("openssl:*.h")
13 $ if f .eqs. "" then goto loop_end
14 $ write sys$output "Checking ",f
15 $ open/write foo foo.c
16 $ write foo "#undef VMS"
17 $ write foo "#include <stdio.h>"
18 $ write foo "#include <openssl/",f$parse(f,,,"NAME"),".h>"
20 $ write foo "{printf(""foo\n"");}"
26 $ set default 'save_def'