1 The JOS operating system
2 ===========================
4 Luiz Fernando N. Capitulino
5 <lcapitulino@gmail.com>
10 This' my version of the JOS operating system, built from the MIT's operating
11 system engineering classes.
13 The original course's page used to be hosted at:
15 http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Electrical-Engineering-and-Computer-Science/6-828Fall-2006/CourseHome/index.htm
24 3. Source-code directory layout
25 -------------------------------
27 |-- boot -> JOS boot loader
28 |-- conf -> lab config files (not kernel related)
30 |-- inc -> include files shared between kernel and user modes
31 |-- kern -> kernel code
33 `-- user -> user programs
38 JOS has been developed and tested on Mandriva Linux 2007.1, 2008.0 and
39 early 2008.1's development version.
41 Important versions of used tools:
45 o binutils:,
50 JOS is hosted in a GIT repository at:
52 http://repo.or.cz/w/mit-so-course.git
56 $ git clone git://repo.or.cz/mit-so-course.git
61 All important milestone's have been tagged, the most important ones are
62 the lab's final commit.
64 To see all the finals do:
66 $ git tag -l | grep final
68 The grade script should complete with 100% score for all labs except lab1.
70 [ I don't know why lab1's grade script doesn't work. Either I didn't
71 tag at the right time or the VGA exercise wasn't done... I don't
72 like VGA stuff, I remember I've skipped something... ]
77 If you check my first and last commits, you'll think that the course took
78 more than 8 months to be done (from 2007-03-04 to 2007-12-10).
80 But, if you check carefully you'll realize that there was a pause of more
81 than three months. That's because I had to stop working on this project to
82 work on my Google Summer of Code project.
84 So, I've spent less than five months on this actually.
86 Btw, this was one of the best projects I've ever worked on my life!
91 I've tried JOS on a real hardware but had no success.
93 Right after the file system is loaded you see 'Presence 1 Device 1', and
94 then user-mode gets a page-fault.
96 I've made two tests without the file-system. The first one I ran just the
97 hello world program, it worked. In the second I put primes program to run
98 and it also got a page-fault.
100 I have no idea where the problem is. Unfortunately a debug session
101 will take too much time because:
103 1. The two disks setup makes it harder to test
104 2. The VGA driver is quite slow to print things on the screen
106 So, if you have interest in making JOS running on real hardware I
107 think you should fix those problems first.
109 The monitor works, btw.