inf loop
[mlrogue.git] / mlr.sml
1 (* for SML/NJ: *)
2 structure Test :
3 sig
4 val main : string * string list -> OS.Process.status
5 end =
6 struct
8 val clrscr = "\^[[2J"
9 val cursorhome = "\^[[H"
10 val invisiblecursor = "\^[[?25l"
11 val visiblecursor = "\^[[?25h"
13 fun cursorpos(x, y) =
14 concat ["\^[[", Int.toString y, ";", Int.toString x, "H"]
16 fun find_walls str =
17 let
18 fun helper (i, x, y, acc) =
19 if i >= String.size str then
20 acc
21 else
22 case String.sub (str, i) of
23 #"\n" => helper (i + 1, 0, y + 1, acc)
24 (* map coordinates are 1-based *)
25 | #"#" => helper (i + 1, x + 1, y, (x + 1, y + 1) :: acc)
26 | _ => helper (i + 1, x + 1, y, acc)
28 helper (0, 0, 0, [])
29 end
31 fun contains (_, []) = false
32 | contains (x, y::rest) = (x = y) orelse contains (x, rest)
34 datatype direction = LEFT | DOWN | UP | RIGHT | LEFTUP | RIGHTUP | LEFTDOWN | RIGHTDOWN
36 fun draw_move (p1, p2) =
37 cursorpos p1 ^ "." ^ cursorpos p2 ^ "@"
39 fun move (walls, pawns, point as (x, y), direction) =
40 let
41 val (dx, dy) = case direction of
42 | LEFT => (~1, 0)
43 | DOWN => ( 0, 1)
44 | UP => ( 0, ~1)
45 | RIGHT => ( 1, 0)
46 | LEFTUP => (~1, ~1)
47 | RIGHTUP => ( 1, ~1)
48 | LEFTDOWN => (~1, 1)
49 | RIGHTDOWN => ( 1, 1)
50 val newpoint as (newx, newy) = (x + dx, y + dy)
52 if newx >= 1 andalso newy >= 1 andalso not(contains(newpoint, walls)) andalso
53 not(contains(newpoint, pawns)) then
54 (print (draw_move(point, newpoint));
55 {point = newpoint, quit = false})
56 else
57 {point = point, quit = false}
58 end
60 fun travel (walls, pawns, point, direction) =
61 let
62 val state = move(walls, pawns, point, direction)
63 val {point = newpoint, ...} = state
65 if newpoint = point then state else
66 (OS.Process.sleep(Time.fromMilliseconds 15); travel (walls, pawns, newpoint, direction))
67 end
69 fun start_turns (walls, pawns) =
70 let
71 fun get_command (curpoint) =
72 case TextIO.input1 TextIO.stdIn of
73 SOME byte =>
74 let
75 val next = case byte of
76 | #"h" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, LEFT)
77 | #"j" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, DOWN)
78 | #"k" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, UP)
79 | #"l" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, RIGHT)
80 | #"y" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, LEFTUP)
81 | #"u" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, RIGHTUP)
82 | #"b" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, LEFTDOWN)
83 | #"n" => move(walls, pawns, curpoint, RIGHTDOWN)
84 | #"q" => {point = curpoint, quit = true}
85 | _ => {point = curpoint, quit = false}
87 next
88 end
89 | NONE => {point=curpoint, quit=true} (* EOF is not possible in raw mode *)
91 fun do_turn {point, quit} =
92 let
93 val next = case TextIO.canInput (TextIO.stdIn, 1) of
94 | NONE => {point=point, quit=true}
95 | SOME 0 => {point=point, quit=false}
96 | SOME _ => get_command (point)
98 case next of
99 | {quit=true, ...} => ()
100 | _ =>
101 (OS.Process.sleep(Time.fromMilliseconds 500);
102 print "a";
103 do_turn next)
106 do_turn {point = (9,4), quit = false}
109 fun main (prgname, argv) =
111 val mapfile = TextIO.openIn ""
112 val map = TextIO.input mapfile
113 val _ = TextIO.closeIn mapfile
114 val pawns = [(3, 5), (4, 4), (9, 2)]
115 val walls = find_walls map
118 print (clrscr ^ cursorhome ^ invisiblecursor ^ map);
119 print (concat( e => cursorpos e ^ "&") pawns));
120 RM.enable ();
121 start_turns (walls, pawns);
122 print (clrscr ^ cursorhome ^ visiblecursor);
123 RM.disable ();
124 OS.Process.success