Evolve to module-based implementation in App
[mobundle.git] / lib / App / MoBundle.pm
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
4 our $VERSION = '0.2.0';
6 use Carp;
7 use English qw< -no_match_vars >;
8 use File::Basename qw< basename dirname >;
9 use File::Path qw< make_path >; # "mkdir -p"-alike
10 use File::Spec;
11 use File::Spec::Unix;
12 use Cwd qw< realpath >;
14 use Exporter qw< import >;
15 our @EXPORT_OK = qw<
16 autoscan
17 bundle
18 mobundle_config
19 mobundle_run
20 unbundle
22 our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]);
24 ########################################################################
26 # Exported functions
28 sub autoscan {
29 my ($config) = @_;
30 get_modules($config);
31 add_autoscan_modules($config); # assume autoscan is requested!
32 return $config->{modules};
35 sub bundle {
36 my ($config) = @_;
37 get_modules($config);
39 # conditionally scan modules too
40 add_autoscan_modules($config) if $config->{autoscan};
42 my $template = <<'END_OF_TEMPLATE';
43 [% head %]
46 BEGIN {
47 my %file_for = (
48 [% while (my ($filename, $contents) = each %{$variables{modules}}) { %]
49 '[%= $filename %]' => <<'END_OF_FILE',
50 [%= $contents =~ s/^/ /gmxs; $contents; %]
52 [% } %]
55 unshift @INC, sub {
56 my ($me, $packfile) = @_;
57 return unless exists $file_for{$packfile};
58 (my $text = $file_for{$packfile}) =~ s/^\ //gmxs;
59 chop($text); # added \n at the end
60 open my $fh, '<', \$text or die "open(): $!\n";
61 return $fh;
64 [% if ($variables{'add-modules-list'}) { %]
65 our @__MOBUNDLE_MODULES__ = qw<
66 [% for my $path (sort {$a cmp $b} keys(%{$variables{modules}})) {
67 (my $name = $path) =~ s{\.pm$}{}mxs or next;
68 $name =~ s{/}{::}gmxs;
69 %] [%= $name %]
70 [% }
71 %] >;
72 [% } %]
73 } ## end BEGIN
76 [% body %]
79 require Template::Perlish;
80 return Template::Perlish::render($template, $config);
83 sub mobundle_config {
84 my ($config, $args) = @_;
86 if (defined($config->{'standard-head'})) {
87 die(\'head and standard-head are mutually exclusive')
88 if defined($config->{head});
89 $config->{head} = "#!/usr/bin/env perl\n";
92 if (defined($config->{'head-from'})) {
93 die(\'multiple head sources are not allowed')
94 if defined($config->{head});
95 $config->{head} = read_file($config->{'head-from'});
98 # Get body
99 if (@{$args}) {
100 die(\'body and bare parameter are mutually exclusive')
101 if defined($config->{body});
102 die(\'body-from and bare parameter are mutually exclusive')
103 if defined($config->{'body-from'});
104 die(\'only one bare command line parameter is allowed')
105 if @{$args} > 1;
106 $config->{'body-from'} = $args->[0];
109 if (defined($config->{'body-from'})) {
110 die(\'body and body-from are mutually exclusive')
111 if defined($config->{body});
112 $config->{body} = read_file($config->{'body-from'});
115 die(\'neither body nor body-from were present')
116 unless defined($config->{body});
118 if (exists($config->{'head-from-body'})) {
119 die(\'multiple head sources are not allowed')
120 if defined($config->{head});
122 my @body = split /\n/, $config->{body};
123 my @header = splice @body, 0, $config->{'head-from-body'} || 1;
125 $config->{head} = join "\n", @header;
126 $config->{body} = join "\n", @body;
127 } ## end if (exists $config->{'head-from-body'...
129 if (exists($config->{'head-from-paragraph'})) {
130 die(\'multiple head sources are not allowed')
131 if exists($config->{head});
133 ($config->{head}, $config->{body}) = split /\n\s*?\n/, $config->{body}, 2;
136 $config->{modules} = [] unless defined($config->{modules});
137 for my $file (@{$config->{'modules-from'}}) {
138 chomp(my @modules = read_file($file));
139 push @{$config->{modules}}, @modules;
142 return $config;
145 sub mobundle_run {
146 my ($prg, @args) = @_;
148 require Pod::Usage;
149 require Getopt::Long;
150 Getopt::Long::Configure('gnu_getopt');
152 my %config = (output => '-', 'modules-from' => [], include => []);
153 Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray(
154 \@args,
155 \%config,
157 usage help man version
158 add-modules-list|L!
159 autoscan|scan|a!
160 autoscan-list|scan-list|modules-list|l!
161 body|b=s
162 body-from|script|program|B=s
163 head|h=s
164 head-from|H=s
165 head-from-body|S:i
166 head-from-paragraph|P!
167 include|I=s@
168 modules|module|m=s@
169 modules-from|M=s@
170 output|o=s
171 standard-head|s!
172 unbundle|u!
175 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(message => "$prg $VERSION", -verbose => 99, -sections => ' ')
176 if $config{version};
177 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 99, -sections => 'USAGE') if $config{usage};
178 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 99, -sections => 'USAGE|EXAMPLES|OPTIONS')
179 if $config{help};
180 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $config{man};
182 # Manage unbundle before all the rest
183 return unbundle(\%config, @args) if $config{unbundle};
185 # "Unroll" the configuration to cope with options like body-from and
186 # head-from-paragraph... This might lead to validation breaking and some
187 # help to the user
188 eval {
189 mobundle_config(\%config, \@args);
191 } or do {
192 my $message = $EVAL_ERROR;
193 $message = ${$message} if ref($message) eq 'SCALAR';
194 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
195 message => "ERROR: $message\n",
196 -verbose => 99,
197 -sections => ''
201 if ($config{'autoscan-list'}) {
202 my $modules = autoscan(\%config);
203 for my $path (sort { $a cmp $b } keys(%{$modules})) {
204 (my $name = $path) =~ s/\.pm$//;
205 $name =~ s{/}{::}g;
206 print "$name\n";
208 return 0;
211 write_file($config{output}, bundle(\%config));
212 return 0;
216 sub unbundle {
217 my $config = shift;
220 for my $bundled (@_) {
221 my $modules = read_modules($bundled) or next BUNDLED;
222 while (my ($path, $contents) = each(%{$modules})) {
223 my $output = $config->{output} ne '-' ? $config->{output} : 'lib';
224 my $path = unix_to_local_path("$output/$path");
225 make_path(dirname($path)); # ensure parent directory
226 write_file($path, $contents);
230 return 0;
233 ########################################################################
235 # Helpers
237 sub add_autoscan_modules {
238 my ($config) = @_;
239 $config->{modules} = {} unless defined($config->{modules});
240 my $modules = $config->{modules};
242 require Module::ScanDeps;
243 require File::Temp;
244 require Config;
246 my $fh = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.pl');
247 write_file($fh, $config->{body});
248 $fh->close();
250 my $in_priv = subsumer_factory($Config::Config{privlib});
251 my $in_arch = subsumer_factory($Config::Config{archlib});
253 my @filenames = $fh->filename;
254 my %flag_for;
255 while (@filenames) {
256 my $name = shift @filenames;
257 next if $flag_for{$name}++;
258 my $deps_for =
259 Module::ScanDeps::scan_deps(files => [$name], skip => $modules);
261 while (my ($key, $mod) = each(%{$deps_for})) {
262 next if exists $modules->{$key};
264 # Restrict to modules...
265 next unless $mod->{type} eq 'module';
267 my $filename = $mod->{file};
268 next if $in_priv->($filename) || $in_arch->($filename);
270 $modules->{$key} = read_file($filename);
271 push @filenames, $filename;
272 } ## end while (my ($key, $mod) = ...
274 return $config;
277 sub get_module_contents {
278 my ($filename) = @_;
279 for my $item (@INC) {
280 my $full_path = unix_to_local_path("$item/$filename");
281 next unless -e $full_path;
282 return scalar(read_file($full_path));
283 } ## end for my $item (@INC)
284 carp "could not find module file: '$filename'";
285 } ## end sub get_module_contents
287 sub get_modules {
288 my ($config) = @_;
290 # widen search path for modules, but only until we exit from this sub
291 local @INC = @INC;
292 push @INC, @{$config->{include} || []};
294 my %modules = map {
295 (my $filename = $_) =~ s{::}{/}g;
296 $filename .= '.pm' unless $filename =~ /\./mxs;
298 # "return" the pair
299 ($filename => get_module_contents($filename));
300 } @{$config->{modules}};
302 $config->{modules} = \%modules;
303 return $config;
306 sub fh_raw {
307 my ($file, $mode) = @_;
308 $file = $mode eq '<' ? \*STDIN : \*STDOUT
309 if (! ref($file)) && ($file eq '-');
310 my ($fh, $opened);
312 # if $file is a reference, but NOT a reference to a SCALAR, assume it
313 # already supports I/O operations and take it as-is. Otherwise, open
314 # it (this includes references to scalars for in-memory stuff)
315 my $ref = ref($file);
316 if ($ref && $ref ne 'SCALAR') {
317 $fh = $file;
319 else {
320 open $fh, $mode, $file or croak "open('$file'): $OS_ERROR";
321 $opened = 1;
323 binmode $fh, ':raw' or croak "binmode(): $OS_ERROR";
324 return ($fh, $opened);
327 sub read_file {
328 my ($fh, $opened) = fh_raw($_[0], '<');
331 $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef unless wantarray();
332 my @retval = readline($fh) or croak "readline(): $OS_ERROR";
334 if ($opened) {
335 close($fh) or croak "close(): $OS_ERROR";
338 return wantarray() ? @retval : $retval[0];
341 sub read_modules {
342 my ($bundled) = @_;
344 my ($fh, $opened) = fh_raw($bundled, '<');
346 # read __MOBUNDLE_INCLUSION__ section
347 my @lines;
348 1 while scalar(<$fh>) !~ m{^\#\ __MOBUNDLE_INCLUSION__$}mxs;
349 while (<$fh>) {
350 last if m{^\#\ __MOBUNDLE_INCLUSION__$}mxs;
351 push @lines, $_;
354 # read no more
355 if ($opened) {
356 close($fh) or croak "close(): $OS_ERROR";
359 if (!@lines) {
360 warn "nothing in $bundled\n";
361 return;
364 1 while shift(@lines) !~ m{^\s*my \s* \%file_for}mxs;
365 unshift @lines, '(';
366 1 while pop(@lines) !~ m{^\s*unshift \s* \@INC}mxs;
367 my $definition = join '', @lines;
369 my %file_for = eval $definition;
370 return wantarray() ? %file_for : \%file_for;
374 sub subsumer_factory {
375 my ($dirpath) = @_;
376 $dirpath = realpath($dirpath) if defined($dirpath) && length($dirpath);
378 return sub { return 0 } unless defined($dirpath) && length($dirpath);
380 my ($dv, $dds) = File::Spec->splitpath($dirpath, 'no-file');
381 my @dds = File::Spec->splitdir($dds);
383 return sub {
384 my $filepath = realpath($_[0]);
385 my ($fv, $fds, $fbase) = File::Spec->splitpath($filepath);
387 return 0 if $dv ne $fv; # different volume?
389 my @fds = File::Spec->splitdir($fds);
390 # warn "- $filepath\n fv<$fv> fds(@fds)\n dv<$dv> dds(@dds)\n";
391 return 0 if scalar(@dds) > scalar(@fds); # not long enough?
392 for my $i (0 .. $#dds) {
393 return 0 if $dds[$i] ne $fds[$i]; # not same (sub)-dir
396 # everything matched...
397 return 1;
401 sub unix_to_local_path {
402 my ($upath, $is_dir) = @_;
403 $upath = File::Spec::Unix->canonpath($upath); # remove multiple '/'...
404 my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($upath, $is_dir);
405 $dirs = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec::Unix->splitdir($dirs));
406 return File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dirs, $file);
409 sub write_file {
410 my ($fh, $opened) = fh_raw(shift, '>');
412 print {$fh} @_ or croak "print(): $OS_ERROR";
414 if ($opened) {
415 close($fh) or croak "close(): $OS_ERROR";
418 return;