Restore to the frontpage should work now (interface). MDL-12760
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / enrol_mnet.php
1 <?php
3 $string['description'] = 'Description of enrolment over Moodle Networking.';
4 $string['enrolname'] = 'Moodle Networking';
5 $string['enrolname'] = 'Moodle Networking';
6 $string['allow_allcourses'] = 'Allow enrolment in all remote courses.';
7 $string['allcategories'] = '$a potential categories';
8 $string['allowedcategories'] = '$a allowed categories';
9 $string['nocategoriesdefined'] = 'No course categories found. Define new categories <a href=\"$a\">here</a>.';
10 $string['allcourses'] = '$a potential courses';
11 $string['allowedcourses'] = '$a allowed courses';
12 $string['nocoursesdefined'] = 'No courses found. Define new courses <a href=\"$a\">here</a>.';
13 $string['allowedcourseslinktext'] = 'Edit allowed courses and categories here.';
14 $string['mnet_enrol_name'] = 'Moodle Networked Enrolment';
15 $string['mnet_enrol_description'] = 'Publish this service to allow administrators at $a to enrol their students in courses you have created on your server.<br/>' .
16 '<ul><li><em>Dependency</em>: You must also <strong>publish</strong> the SSO (Service Provider) service to $a.</li>'.
17 '<li><em>Dependency</em>: You must also <strong>subscribe</strong> to the SSO (Identity Provider) service on $a.</li></ul><br/>'.
18 'Subscribe to this service to be able to enrol your students in courses on $a.<br/>'.
19 '<ul><li><em>Dependency</em>: You must also <strong>subscribe</strong> to the SSO (Service Provider) service on $a.</li>'.
20 '<li><em>Dependency</em>: You must also <strong>publish</strong> the SSO (Identity Provider) service to $a.</li></ul><br/>';
21 $string['mnetlocalforexternal'] = 'Local courses for external users';