Restore to the frontpage should work now (interface). MDL-12760
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / exercise.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // exercise.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
5 $string['absent'] = 'Absent';
6 $string['accumulative'] = 'Accumulative';
7 $string['action'] = 'Action';
8 $string['ago'] = '$a ago';
9 $string['amend'] = 'Amend';
10 $string['amendassessmentelements'] = 'Amend Assessment Elements';
11 $string['amendtitle'] = 'Amend Title';
12 $string['analysis'] = 'Analysis';
13 $string['assess'] = 'Assess';
14 $string['assessed'] = 'Assessed';
15 $string['assessment'] = 'Assessment';
16 $string['assessmentby'] = 'Assessment by $a';
17 $string['assessmentform'] = 'Assessment Form';
18 $string['assessmentmadebythe'] = 'Assessment made by the $a';
19 $string['assessmentofthissubmission'] = 'Assessment of this submission';
20 $string['assessments'] = 'Assessments';
21 $string['atthisstageyou'] = 'At this stage you have completed an assessment.<br />You may want to revise your work in the light of that assessment.<br /> If you do that please remember to also revise your assessment.<br /> You can do this by clicking on the Re-assess link given below.';
22 $string['awaitingassessmentbythe'] = 'Awaiting Assessment by the $a';
23 $string['clearlateflag'] = 'Clear Late Flag';
24 $string['comment'] = 'Comment';
25 $string['comparisonofassessments'] = 'Comparison of Assessments';
26 $string['confirmdeletionofthisitem'] = 'Confirm Deletion of this $a';
27 $string['correct'] = 'Correct';
28 $string['count'] = 'Count';
29 $string['criterion'] = 'Criterion';
30 $string['deadline'] = 'Deadline';
31 $string['deadlineis'] = 'The Deadline is $a';
32 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
33 $string['deletesubmissionwarning'] = 'Warning: there $a assessments associated with this submission.<br />
34 It is strongly suggested that this submission is NOT deleted.';
35 $string['deleting'] = 'Deleting';
36 $string['description'] = 'Description';
37 $string['descriptionofexercise'] = 'In an Exercise Assignment the description of the exercise or task to be done by the $a is put into a Word document or HTML file. This file is uploaded into the exercise before the assignment is opened up to the $a. It is also possible to create a set of variants on the same exercise or task, again as Word documents or HTML files, and upload these into the exercise before it is opened up to the $a.';
38 $string['detailsofassessment'] = 'Details of Assessment';
39 $string['displayoffinalgrades'] = 'Display of Final Grades';
40 $string['doubleupload'] = 'Warning: this submission has probably been sent twice. Go to the Administration page, check for two submissions from this user within a short time period. Delete one of these submissions before proceeding.';
41 $string['duedate'] = 'Due Date';
42 $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
43 $string['editingassessmentelements'] = 'Editing Assessment Elements';
44 $string['element'] = 'Element';
45 $string['elementweight'] = 'Element Weight';
46 $string['enterpassword'] = 'Enter Password';
47 $string['entriessaved'] = 'Entries Saved';
48 $string['errorbanded'] = 'Error Banded';
49 $string['excellent'] = 'Excellent';
50 $string['exercise:assess'] = 'Assess exercises';
51 $string['exerciseassessments'] = 'Exercise Assessments';
52 $string['exercisefeedback'] = 'Exercise Feedback';
53 $string['exercisesubmissions'] = 'Exercise Submissions';
54 $string['fair'] = 'Fair';
55 $string['generalcomment'] = 'General comment';
56 $string['good'] = 'Good';
57 $string['gradeassessment'] = 'Grade Assessment';
58 $string['gradeforassessment'] = 'Grade for Assessment';
59 $string['gradeforstudentsassessment'] = 'Grade for $a Assessment';
60 $string['gradeforsubmission'] = 'Grade for Submission';
61 $string['gradetable'] = 'Grade Table';
62 $string['gradinggrade'] = 'Grading Grade';
63 $string['gradingstrategy'] = 'Grading Strategy';
64 $string['handlingofmultiplesubmissions'] = 'Handling of Multiple Submissions';
65 $string['hidenamesfromstudents'] = 'Hide Names from Students';
66 $string['incorrect'] = 'Incorrect';
67 $string['late'] = 'Late';
68 $string['lax'] = 'Lax';
69 $string['leaguetable'] = 'League Table of Submitted Work';
70 $string['mail1'] = 'Your assignment \'$a\' has been assessed by';
71 $string['mail2'] = 'The comments and grade can be seen in the Exercise Assignment \'$a\'';
72 $string['mail3'] = 'You can see it in your Exercise Assignment';
73 $string['mail6'] = 'Your assessment of the assignment \'$a\' has by reviewed';
74 $string['mail7'] = 'The comments given by the $a can be seen in the Exercise Assignment';
75 $string['managingassignment'] = 'Managing the Exercise';
76 $string['maximum'] = 'Maximum';
77 $string['maximumgradeforstudentassessments'] = 'Maximum Grade for Student Assessments: $a';
78 $string['maximumgradeforsubmissions'] = 'Maximum Grade for Submissions: $a';
79 $string['maximumsize'] = 'Maximum Size';
80 $string['mean'] = 'Mean';
81 $string['minimum'] = 'Minumum';
82 $string['modulename'] = 'Exercise';
83 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Exercises';
84 $string['movingtophase'] = 'Moving to Phase $a';
85 $string['multiplesubmissions'] = 'Multiple Submissions';
86 $string['noexercisedescriptionssubmitted'] = 'No Exercise Descriptions Submitted';
87 $string['nosubmissions'] = 'No Submissions';
88 $string['notassessedyet'] = 'Not Assessed Yet';
89 $string['notavailable'] = 'Not Available';
90 $string['noteonassessmentelements'] = 'Note that grading is broken down into a number of \'Assessment Elements\'.<br />
91 This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these <br />
92 Elements before making the assignment available to students. This is done by<br />
93 clicking on the assignment in the course, if no elements are present you will be asked<br />
94 to add them. You can change the number of elements using the Edit Assignment screen,<br />
95 the elements themselves can be amended from the \"Managing Assignment\" screen.';
96 $string['noteongradinggrade'] = 'This grade is a measure of how well your assessment agrees with the assessment of <br />
97 your work by the $a. The higher the grade the closer the agreement.';
98 $string['noteonstudentassessments'] = '{Grade from student / Grading Grade for assessment}';
99 $string['notgraded'] = 'Not Graded';
100 $string['notitlegiven'] = 'No Title Given';
101 $string['numberofassessmentelements'] = 'Number of Comments, Assessment Elements, Grade Bands, Criterion Statments or Categories in a Rubric';
102 $string['numberofcriterionelements'] = 'Number of Criterion Elements must be greater than one.';
103 $string['numberofentries'] = 'Number of Entries';
104 $string['numberofentriesinleaguetable'] = 'Number of Entries in League Table';
105 $string['numberofnegativeresponses'] = 'Number of Negative Responses';
106 $string['onesubmission'] = 'One Submission';
107 $string['optionaladjustment'] = 'Optional Adjustment';
108 $string['overallgrade'] = 'Overall Grade';
109 $string['passwordprotectedexercise'] = 'Password Protected Exercise';
110 $string['phase'] = 'Phase';
111 $string['phase1'] = 'Set Up Exercise';
112 $string['phase1short'] = 'Set Up';
113 $string['phase2'] = 'Allow $a Assessments and Submissions';
114 $string['phase2short'] = 'Open';
115 $string['phase3'] = 'Show Overall Grades and League Table';
116 $string['phase3short'] = 'Display';
117 $string['pleasegradetheassessment'] = 'Please Grade the Assessment of this Piece of Work by $a';
118 $string['pleasemakeyourownassessment'] = 'Please make your own Assessment of the Piece of Work from $a. <br />Note that the Assessment Form is initially displayed with the Student\'s assessment.<br /> You should make any amendments you think necessary and then click on one <br />of the buttons at the foot of the page.';
119 $string['pleasesubmityourwork'] = 'Please submit your Work using this Form';
120 $string['pleaseusethisform'] = 'Please complete this form when you have <br />finished the instructions in the exercise shown below.';
121 $string['pleaseviewtheexercise'] = 'Please view the exercise given below by clicking on it\'s title.<br />You should follow the instructions in this exercise. <br />When you are happy that you have completed the exercise<br /> successfully you should click on Assess (or Re-assess) link in <br />the box below. When you have done this assessment you will <br />be shown further instructions on submitting your work.';
122 $string['poor'] = 'Poor';
123 $string['present'] = 'Present';
124 $string['reasonforadjustment'] = 'General Comment/Reason for Adjustment';
125 $string['reassess'] = 'Re-assess';
126 $string['regradestudentassessments'] = 'Re-grade Student assessments';
127 $string['resubmissionfor'] = 'Resubmission for $a';
128 $string['resubmitnote'] = '* means that the $a is allowed to redo this submission. <br /> This flag can be given to any submission by re-assessing it and clicking <br />on the <b>Allow $a to Re-submit</b> button. <br />The student can resubmit when this flag is present on <b>any</b> of their submissions.';
129 $string['rubric'] = 'Rubric';
130 $string['savedok'] = 'Saved OK';
131 $string['saveentries'] = 'Save Entries';
132 $string['savemyassessment'] = 'Save my Assessment';
133 $string['saveweights'] = 'Save Weights';
134 $string['scale10'] = 'Score out of 10';
135 $string['scale100'] = 'Score out of 100';
136 $string['scale20'] = 'Score out of 20';
137 $string['scalecorrect'] = '2 point Correct/Incorrect scale';
138 $string['scaleexcellent4'] = '4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale';
139 $string['scaleexcellent5'] = '5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale';
140 $string['scaleexcellent7'] = '7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale';
141 $string['scalegood3'] = '3 point Good/Poor scale';
142 $string['scalepresent'] = '2 point Present/Absent scale';
143 $string['scaleyes'] = '2 point Yes/No scale';
144 $string['specimenassessmentform'] = 'Specimen Assessment Form';
145 $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard Deviation';
146 $string['strict'] = 'Strict';
147 $string['studentallowedtoresubmit'] = '$a ALLOWED to re-submit';
148 $string['studentassessments'] = '$a Assessments';
149 $string['studentnotallowed'] = '$a NOT allowed to re-submit (or not needed)';
150 $string['studentsubmissions'] = '$a Submissions';
151 $string['studentsubmissionsforassessment'] = '$a Student Submissions for Assessment';
152 $string['submission'] = 'Submission';
153 $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions';
154 $string['submissionsnowclosed'] = 'Submissions now closed - Submission deadline has passed';
155 $string['submitexercisedescription'] = 'Submit Exercise Description';
156 $string['submitted'] = 'Submitted';
157 $string['submittedby'] = 'Submitted by';
158 $string['suggestedgrade'] = 'Suggested Grade';
159 $string['teacherassessment'] = '$a Assessment';
160 $string['teacherassessmenttable'] = '$a Assessment Table';
161 $string['teacherscomment'] = 'Teacher\'s Comment';
162 $string['theexercise'] = 'The Exercise';
163 $string['theexerciseandthesubmissionby'] = 'The Exercise and the Submission by $a';
164 $string['thegradeis'] = 'The Grade is $a';
165 $string['thereisfeedbackfromthe'] = 'There is feedback from the $a';
166 $string['thisisaresubmission'] = 'This is a Re-submission by $a.<br />Your assessment of their previous submission is shown. <br />After looking at the new submission, please Amend this assessment<br /> and click on one of the buttons at the foot of the page.';
167 $string['title'] = 'Title';
168 $string['typeofscale'] = 'Type of Scale';
169 $string['unassessed'] = '$a Unassessed';
170 $string['ungradedstudentassessments'] = '$a Ungraded Student Assessments';
171 $string['usemaximum'] = 'Use Maximum';
172 $string['usemean'] = 'Use Mean';
173 $string['usepassword'] = 'Use Password';
174 $string['verylax'] = 'Very Lax';
175 $string['verypoor'] = 'Very Poor';
176 $string['verystrict'] = 'Very Strict';
177 $string['view'] = 'View';
178 $string['viewteacherassessment'] = 'View $a Assessment';
179 $string['warningonamendingelements'] = 'WARNING: There are submitted assessments. <br />Do NOT change the number of elements, the scale types or the element weights.';
180 $string['weightederrorcount'] = 'Weighted Error Count: $a';
181 $string['weightforgradingofassessments'] = 'Weight for Grading of Assessments';
182 $string['weightforteacherassessments'] = 'Weight for $a Assessments';
183 $string['weights'] = 'Weights';
184 $string['weightssaved'] = 'Weights Saved';
185 $string['weightsusedforoverallgrade'] = 'Weights used for Overall Grade';
186 $string['wrongpassword'] = 'Incorrect password for this Exercise';
187 $string['yourassessment'] = 'Your Assessment';
188 $string['yourfeedbackgoeshere'] = 'Your Feedback goes Here';
189 $string['yoursubmission'] = 'Your Submission';