Restore to the frontpage should work now (interface). MDL-12760
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / qtype_multichoice.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // qtype_multichoice.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
4 $string['addingmultichoice'] = 'Adding a Multiple Choice question';
5 $string['answerhowmany'] = 'One or multiple answers?';
6 $string['addmorechoiceblanks'] = 'Blanks for {no} More Choices';
7 $string['answerhowmany'] = 'One or multiple answers?';
8 $string['answernumbering'] = 'Number the choices?';
9 $string['answernumberingabc'] = 'a., b., c., ...';
10 $string['answernumberingABCD'] = 'A., B., C., ...';
11 $string['answernumbering123'] = '1., 2., 3., ...';
12 $string['answernumberingnone'] = 'No numbering';
13 $string['answersingleno'] = 'Multiple answers allowed';
14 $string['answersingleyes'] = 'One answer only';
15 $string['choiceno'] = 'Choice $a';
16 $string['choices'] = 'Available choices';
17 $string['clozeaid'] = 'Enter missing word';
18 $string['correctfeedback'] = 'For any correct response';
19 $string['editingmultichoice'] = 'Editing a Multiple Choice question';
20 $string['errfractionsaddwrong'] = 'The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%%<br />Instead, they add up to $a%%';
21 $string['errfractionsnomax'] = 'One of the choices should be 100%%, so that it is<br />possible to get a full grade for this question.';
22 $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
23 $string['fillouttwochoices'] = 'You must fill out at least two choices. Choices left blank will not be used.';
24 $string['fractionsaddwrong'] = 'The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%%<br />Instead, they add up to $a%%<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';
25 $string['fractionsnomax'] = 'One of the choices should be 100%%, so that it is<br />possible to get a full grade for this question.<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';
26 $string['incorrectfeedback'] = 'For any incorrect response';
27 $string['notenoughanswers'] = 'This type of question requires at least $a choices';
28 $string['overallfeedback'] = 'Overall Feedback';
29 $string['overallcorrectfeedback'] = 'Feedback for any correct response';
30 $string['overallincorrectfeedback'] = 'Feedback for any incorrect response';
31 $string['overallpartiallycorrectfeedback'] = 'Feedback for any partially correct response';
32 $string['partiallycorrectfeedback'] = 'For any partially correct response';
33 $string['shuffleanswers'] = 'Shuffle the choices?';
34 $string['singleanswer'] = 'Choose one answer.';