MDL-16043: ensures cross-db: add lowercase conversion for every database fieldname
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / admin / mnet / peers.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
3 // Allows the admin to configure other Moodle hosts info
5 require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php');
6 require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php');
7 include_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mnet/lib.php');
9 require_login();
10 admin_externalpage_setup('mnetpeers');
12 $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
14 require_capability('moodle/site:config', $context, $USER->id, true, "nopermissions");
16 if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
17 admin_externalpage_print_header();
18 print_error('requiresopenssl', 'mnet');
21 if (!$site = get_site()) {
22 admin_externalpage_print_header();
23 print_error('nosite', '');
26 if (!function_exists('curl_init') ) {
27 admin_externalpage_print_header();
28 print_error('nocurl', 'mnet');
31 /// Initialize variables.
33 // Step must be one of:
34 // input Parse the details of a new host and fetch its public key
35 // commit Save our changes (to a new OR existing host)
36 $step = optional_param('step', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA);
37 $hostid = optional_param('hostid', NULL, PARAM_INT);
39 // Fetch some strings for the HTML templates
40 $strmnetservices = get_string('mnetservices', 'mnet');
41 $strmnetlog = get_string('mnetlog', 'mnet');
42 $strmnetedithost = get_string('reviewhostdetails', 'mnet');
43 $strmnetthemes = get_string('mnetthemes', 'mnet');
45 if (!isset($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode)) set_config('mnet_dispatcher_mode', 'off');
47 /// If data submitted, process and store
48 if (($form = data_submitted()) && confirm_sesskey()) {
50 if (!empty($form->wwwroot)) {
51 // ensure we remove trailing slashes
52 $form->wwwroot = preg_replace(':/$:', '', $form->wwwroot);
54 // ensure the wwwroot starts with a http or https prefix
55 if (strtolower(substr($form->wwwroot, 0, 4)) != 'http') {
56 $form->wwwroot = 'http://'.$form->wwwroot;
60 if(!function_exists('xmlrpc_encode_request')) {
61 trigger_error("You must have xml-rpc enabled in your PHP build to use this feature.");
62 print_error('xmlrpc-missing', 'mnet','peers.php');
63 exit;
66 if (!empty($form->updateregisterall)) {
67 if (!empty($form->registerallhosts)) {
68 set_config('mnet_register_allhosts',1);
69 } else {
70 set_config('mnet_register_allhosts',0);
72 redirect('peers.php', get_string('changessaved'));
73 } else {
75 $mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
77 if (!empty($form->id)) {
78 $form->id = clean_param($form->id, PARAM_INT);
79 $mnet_peer->set_id($form->id);
80 } else {
81 // PARAM_URL requires a genuine TLD (I think) This breaks my testing
82 $temp_wwwroot = clean_param($form->wwwroot, PARAM_URL);
83 if ($temp_wwwroot !== $form->wwwroot) {
84 trigger_error("We now parse the wwwroot with PARAM_URL. Your URL will need to have a valid TLD, etc.");
85 print_error("invalidurl", 'mnet','peers.php');
86 exit;
88 unset($temp_wwwroot);
89 $mnet_peer->set_applicationid($form->applicationid);
90 $application = get_field('mnet_application', 'name', 'id', $form->applicationid);
91 $mnet_peer->bootstrap($form->wwwroot, null, $application);
94 if (isset($form->name) && $form->name != $mnet_peer->name) {
95 $form->name = clean_param($form->name, PARAM_NOTAGS);
96 $mnet_peer->set_name($form->name);
99 if (isset($form->deleted) && ($form->deleted == '0' || $form->deleted == '1')) {
100 $mnet_peer->deleted = $form->deleted;
103 if (isset($form->public_key)) {
104 $form->public_key = clean_param($form->public_key, PARAM_PEM);
105 if (empty($form->public_key)) {
106 print_error("invalidpubkey", 'mnet', 'peers.php?step=update&amp;hostid='.$mnet_peer->id);
107 exit;
108 } else {
109 $oldkey = $mnet_peer->public_key;
110 $mnet_peer->public_key = $form->public_key;
111 $mnet_peer->public_key_expires = $mnet_peer->check_common_name($form->public_key);
112 if ($mnet_peer->public_key_expires == false) {
113 $mnet_peer->public_key == $oldkey;
114 $errmsg = '<br />';
115 foreach ($mnet_peer->error as $err) {
116 $errmsg .= $err['code'] . ': ' . $err['text'].'<br />';
118 error(get_string("invalidpubkey", 'mnet') . $errmsg ,'peers.php?step=update&amp;hostid='.$mnet_peer->id);
119 //print_error("invalidpubkey", 'mnet', 'peers.php?step=update&amp;hostid='.$mnet_peer->id, $errmsg);
120 exit;
125 // PREVENT DUPLICATE RECORDS ///////////////////////////////////////////
126 if ('input' == $form->step) {
127 if ( isset($mnet_peer->id) && $mnet_peer->id > 0 ) {
128 print_error("hostexists", 'mnet', 'peers.php?step=update&amp;hostid='.$mnet_peer->id, $mnet_peer->id);
132 if ('input' == $form->step) {
133 include('./mnet_review.html');
134 } elseif ('commit' == $form->step) {
135 $bool = $mnet_peer->commit();
136 if ($bool) {
137 redirect('peers.php?step=update&amp;hostid='.$mnet_peer->id, get_string('changessaved'));
138 } else {
139 error('Invalid action parameter.', 'index.php');
143 } elseif (is_int($hostid)) {
144 $mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
145 $mnet_peer->set_id($hostid);
146 $currentkey = mnet_get_public_key($mnet_peer->wwwroot, $mnet_peer->application);
147 if($currentkey == $mnet_peer->public_key) unset($currentkey);
148 $form = new stdClass();
149 if ($hostid != $CFG->mnet_all_hosts_id) {
150 include('./mnet_review.html');
151 } else {
152 include('./mnet_review_allhosts.html');
154 } else {
155 $hosts = get_records_sql(' SELECT
157 h.wwwroot,
158 h.ip_address,
160 h.public_key,
161 h.public_key_expires,
162 h.transport,
163 h.portno,
164 h.last_connect_time,
165 h.last_log_id,
166 h.applicationid,
167 as app_name,
168 a.display_name as app_display_name,
169 a.xmlrpc_server_url
170 FROM
171 '.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_host h,
172 '.$CFG->prefix.'mnet_application a
174 != \''.$CFG->mnet_localhost_id.'\' AND
175 h.deleted = \'0\' AND
178 if (empty($hosts)) $hosts = array();
179 $applications = get_records('mnet_application');
180 include('./peers.html');