1 <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->
2 <h1>Extend enrolment for all
3 <p>This page allows you to extend the enrolment period for the all selected participants.
4 The new enrolment period is computed based on a starting reference date and an extend period from that date.
5 Depending on this combination you can actually restrict the enrolment period for participants.
7 <p>The available starting reference dates are:
10 <li>Course start date
11 <li>Enrolment Started - the enrolment start date of the participant
12 <li>Enrolment Ends - the enrolment end date of the participant
13 <li>Today (this option in available only if the course start date has past)
14 <li>Course enrolment start date - the enrolment start date from the course settings page (this option is available only for courses with defined enrolment start date)
15 <li>Course enrolment end date - the enrolment end date from the course settings page (this option is available only for courses with defined enrolment end date)
18 <p>If the extend period is set to 'Untitled', then the starting reference date is ignored.