5 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=advanced.html">The advanced features
6 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=autocontinue.html">The autocontinue function
7 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=browsemode.html">How to show/hide the Browse mode button
8 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=grademethod.html">The Grading Methods for the Package
9 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=maxgrade.html">The Maximum Grade Value for the Package
10 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=package.html">What is a Package activity?
11 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=size.html">Defining the Learning Objects frame/window size
12 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=summary.html">The summary field use
13 <li> <a href=
"help.php?module=scorm&file=window.html">The popup window settings