"MDL-15592, change js function name toggle() to menu_toggle(), to be friendly with...
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / lams.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // lams.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
5 $string['createSequence'] = 'Create new sequence';
6 $string['editSequence'] = 'Edit selected sequence';
7 $string['error'] = 'Sorry, an unknown error has occured.';
8 $string['introduction'] = 'Introduction';
9 $string['lams'] = '-- LAMS - Learning Activity Management System --';
10 $string['lams:manage'] = 'Manage LAMS activities';
11 $string['lams:participate'] = 'Participate in LAMS activities';
12 $string['lamsoutline'] = 'LAMS Outline';
13 $string['lesson'] = 'learning session';
14 $string['modulename'] = 'LAMS';
15 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'LAMS';
16 $string['notsetup'] = 'NOT_SET_UP';
17 $string['openauthor'] = 'Open LAMS Author';
18 $string['openlearner'] = 'Open LAMS Learner';
19 $string['openmonitor'] = 'Open LAMS Monitor';
20 $string['refreshSequenceList'] = 'Refresh sequence list';
21 $string['selectExistingSequence'] = 'Select an existing sequence or create a new sequence.';
22 $string['sequence'] = 'Select Sequence';
23 $string['serverid'] = 'Enter the server ID received from <a href=\"http://www.lamsinternational.com\">LAMS international</a>.';
24 $string['server_id'] = 'Server ID';
25 $string['serverkey'] = 'Enter the server key received from <a href=\"http://www.lamsinternational.com\">LAMS international</a>.';
26 $string['server_key'] = 'Server key';
27 $string['serverurl'] = 'Enter the basic URL used to access the LAMS server. For example http://localhost:8080/lams';
28 $string['server_url'] = 'Server URL';
29 $string['useSequence'] = 'Use selected sequence';
30 $string['visibletostudents'] = 'Show activity to students';
31 $string['wikistartederror'] = 'Wiki already has entries - can\'t change.';
32 $string['workspace'] = 'Select Workspace';
33 $string['wrongversionrange'] = '$a is not a correct range!';