"MDL-12304, fix double text"
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / tag.php
1 <?php
3 $string['addedotag'] = '\"$a\" was added as an official tag.';
4 $string['addotags'] = 'Add official tags';
5 $string['addtagtomyinterests'] = 'Add \"$a\" to my interests';
6 $string['blocktagstitle'] = 'Tags';
7 $string['count'] = 'Count';
8 $string['changename'] = 'Change tag name';
9 $string['changetype'] = 'Change tag type';
10 $string['description'] = 'Description';
11 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
12 $string['deleted'] = 'Deleted';
13 $string['edittag'] = 'Edit this tag';
14 $string['flag'] = 'Flag';
15 $string['flagasinappropriate'] = 'Flag as inappropriate';
16 $string['helprelatedtags'] = 'Comma separated related tags';
17 $string['id'] = 'id';
18 $string['relatedblogs'] = 'Recent blog entries with this tag';
19 $string['managetags'] = 'Manage tags';
20 $string['name'] = 'Tag name';
21 $string['namesalreadybeeingused'] = 'Tag names already being used';
22 $string['newname'] = 'New tag name';
23 $string['noresultsfor'] = 'No results for \"$a\"';
24 $string['officialtag'] = 'Official tag';
25 $string['owner'] = 'Owner';
26 $string['otags'] = 'Official tags';
27 $string['ptags'] = 'User defined tags (Comma separated)';
28 $string['relatedtags'] = 'Related tags';
29 $string['removetagfrommyinterests'] = 'Remove \"$a\" from my interests';
30 $string['responsiblewillbenotified'] = 'The person responsible will be notified';
31 $string['resetflag'] = 'Reset flag';
32 $string['reset'] = 'Reset';
33 $string['search'] = 'Search';
34 $string['seeallblogs'] = 'See all blogs with this tag';
35 $string['searchresultsfor'] = 'Search results for \"$a\"';
36 $string['searchtags'] = 'Search tags';
37 $string['select'] = 'Select';
38 $string['tagdescription'] = 'Tag description';
39 $string['tag'] = 'Tag';
40 $string['tagtype'] = 'Tag type';
41 $string['tagtype_official'] = 'Official';
42 $string['tagtype_default'] = 'Default';
43 $string['tags'] = 'Tags';
44 $string['tagsaredisabled'] = 'Tags are disabled';
45 $string['thingstaggedwith'] = '$a->count things tagged with \"$a->name\"';
46 $string['thistaghasnodesc'] = 'This tag currently has no description.';
47 $string['timemodified'] = 'Modified';
48 $string['typechanged'] = 'Tag type changed';
49 $string['userstaggedwith'] = 'Users tagged with \"$a\"';
50 $string['updatetag'] = 'Update';
51 $string['updated'] = 'Updated';
52 $string['withselectedtags'] = 'With selected tags...';