5 This is a PHPNuke5.2 module (don't know if it works with v6) to be
6 copied into the modules directory like the filename implies
7 ( phpnuke/modules/Wiki/ ).
9 You should copy the "ewiki.php" into the same directory!
11 If you want it to initialize the db correctly you must copy the
12 init-pages/ to there as well.
17 #-- stupid legacy code
18 if (!eregi("modules.php", $PHP_SELF)) {
19 die ("You can't access this file directly...");
22 #-- blocks to the left and to the right?
26 include("header.php"); #-- or better "mainfile.php" ???
29 #-- Output -----------------------------------------------------------
30 OpenTable(); # do we want to know, what this is for?
35 chdir("modules/Wiki/");
38 define("EWIKI_SCRIPT", "modules.php?op=modload&name=Wiki&file=index&wikipage=");
41 ($wikipage = $_REQUEST["wikipage"]) or
42 ($wikipage = $_REQUEST["page"]) or
43 ($wikipage = EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX);
44 echo ewiki_page($wikipage);
51 CloseTable(); # strange function names ;)
55 include("footer.php");