4 Wiki is a platform for working together on constructing web pages. The principles are simple.
8 <li>A text is written and saved.
9 <li>Later, another person may read that text and think of some additions or
10 corrections that could be made. They choose
"Edit" and make their changes to the page.
11 <li>After saving their new version, it is available globally.
14 <p>With a wiki, it is also easily possible to add a page or link to existing pages.
18 <li>A link is created by a WikiWord. This is one word with at least two capital letters. If a page with this name already exist, it will be linked automatically, if not, it will be displayed with a question mark.
19 <li>Clicking on this question mark, will start a new blank page with that name, ready to edit.
23 <h3 class=
"center">Wiki formatting rules
28 <li> separate paragraphs inside the text with empty lines
29 <li> use three percent signs %%% to enforce a line break
30 <li> if you prepend text with spaces or tabs it will get indented
33 <h4> !! Headlines
36 <li> use an exclamation mark ! at the beginning of a line to create a small headline
38 <li> !! for medium
39 <li> !!! for large headlines
46 <li> if you want to
<em>emphasize text
</em> enclose it in two single-quotes '' (usually looks italic)
47 <li> <strong>text gets bold
</strong> with two underscores __ (or if enclosed with two asterisks **)
48 <li> to make
<big>text big
</big> enclose it in hash characters ##
50 <li> you can get
<small> smaller text
</small> using
"ยตยต" likewise
51 <li> a
<tt>typewrite like font
</tt> will be used if you enclose text in two equal == signs
57 <li> start a line with an asterisk * to begin a list
58 <li> use # instead for numerated lists
60 <li> you can create sublists
62 <li> subsequent list points should start with the same mix of * and #
71 <li> just enter a WikiWord inside your text to create a new hyper link
72 <li> enclose some words in [square brackets] to create a HyperLink inside the WikiWikiWeb which is not made up of a valid WikiWord
74 <li> any valid internet address (starting with http:/) like http://www.example.com/ inside the text will be made clickable automatically
75 <li> enclose a www address or a WikiLink inside square brackets and assign it a neat title using quotation marks or the | character
77 <li> [title | http://example.com]
79 <li> [WikiWord
"title"] or [
"title for" WikiLink]
82 <li> if you don't want a WikiWord or a http://www-address (or [anything] inside square brackets) to become a HyperLink then just prepend it with a exclamation mark or a tilde
84 <li> !NoHyperLink, ~NoHyperLink
85 <li> ![no hyperlink], !http://nolink.org/
91 <h4> Tables with |
92 | just enclose | things with the dash | character |
<br />
93 | to build a | table structure |
<br />
94 | browsers usually | leave out the missing | cells |
<br />
98 Please always put an empty line before and after a table, so it stands out from other text in its own paragraph.
105 <li> to include an image into a page enclose its absolute www-address in square brackets, like [http://www.example.com/pics/image.png]
106 <li> alternatively you could use the image uploading function.
109 <h4>Further readings
112 There are more possibilities for Wiki mark-up. Please consult the
<a href=
"http://erfurtwiki.sourceforge.net" target=
"_new">Erfurt Wiki Homepage
</a> for more information.