file check_defaults.class.php was added on branch MOODLE_19_STABLE on 2008-05-15...
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / gradeimport_xml.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
3 $string['errbadxmlformat'] = 'Error - bad XML format';
4 $string['errduplicateidnumber'] = 'Error - duplicate idnumber';
5 $string['errincorrectidnumber'] = 'Error - incorrect idnumber';
6 $string['errduplicategradeidnumber'] = 'Error - there are two grade items with idnumber \'$a\' in this course. This should be impossible.';
7 $string['errincorrectgradeidnumber'] = 'Error - idnumber \'$a\' from the import file does not match any grade item.';
8 $string['errincorrectuseridnumber'] = 'Error - idnumber \'$a\' from the import file does not match any user.';
9 $string['fileurl'] = 'Remote file URL';
10 $string['modulename'] = 'XML file';
11 $string['xml:view'] = 'Import grades from XML';
12 $string['xml:publish'] = 'Publish import grades from XML';