file check_defaults.class.php was added on branch MOODLE_19_STABLE on 2008-05-15...
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / qtype_datasetdependent.php
1 <?php
2 $string['additem'] = 'Add Item';
3 $string['atleastonerealdataset']='There should be at least one real dataset in question text';
4 $string['atleastonewildcard']='There should be at least one wild card in answer formula or question text';
5 $string['calcdistribution'] = 'Distribution';
6 $string['calclength'] = 'Decimal Places';
7 $string['calcmax'] = 'Maximum';
8 $string['calcmin'] = 'Minimum';
9 $string['dataitemdefined']='with $a numerical values already defined is available';
10 $string['datasetrole']= ' The wild cards <strong>{x..}</strong> will be substituted by a numerical value from their dataset';
11 $string['deletelastitem'] = 'Delete Last Item';
12 $string['existingcategory1'] = 'a literal from an already existing set of literals that are also used by other questions in this category';
13 $string['existingcategory2'] = 'a file from an already existing set of files that are also used by other questions in this category';
14 $string['existingcategory3'] = 'a link from an already existing set of links that are also used by other questions in this category';
15 $string['forceregeneration'] = 'force regeneration';
16 $string['getnextnow'] = 'Get New \'Item to Add\' Now';
17 $string['itemno'] = 'Item $a';
18 $string['item(s)'] = 'item(s)';
19 $string['itemscount']='Items<br/>Count';
20 $string['itemtoadd'] = 'Item To Add';
21 $string['keptcategory1'] = 'a literal from the same category reusable set of literals as before';
22 $string['keptcategory2'] = 'a file from the same category reusable set of files as before';
23 $string['keptcategory3'] = 'a link from the same category reusable set of links as before';
24 $string['keptlocal1'] = 'a literal from the same question private set of literals as before';
25 $string['keptlocal2'] = 'a file from the same question private set of files as before';
26 $string['keptlocal3'] = 'a link from the same question private set of links as before';
27 $string['lastitem(s)'] = 'last items(s)';
28 $string['loguniform'] = 'Loguniform';
29 $string['minmax'] = 'Range of Values';
30 $string['newcategory1'] = 'a literal from a new set of literals that may also be used by other questions in this category';
31 $string['newcategory2'] = 'a file from a new set of files that may also be used by other questions in this category';
32 $string['newcategory3'] = 'a link from a new set of links that may also be used by other questions in this category';
33 $string['newlocal1'] = 'a literal from a new set of literals that will only be used by this question';
34 $string['newlocal2'] = 'a file from a new set of files that will only be used by this question';
35 $string['newlocal3'] = 'a link from a new set of links that will only be used by this question';
36 $string['nodataset'] = 'nothing - it is not a wild card';
37 $string['param'] = 'Param {<strong>$a</strong>}';
38 $string['replacewithrandom'] = 'Replace with a random value';
39 $string['reuseifpossible'] = 'reuse previous value if available';
40 $string['sharedwildcard']='Shared wild card';
41 $string['sharedwildcards']='Shared wild cards';
42 $string['uniform'] = 'Uniform';
43 $string['updatedatasetparam'] = 'Update the datasets parameters';
44 $string['youmustaddatleastoneitem'] = 'You must add at least one dataset item before you can save this question.';