"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
2 <html<?php echo $direction ?>>
5 <meta name=
"keywords" content=
"moodle, <?php echo $title ?> " />
6 <title
echo $title ?></title>
7 <link rel=
"shortcut icon" href=
"<?php echo $CFG->themewww.'/'.current_theme() ?>/favicon.ico" />
8 <?php
include("$CFG->javascript"); ?>
14 echo " onload=\"setfocus()\"";
17 <div class=
20 <?php //Accessibility: warning: ALT text will need editing when logo changes. 'headermain' is now H1.
22 if ($home) { // home page ?>
23 <?php
print_container_start(true, '', 'header-home'); ?>
24 <h1 class=
"headermain"><img alt=
"[ REPLACE ME ]" src=
"<?php echo $CFG->themewww.'/'.current_theme() ?>/images/logo.jpg" width
="457" height
="64" /></h1
25 <div
echo $menu ?></div>
26 <?php print_container_end(); ?>
27 <?php } else if ($heading) { // This is what gets printed on any other page with a heading
29 <?php print_container_start(true, '', 'header'); ?>
30 <h1 class=
"headermain"><img alt=
"[ REPLACE ME ]" src=
"<?php echo $CFG->themewww.'/'.current_theme() ?>/images/logo.jpg" width
="457" height
="64" /></h1
31 <div
echo $menu ?></div>
32 <?php print_container_end(); ?>
33 <div class=
35 <?php //Accessibility: breadcrumb trail/navbar now a DIV, not a table.
36 if ($navigation) { // This is the navigation bar with breadcrumbs ?>
37 <div
class="navbar clearfix">
38 <div
print_navigation($navigation); ?></div>
39 <div class=
"navbutton"><?php echo $button; ?></div>
41 <?php } else if ($heading) { // If no navigation, but a heading, then print a line ?>
44 <!-- END OF HEADER -->
45 <div class=
46 <?php print_container_start(false, '', 'content'); ?>