Added LinuxChix theme
[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lib / statslib.php
1 <?php
5 define('STATS_REPORT_LOGINS',1); // double impose logins and unqiue logins on a line graph. site course only.
6 define('STATS_REPORT_READS',2); // double impose student reads and teacher reads on a line graph.
7 define('STATS_REPORT_WRITES',3); // double impose student writes and teacher writes on a line graph.
8 define('STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITY',4); // 2+3 added up, teacher vs student.
9 define('STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITYBYROLE',5); // all activity, reads vs writes, seleted by role.
11 // user level stats reports.
15 define('STATS_REPORT_USER_VIEW',10); // this is the report you see on the user profile.
17 // admin only ranking stats reports
23 // start after 0 = show dailies.
24 define('STATS_TIME_LASTWEEK',1);
25 define('STATS_TIME_LAST2WEEKS',2);
26 define('STATS_TIME_LAST3WEEKS',3);
27 define('STATS_TIME_LAST4WEEKS',4);
29 // start after 10 = show weeklies
30 define('STATS_TIME_LAST2MONTHS',12);
32 define('STATS_TIME_LAST3MONTHS',13);
33 define('STATS_TIME_LAST4MONTHS',14);
34 define('STATS_TIME_LAST5MONTHS',15);
35 define('STATS_TIME_LAST6MONTHS',16);
37 // start after 20 = show monthlies
38 define('STATS_TIME_LAST7MONTHS',27);
39 define('STATS_TIME_LAST8MONTHS',28);
40 define('STATS_TIME_LAST9MONTHS',29);
41 define('STATS_TIME_LAST10MONTHS',30);
42 define('STATS_TIME_LAST11MONTHS',31);
43 define('STATS_TIME_LASTYEAR',32);
45 // different modes for what reports to offer
46 define('STATS_MODE_GENERAL',1);
47 define('STATS_MODE_DETAILED',2);
48 define('STATS_MODE_RANKED',3); // admins only - ranks courses
50 /**
51 * Print daily cron progress
52 * @param string $ident
54 function stats_daily_progress($ident) {
55 static $start = 0;
56 static $init = 0;
58 if ($ident == 'init') {
59 $init = $start = time();
60 return;
63 $elapsed = time() - $start;
64 $start = time();
66 if (debugging('', DEBUG_ALL)) {
67 mtrace("$ident:$elapsed ", '');
68 } else {
69 mtrace('.', '');
73 /**
74 * Execute daily statistics gathering
75 * @param int $maxdays maximum number of days to be processed
76 * @return boolean success
78 function stats_cron_daily($maxdays=1) {
79 global $CFG;
81 $now = time();
83 // read last execution date from db
84 if (!$timestart = get_config(NULL, 'statslastdaily')) {
85 $timestart = stats_get_base_daily(stats_get_start_from('daily'));
86 set_config('statslastdaily', $timestart);
89 $nextmidnight = stats_get_next_day_start($timestart);
91 // are there any days that need to be processed?
92 if ($now < $nextmidnight) {
93 return true; // everything ok and up-to-date
96 $timeout = empty($CFG->statsmaxruntime) ? 60*60*24 : $CFG->statsmaxruntime;
98 if (!set_cron_lock('statsrunning', $now + $timeout)) {
99 return false;
102 // fisrt delete entries that should not be there yet
103 delete_records_select('stats_daily', "timeend > $timestart");
104 delete_records_select('stats_user_daily', "timeend > $timestart");
106 // Read in a few things we'll use later
107 $viewactions = implode(',', stats_get_action_names('view'));
108 $postactions = implode(',', stats_get_action_names('post'));
110 $guest = get_guest();
111 $guestrole = get_guest_role();
113 list($enroljoin, $enrolwhere) = stats_get_enrolled_sql($CFG->statscatdepth, true);
114 list($enroljoin_na, $enrolwhere_na) = stats_get_enrolled_sql($CFG->statscatdepth, false);
115 list($fpjoin, $fpwhere) = stats_get_enrolled_sql(0, true);
117 mtrace("Running daily statistics gathering, starting at $timestart:");
119 $days = 0;
120 $failed = false; // failed stats flag
122 while ($now > $nextmidnight) {
123 if ($days >= $maxdays) {
124 mtrace("...stopping early, reached maximum number of $maxdays days - will continue next time.");
125 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', null);
126 return false;
129 $days++;
130 @set_time_limit($timeout - 200);
132 if ($days > 1) {
133 // move the lock
134 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', time() + $timeout, true);
137 $daystart = time();
139 $timesql = "l.time >= $timestart AND l.time < $nextmidnight";
140 $timesql1 = "l1.time >= $timestart AND l1.time < $nextmidnight";
141 $timesql2 = "l2.time >= $timestart AND l2.time < $nextmidnight";
143 stats_daily_progress('init');
146 /// find out if any logs available for this day
147 $sql = "SELECT 'x'
148 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
149 WHERE $timesql";
150 $logspresent = get_records_sql($sql, 0, 1);
152 /// process login info first
153 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, userid, statsreads)
155 SELECT 'logins', timeend, courseid, userid, count(statsreads)
156 FROM (
157 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, ".SITEID." AS courseid, l.userid, AS statsreads
158 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
159 WHERE action = 'login' AND $timesql
160 ) inline_view
161 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, userid
162 HAVING count(statsreads) > 0";
164 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
165 $failed = true;
166 break;
168 stats_daily_progress('1');
170 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
172 SELECT 'logins' AS stattype, $nextmidnight AS timeend, ".SITEID." as courseid, 0,
173 COALESCE((SELECT SUM(statsreads)
174 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily s1
175 WHERE s1.stattype = 'logins' AND timeend = $nextmidnight), 0) AS stat1,
176 (SELECT COUNT('x')
177 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily s2
178 WHERE s2.stattype = 'logins' AND timeend = $nextmidnight) AS stat2" .
179 sql_null_from_clause();
181 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
182 $failed = true;
183 break;
185 stats_daily_progress('2');
188 // Enrolments and active enrolled users
190 // Unfortunately, we do not know how many users were registered
191 // at given times in history :-(
192 // - stat1: enrolled users
193 // - stat2: enrolled users active in this period
194 // - enrolment is defined now as having course:view capability in
195 // course context or above, we look 3 cats upwards only and ignore prevent
196 // and prohibit caps to simplify it
197 // - SITEID is specialcased here, because it's all about default enrolment
198 // in that case, we'll count non-deleted users.
201 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
203 SELECT 'enrolments', timeend, courseid, roleid, COUNT(DISTINCT userid), 0
204 FROM (
205 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, pl.courseid, pl.roleid, pl.userid
206 FROM (
207 SELECT DISTINCT ra.roleid, ra.userid, as courseid
208 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin_na
209 WHERE $enrolwhere_na
210 ) pl
211 ) inline_view
212 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, roleid";
214 if (!execute_sql($sql, false)) {
215 $failed = true;
216 break;
218 stats_daily_progress('3');
220 // using table alias in UPDATE does not work in pg < 8.2
221 $sql = "UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily
222 SET stat2 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ra.userid)
223 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin_na
224 WHERE ra.roleid = {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.roleid AND
225 = {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.courseid AND
226 $enrolwhere_na AND
228 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
229 WHERE l.course = {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.courseid AND
230 l.userid = ra.userid AND $timesql))
231 WHERE {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.stattype = 'enrolments' AND
232 {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.timeend = $nextmidnight AND
233 {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.courseid IN
234 (SELECT DISTINCT l.course
235 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
236 WHERE $timesql)";
238 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
239 $failed = true;
240 break;
242 stats_daily_progress('4');
244 /// now get course total enrolments (roleid==0) - except frontpage
245 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
247 SELECT 'enrolments', timeend, id, nroleid, COUNT(DISTINCT userid), 0
248 FROM (
249 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend,, 0 AS nroleid, ra.userid
250 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin_na
251 WHERE <> ".SITEID." AND $enrolwhere_na
252 ) inline_view
253 GROUP BY timeend, id, nroleid
254 HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT userid) > 0";
256 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
257 $failed = true;
258 break;
260 stats_daily_progress('5');
262 $sql = "UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily
263 SET stat2 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ra.userid)
264 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin_na
265 WHERE = {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.courseid AND
266 $enrolwhere_na AND
268 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
269 WHERE l.course = {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.courseid AND
270 l.userid = ra.userid AND $timesql))
271 WHERE {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.stattype = 'enrolments' AND
272 {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.timeend = $nextmidnight AND
273 {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.roleid = 0 AND
274 {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily.courseid IN
275 (SELECT l.course
276 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
277 WHERE $timesql AND l.course <> ".SITEID.")";
279 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
280 $failed = true;
281 break;
283 stats_daily_progress('6');
285 /// frontapge(==site) enrolments total
286 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
288 SELECT 'enrolments', $nextmidnight, ".SITEID.", 0,
289 (SELECT COUNT('x')
290 FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
291 WHERE u.deleted = 0) AS stat1,
293 FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
294 JOIN {$CFG->prefix}log l ON l.userid =
295 WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND $timesql) AS stat2" .
296 sql_null_from_clause();
298 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
299 $failed = true;
300 break;
302 stats_daily_progress('7');
304 if (empty($CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid)) { // 1.9 only, so far
305 $defaultfproleid = 0;
306 } else {
307 $defaultfproleid = $CFG->defaultfrontpageroleid;
310 /// Default frontpage role enrolments are all site users (not deleted)
311 if ($defaultfproleid) {
312 // first remove default frontpage role counts if created by previous query
313 $sql = "DELETE
314 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily
315 WHERE stattype = 'enrolments' AND courseid = ".SITEID." AND
316 roleid = $defaultfproleid AND timeend = $nextmidnight";
317 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
318 $failed = true;
319 break;
321 stats_daily_progress('8');
323 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
325 SELECT 'enrolments', $nextmidnight, ".SITEID.", $defaultfproleid,
326 (SELECT COUNT('x')
327 FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
328 WHERE u.deleted = 0) AS stat1,
330 FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
331 JOIN {$CFG->prefix}log l ON l.userid =
332 WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND $timesql) AS stat2" .
333 sql_null_from_clause();
335 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
336 $failed = true;
337 break;
339 stats_daily_progress('9');
341 } else {
342 stats_daily_progress('x');
343 stats_daily_progress('x');
348 /// individual user stats (including not-logged-in) in each course, this is slow - reuse this data if possible
349 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, userid, statsreads, statswrites)
351 SELECT 'activity' AS stattype, $nextmidnight AS timeend, d.courseid, d.userid,
352 (SELECT COUNT('x')
353 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
354 WHERE l.userid = d.userid AND
355 l.course = d.courseid AND $timesql AND
356 l.action IN ($viewactions)) AS statsreads,
357 (SELECT COUNT('x')
358 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
359 WHERE l.userid = d.userid AND
360 l.course = d.courseid AND $timesql AND
361 l.action IN ($postactions)) AS statswrites
362 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT AS userid, l.course AS courseid
363 FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, {$CFG->prefix}log l
364 WHERE = l.userid AND $timesql
366 SELECT 0 AS userid, ".SITEID." AS courseid" . sql_null_from_clause() . ") d";
367 // can not use group by here because pg can not handle it :-(
369 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
370 $failed = true;
371 break;
373 stats_daily_progress('10');
376 /// how many view/post actions in each course total
377 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
379 SELECT 'activity' AS stattype, $nextmidnight AS timeend, AS courseid, 0,
380 (SELECT COUNT('x')
381 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l1
382 WHERE l1.course = AND l1.action IN ($viewactions) AND
383 $timesql1) AS stat1,
384 (SELECT COUNT('x')
385 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l2
386 WHERE l2.course = AND l2.action IN ($postactions) AND
387 $timesql2) AS stat2
388 FROM {$CFG->prefix}course c
390 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
391 WHERE l.course = and $timesql)";
393 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
394 $failed = true;
395 break;
397 stats_daily_progress('11');
400 /// how many view actions for each course+role - excluding guests and frontpage
402 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
404 SELECT 'activity', timeend, courseid, roleid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
405 FROM (
406 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, pl.courseid, pl.roleid, sud.statsreads, sud.statswrites
407 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily sud,
408 (SELECT DISTINCT ra.userid, ra.roleid, AS courseid
409 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin
411 ra.roleid <> $guestrole->id AND
412 ra.userid <> $guest->id AND
413 $enrolwhere
414 ) pl
415 WHERE sud.userid = pl.userid AND
416 sud.courseid = pl.courseid AND
417 sud.timeend = $nextmidnight AND
418 sud.stattype='activity'
419 ) inline_view
420 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, roleid
421 HAVING SUM(statsreads) > 0 OR SUM(statswrites) > 0";
423 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
424 $failed = true;
425 break;
427 stats_daily_progress('12');
429 /// how many view actions from guests only in each course - excluding frontpage
430 /// (guest is anybody with guest role or no role with course:view in course - this may not work properly if category limit too low)
431 /// normal users may enter course with temporary guest acces too
433 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
435 SELECT 'activity', timeend, courseid, nroleid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
436 FROM (
437 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, sud.courseid, $guestrole->id AS nroleid, sud.statsreads, sud.statswrites
438 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily sud
439 WHERE sud.timeend = $nextmidnight AND sud.courseid <> ".SITEID." AND
440 sud.stattype='activity' AND
441 (sud.userid = $guest->id OR sud.userid
442 NOT IN (SELECT ra.userid
443 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin
444 WHERE <> ".SITEID." AND ra.roleid <> $guestrole->id AND
445 $enrolwhere))
446 ) inline_view
447 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, nroleid
448 HAVING SUM(statsreads) > 0 OR SUM(statswrites) > 0";
450 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
451 $failed = true;
452 break;
454 stats_daily_progress('13');
457 /// how many view actions for each role on frontpage - excluding guests, not-logged-in and default frontpage role
458 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
460 SELECT 'activity', timeend, courseid, roleid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
461 FROM (
462 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, pl.courseid, pl.roleid, sud.statsreads, sud.statswrites
463 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily sud,
464 (SELECT DISTINCT ra.userid, ra.roleid, AS courseid
465 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $enroljoin
467 ra.roleid <> $defaultfproleid AND
468 ra.roleid <> $guestrole->id AND
469 ra.userid <> $guest->id AND
470 $enrolwhere
471 ) pl
472 WHERE sud.userid = pl.userid AND
473 sud.courseid = pl.courseid AND
474 sud.timeend = $nextmidnight AND
475 sud.stattype='activity'
476 ) inline_view
477 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, roleid
478 HAVING SUM(statsreads) > 0 OR SUM(statswrites) > 0";
480 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
481 $failed = true;
482 break;
484 stats_daily_progress('14');
487 /// how many view actions for default frontpage role on frontpage only
488 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
490 SELECT 'activity', timeend, courseid, nroleid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
491 FROM (
492 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, sud.courseid, $defaultfproleid AS nroleid, sud.statsreads, sud.statswrites
493 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily sud
494 WHERE sud.timeend = $nextmidnight AND sud.courseid = ".SITEID." AND
495 sud.stattype='activity' AND
496 sud.userid <> $guest->id AND sud.userid <> 0 AND sud.userid
497 NOT IN (SELECT ra.userid
498 FROM {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments ra $fpjoin
499 WHERE = ".SITEID." AND ra.roleid <> $guestrole->id AND
500 ra.roleid <> $defaultfproleid AND $fpwhere)
501 ) inline_view
502 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, nroleid
503 HAVING SUM(statsreads) > 0 OR SUM(statswrites) > 0";
505 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
506 $failed = true;
507 break;
509 stats_daily_progress('15');
511 /// how many view actions for guests or not-logged-in on frontpage
512 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
514 SELECT 'activity', timeend, courseid, nroleid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
515 FROM (
516 SELECT $nextmidnight AS timeend, ".SITEID." AS courseid, $guestrole->id AS nroleid, pl.statsreads, pl.statswrites
517 FROM (
518 SELECT sud.statsreads, sud.statswrites
519 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily sud
520 WHERE (sud.userid = $guest->id OR sud.userid = 0) AND
521 sud.timeend = $nextmidnight AND sud.courseid = ".SITEID." AND
522 sud.stattype='activity'
523 ) pl
524 ) inline_view
525 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, nroleid
526 HAVING SUM(statsreads) > 0 OR SUM(statswrites) > 0";
528 if ($logspresent and !execute_sql($sql, false)) {
529 $failed = true;
530 break;
532 stats_daily_progress('16');
534 // remember processed days
535 set_config('statslastdaily', $nextmidnight);
536 mtrace(" finished until $nextmidnight: ".userdate($nextmidnight)." (in ".(time()-$daystart)." s)");
538 $timestart = $nextmidnight;
539 $nextmidnight = stats_get_next_day_start($nextmidnight);
542 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', null);
544 if ($failed) {
545 $days--;
546 mtrace("...error occured, completed $days days of statistics.");
547 return false;
549 } else {
550 mtrace("...completed $days days of statistics.");
551 return true;
557 * Execute weekly statistics gathering
558 * @return boolean success
560 function stats_cron_weekly() {
561 global $CFG;
563 $now = time();
565 // read last execution date from db
566 if (!$timestart = get_config(NULL, 'statslastweekly')) {
567 $timestart = stats_get_base_daily(stats_get_start_from('weekly'));
568 set_config('statslastweekly', $timestart);
571 $nextstartweek = stats_get_next_week_start($timestart);
573 // are there any weeks that need to be processed?
574 if ($now < $nextstartweek) {
575 return true; // everything ok and up-to-date
578 $timeout = empty($CFG->statsmaxruntime) ? 60*60*24 : $CFG->statsmaxruntime;
580 if (!set_cron_lock('statsrunning', $now + $timeout)) {
581 return false;
584 // fisrt delete entries that should not be there yet
585 delete_records_select('stats_weekly', "timeend > $timestart");
586 delete_records_select('stats_user_weekly', "timeend > $timestart");
588 mtrace("Running weekly statistics gathering, starting at $timestart:");
590 $weeks = 0;
591 while ($now > $nextstartweek) {
592 @set_time_limit($timeout - 200);
593 $weeks++;
595 if ($weeks > 1) {
596 // move the lock
597 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', time() + $timeout, true);
600 $logtimesql = "l.time >= $timestart AND l.time < $nextstartweek";
601 $stattimesql = "timeend > $timestart AND timeend <= $nextstartweek";
603 /// process login info first
604 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_weekly (stattype, timeend, courseid, userid, statsreads)
606 SELECT 'logins', timeend, courseid, userid, COUNT(statsreads)
607 FROM (
608 SELECT $nextstartweek AS timeend, ".SITEID." as courseid, l.userid, AS statsreads
609 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
610 WHERE action = 'login' AND $logtimesql
611 ) inline_view
612 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, userid
613 HAVING COUNT(statsreads) > 0";
615 execute_sql($sql, false);
618 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_weekly (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
620 SELECT 'logins' AS stattype, $nextstartweek AS timeend, ".SITEID." as courseid, 0,
621 COALESCE((SELECT SUM(statsreads)
622 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_weekly s1
623 WHERE s1.stattype = 'logins' AND timeend = $nextstartweek), 0) AS nstat1,
624 (SELECT COUNT('x')
625 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_weekly s2
626 WHERE s2.stattype = 'logins' AND timeend = $nextstartweek) AS nstat2" .
627 sql_null_from_clause();
629 execute_sql($sql, false);
632 /// now enrolments averages
633 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_weekly (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
635 SELECT 'enrolments', ntimeend, courseid, roleid, " . sql_ceil('AVG(stat1)') . ", " . sql_ceil('AVG(stat2)') . "
636 FROM (
637 SELECT $nextstartweek AS ntimeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2
638 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily sd
639 WHERE stattype = 'enrolments' AND $stattimesql
640 ) inline_view
641 GROUP BY ntimeend, courseid, roleid";
643 execute_sql($sql, false);
646 /// activity read/write averages
647 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_weekly (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
649 SELECT 'activity', ntimeend, courseid, roleid, SUM(stat1), SUM(stat2)
650 FROM (
651 SELECT $nextstartweek AS ntimeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2
652 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily
653 WHERE stattype = 'activity' AND $stattimesql
654 ) inline_view
655 GROUP BY ntimeend, courseid, roleid";
657 execute_sql($sql, false);
660 /// user read/write averages
661 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_weekly (stattype, timeend, courseid, userid, statsreads, statswrites)
663 SELECT 'activity', ntimeend, courseid, userid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
664 FROM (
665 SELECT $nextstartweek AS ntimeend, courseid, userid, statsreads, statswrites
666 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily
667 WHERE stattype = 'activity' AND $stattimesql
668 ) inline_view
669 GROUP BY ntimeend, courseid, userid";
671 execute_sql($sql, false);
673 set_config('statslastweekly', $nextstartweek);
674 mtrace(" finished until $nextstartweek: ".userdate($nextstartweek));
676 $timestart = $nextstartweek;
677 $nextstartweek = stats_get_next_week_start($nextstartweek);
680 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', null);
681 mtrace("...completed $weeks weeks of statistics.");
682 return true;
686 * Execute monthly statistics gathering
687 * @return boolean success
689 function stats_cron_monthly() {
690 global $CFG;
692 $now = time();
694 // read last execution date from db
695 if (!$timestart = get_config(NULL, 'statslastmonthly')) {
696 $timestart = stats_get_base_monthly(stats_get_start_from('monthly'));
697 set_config('statslastmonthly', $timestart);
700 $nextstartmonth = stats_get_next_month_start($timestart);
702 // are there any months that need to be processed?
703 if ($now < $nextstartmonth) {
704 return true; // everything ok and up-to-date
707 $timeout = empty($CFG->statsmaxruntime) ? 60*60*24 : $CFG->statsmaxruntime;
709 if (!set_cron_lock('statsrunning', $now + $timeout)) {
710 return false;
713 // fisr delete entries that should not be there yet
714 delete_records_select('stats_monthly', "timeend > $timestart");
715 delete_records_select('stats_user_monthly', "timeend > $timestart");
717 $startmonth = stats_get_base_monthly($now);
720 mtrace("Running monthly statistics gathering, starting at $timestart:");
722 $months = 0;
723 while ($now > $nextstartmonth) {
724 @set_time_limit($timeout - 200);
725 $months++;
727 if ($months > 1) {
728 // move the lock
729 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', time() + $timeout, true);
732 $logtimesql = "l.time >= $timestart AND l.time < $nextstartmonth";
733 $stattimesql = "timeend > $timestart AND timeend <= $nextstartmonth";
735 /// process login info first
736 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_monthly (stattype, timeend, courseid, userid, statsreads)
738 SELECT 'logins', timeend, courseid, userid, COUNT(statsreads)
739 FROM (
740 SELECT $nextstartmonth AS timeend, ".SITEID." as courseid, l.userid, AS statsreads
741 FROM {$CFG->prefix}log l
742 WHERE action = 'login' AND $logtimesql
743 ) inline_view
744 GROUP BY timeend, courseid, userid";
746 execute_sql($sql, false);
749 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_monthly (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
751 SELECT 'logins' AS stattype, $nextstartmonth AS timeend, ".SITEID." as courseid, 0,
752 COALESCE((SELECT SUM(statsreads)
753 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_monthly s1
754 WHERE s1.stattype = 'logins' AND timeend = $nextstartmonth), 0) AS nstat1,
755 (SELECT COUNT('x')
756 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_monthly s2
757 WHERE s2.stattype = 'logins' AND timeend = $nextstartmonth) AS nstat2" .
758 sql_null_from_clause();
760 execute_sql($sql, false);
763 /// now enrolments averages
764 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_monthly (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
766 SELECT 'enrolments', ntimeend, courseid, roleid, " . sql_ceil('AVG(stat1)') . ", " . sql_ceil('AVG(stat2)') . "
767 FROM (
768 SELECT $nextstartmonth AS ntimeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2
769 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily sd
770 WHERE stattype = 'enrolments' AND $stattimesql
771 ) inline_view
772 GROUP BY ntimeend, courseid, roleid";
774 execute_sql($sql, false);
777 /// activity read/write averages
778 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_monthly (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
780 SELECT 'activity', ntimeend, courseid, roleid, SUM(stat1), SUM(stat2)
781 FROM (
782 SELECT $nextstartmonth AS ntimeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2
783 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily
784 WHERE stattype = 'activity' AND $stattimesql
785 ) inline_view
786 GROUP BY ntimeend, courseid, roleid";
788 execute_sql($sql, false);
791 /// user read/write averages
792 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_monthly (stattype, timeend, courseid, userid, statsreads, statswrites)
794 SELECT 'activity', ntimeend, courseid, userid, SUM(statsreads), SUM(statswrites)
795 FROM (
796 SELECT $nextstartmonth AS ntimeend, courseid, userid, statsreads, statswrites
797 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_daily
798 WHERE stattype = 'activity' AND $stattimesql
799 ) inline_view
800 GROUP BY ntimeend, courseid, userid";
802 execute_sql($sql, false);
804 set_config('statslastmonthly', $nextstartmonth);
805 mtrace(" finished until $nextstartmonth: ".userdate($nextstartmonth));
807 $timestart = $nextstartmonth;
808 $nextstartmonth = stats_get_next_month_start($nextstartmonth);
811 set_cron_lock('statsrunning', null);
812 mtrace("...completed $months months of statistics.");
813 return true;
817 * Returns simplified enrolment sql join data
818 * @param int $limit number of max parent course categories
819 * @param bool $includedoanything include also admins
820 * @return array ra join and where string
822 function stats_get_enrolled_sql($limit, $includedoanything) {
823 global $CFG;
825 $adm = $includedoanything ? " OR rc.capability = 'moodle/site:doanything'" : "";
827 $join = "JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
828 ON = ra.contextid
829 CROSS JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course c
830 JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_capabilities rc
831 ON rc.roleid = ra.roleid";
832 $where = "((rc.capability = 'moodle/course:view' $adm)
833 AND rc.permission = 1 AND rc.contextid = ".SYSCONTEXTID."
834 AND (ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_SYSTEM."
835 OR ( = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_COURSE.")";
837 for($i=1; $i<=$limit; $i++) {
838 if ($i == 1) {
839 $join .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc1
840 ON = c.category";
841 $where .= " OR ( = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_COURSECAT.")";
842 } else {
843 $j = $i-1;
844 $join .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}course_categories cc$i
845 ON cc$ = cc$j.parent";
846 $where .= " OR (cc$ = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_COURSECAT.")";
850 $where .= "))";
852 return array($join, $where);
856 * Return starting date of stats processing
857 * @param string $str name of table - daily, weekly or monthly
858 * @return int timestamp
860 function stats_get_start_from($str) {
861 global $CFG;
863 // are there any data in stats table? Should not be...
864 if ($timeend = get_field_sql('SELECT timeend FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$str.' ORDER BY timeend DESC')) {
865 return $timeend;
867 // decide what to do based on our config setting (either all or none or a timestamp)
868 switch ($CFG->statsfirstrun) {
869 case 'all':
870 if ($firstlog = get_field_sql('SELECT time FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'log ORDER BY time ASC')) {
871 return $firstlog;
873 default:
874 if (is_numeric($CFG->statsfirstrun)) {
875 return time() - $CFG->statsfirstrun;
877 // not a number? use next instead
878 case 'none':
879 return strtotime('-3 day', time());
884 * Start of day
885 * @param int $time timestamp
886 * @return start of day
888 function stats_get_base_daily($time=0) {
889 global $CFG;
891 if (empty($time)) {
892 $time = time();
894 if ($CFG->timezone == 99) {
895 $time = strtotime(date('d-M-Y', $time));
896 return $time;
897 } else {
898 $offset = get_timezone_offset($CFG->timezone);
899 $gtime = $time + $offset;
900 $gtime = intval($gtime / (60*60*24)) * 60*60*24;
901 return $gtime - $offset;
906 * Start of week
907 * @param int $time timestamp
908 * @return start of week
910 function stats_get_base_weekly($time=0) {
911 global $CFG;
913 $time = stats_get_base_daily($time);
914 $startday = $CFG->calendar_startwday;
915 if ($CFG->timezone == 99) {
916 $thisday = date('w', $time);
917 } else {
918 $offset = get_timezone_offset($CFG->timezone);
919 $gtime = $time + $offset;
920 $thisday = gmdate('w', $gtime);
922 if ($thisday > $startday) {
923 $time = $time - (($thisday - $startday) * 60*60*24);
924 } else if ($thisday < $startday) {
925 $time = $time - ((7 + $thisday - $startday) * 60*60*24);
927 return $time;
931 * Start of month
932 * @param int $time timestamp
933 * @return start of month
935 function stats_get_base_monthly($time=0) {
936 global $CFG;
938 if (empty($time)) {
939 $time = time();
941 if ($CFG->timezone == 99) {
942 return strtotime(date('1-M-Y', $time));
944 } else {
945 $time = stats_get_base_daily($time);
946 $offset = get_timezone_offset($CFG->timezone);
947 $gtime = $time + $offset;
948 $day = gmdate('d', $gtime);
949 if ($day == 1) {
950 return $time;
952 return $gtime - (($day-1) * 60*60*24);
957 * Start of next day
958 * @param int $time timestamp
959 * @return start of next day
961 function stats_get_next_day_start($time) {
962 $next = stats_get_base_daily($time);
963 $next = $next + 60*60*26;
964 $next = stats_get_base_daily($next);
965 if ($next <= $time) {
966 //DST trouble - prevent infinite loops
967 $next = $next + 60*60*24;
969 return $next;
973 * Start of next week
974 * @param int $time timestamp
975 * @return start of next week
977 function stats_get_next_week_start($time) {
978 $next = stats_get_base_weekly($time);
979 $next = $next + 60*60*24*9;
980 $next = stats_get_base_weekly($next);
981 if ($next <= $time) {
982 //DST trouble - prevent infinite loops
983 $next = $next + 60*60*24*7;
985 return $next;
989 * Start of next month
990 * @param int $time timestamp
991 * @return start of next month
993 function stats_get_next_month_start($time) {
994 $next = stats_get_base_monthly($time);
995 $next = $next + 60*60*24*33;
996 $next = stats_get_base_monthly($next);
997 if ($next <= $time) {
998 //DST trouble - prevent infinite loops
999 $next = $next + 60*60*24*31;
1001 return $next;
1005 * Remove old stats data
1007 function stats_clean_old() {
1008 mtrace("Running stats cleanup tasks...");
1009 $deletebefore = stats_get_base_monthly();
1011 // delete dailies older than 3 months (to be safe)
1012 $deletebefore = strtotime('-3 months', $deletebefore);
1013 delete_records_select('stats_daily', "timeend < $deletebefore");
1014 delete_records_select('stats_user_daily', "timeend < $deletebefore");
1016 // delete weeklies older than 9 months (to be safe)
1017 $deletebefore = strtotime('-6 months', $deletebefore);
1018 delete_records_select('stats_weekly', "timeend < $deletebefore");
1019 delete_records_select('stats_user_weekly', "timeend < $deletebefore");
1021 // don't delete monthlies
1023 mtrace("...stats cleanup finished");
1026 function stats_get_parameters($time,$report,$courseid,$mode,$roleid=0) {
1027 global $CFG,$db;
1029 $param = new object();
1031 if ($time < 10) { // dailies
1032 // number of days to go back = 7* time
1033 $param->table = 'daily';
1034 $param->timeafter = strtotime("-".($time*7)." days",stats_get_base_daily());
1035 } elseif ($time < 20) { // weeklies
1036 // number of weeks to go back = time - 10 * 4 (weeks) + base week
1037 $param->table = 'weekly';
1038 $param->timeafter = strtotime("-".(($time - 10)*4)." weeks",stats_get_base_weekly());
1039 } else { // monthlies.
1040 // number of months to go back = time - 20 * months + base month
1041 $param->table = 'monthly';
1042 $param->timeafter = strtotime("-".($time - 20)." months",stats_get_base_monthly());
1045 $param->extras = '';
1047 // compatibility - if we're in postgres, cast to real for some reports.
1048 $real = '';
1049 if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'postgres') {
1050 $real = '::real';
1053 switch ($report) {
1054 // ******************** STATS_MODE_GENERAL ******************** //
1056 $param->fields = 'timeend,sum(stat1) as line1,sum(stat2) as line2';
1057 $param->fieldscomplete = true;
1058 $param->stattype = 'logins';
1059 $param->line1 = get_string('statslogins');
1060 $param->line2 = get_string('statsuniquelogins');
1061 if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1062 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend';
1064 break;
1067 $param->fields = sql_concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, stat1 as line1';
1068 $param->fieldscomplete = true; // set this to true to avoid anything adding stuff to the list and breaking complex queries.
1069 $param->aggregategroupby = 'roleid';
1070 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1071 $param->crosstab = true;
1072 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid,stat1';
1073 if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1074 $param->fields = sql_concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, sum(stat1) as line1';
1075 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid';
1077 break;
1080 $param->fields = sql_concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, stat2 as line1';
1081 $param->fieldscomplete = true; // set this to true to avoid anything adding stuff to the list and breaking complex queries.
1082 $param->aggregategroupby = 'roleid';
1083 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1084 $param->crosstab = true;
1085 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid,stat2';
1086 if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1087 $param->fields = sql_concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, sum(stat2) as line1';
1088 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid';
1090 break;
1093 $param->fields = sql_concat('timeend','roleid').' AS uniqueid, timeend, roleid, sum(stat1+stat2) as line1';
1094 $param->fieldscomplete = true; // set this to true to avoid anything adding stuff to the list and breaking complex queries.
1095 $param->aggregategroupby = 'roleid';
1096 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1097 $param->crosstab = true;
1098 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid';
1099 if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1100 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend,roleid';
1102 break;
1105 $param->fields = 'stat1 AS line1, stat2 AS line2';
1106 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1107 $rolename = get_field('role','name','id',$roleid);
1108 $param->line1 = $rolename . get_string('statsreads');
1109 $param->line2 = $rolename . get_string('statswrites');
1110 if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1111 $param->extras = 'GROUP BY timeend';
1113 break;
1115 // ******************** STATS_MODE_DETAILED ******************** //
1117 $param->fields = 'statsreads as line1, statswrites as line2';
1118 $param->line1 = get_string('statsuserreads');
1119 $param->line2 = get_string('statsuserwrites');
1120 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1121 break;
1124 $param->fields = 'statsreads+statswrites as line1';
1125 $param->line1 = get_string('statsuseractivity');
1126 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1127 break;
1130 $param->fields = 'statsreads as line1';
1131 $param->line1 = get_string('statsuserlogins');
1132 $param->stattype = 'logins';
1133 break;
1136 $param->fields = 'statsreads as line1, statswrites as line2, statsreads+statswrites as line3';
1137 $param->line1 = get_string('statsuserreads');
1138 $param->line2 = get_string('statsuserwrites');
1139 $param->line3 = get_string('statsuseractivity');
1140 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1141 break;
1143 // ******************** STATS_MODE_RANKED ******************** //
1145 $param->fields = 'sum(stat1+stat2) AS line1';
1146 $param->stattype = 'activity';
1147 $param->orderby = 'line1 DESC';
1148 $param->line1 = get_string('activity');
1149 $param->graphline = 'line1';
1150 break;
1153 $threshold = 0;
1154 if (!empty($CFG->statsuserthreshold) && is_numeric($CFG->statsuserthreshold)) {
1155 $threshold = $CFG->statsuserthreshold;
1157 $param->fields = '';
1158 $param->sql = 'SELECT activity.courseid, activity.all_activity AS line1, enrolments.highest_enrolments AS line2,
1159 activity.all_activity / enrolments.highest_enrolments as line3
1160 FROM (
1161 SELECT courseid, (stat1+stat2) AS all_activity
1162 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.'
1163 WHERE stattype=\'activity\' AND timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.' AND roleid = 0
1164 ) activity
1167 SELECT courseid, max(stat1) AS highest_enrolments
1168 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.'
1169 WHERE stattype=\'enrolments\' AND timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.' AND stat1 > '.$threshold.'
1170 GROUP BY courseid
1171 ) enrolments
1172 ON (activity.courseid = enrolments.courseid)
1173 ORDER BY line3 DESC';
1174 $param->line1 = get_string('activity');
1175 $param->line2 = get_string('users');
1176 $param->line3 = get_string('activityweighted');
1177 $param->graphline = 'line3';
1178 break;
1181 $threshold = 0;
1182 if (!empty($CFG->statsuserthreshold) && is_numeric($CFG->statsuserthreshold)) {
1183 $threshold = $CFG->statsuserthreshold;
1185 $param->fields = '';
1186 $param->sql = 'SELECT courseid, ' . sql_ceil('avg(all_enrolments)') . ' as line1, ' .
1187 sql_ceil('avg(active_enrolments)') . ' as line2, avg(proportion_active) AS line3
1188 FROM (
1189 SELECT courseid, timeend, stat2 as active_enrolments,
1190 stat1 as all_enrolments, stat2'.$real.'/stat1'.$real.' as proportion_active
1191 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.'
1192 WHERE stattype=\'enrolments\' AND roleid = 0 AND stat1 > '.$threshold.'
1193 ) aq
1194 WHERE timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.'
1195 GROUP BY courseid
1196 ORDER BY line3 DESC';
1198 $param->line1 = get_string('users');
1199 $param->line2 = get_string('activeusers');
1200 $param->line3 = get_string('participationratio');
1201 $param->graphline = 'line3';
1202 break;
1205 $param->fields = '';
1206 $param->sql = 'SELECT courseid, sum(views) AS line1, sum(posts) AS line2,
1207 avg(proportion_active) AS line3
1208 FROM (
1209 SELECT courseid, timeend, stat1 as views, stat2 AS posts,
1210 stat2'.$real.'/stat1'.$real.' as proportion_active
1211 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_'.$param->table.'
1212 WHERE stattype=\'activity\' AND roleid = 0 AND stat1 > 0
1213 ) aq
1214 WHERE timeend >= '.$param->timeafter.'
1215 GROUP BY courseid
1216 ORDER BY line3 DESC';
1217 $param->line1 = get_string('views');
1218 $param->line2 = get_string('posts');
1219 $param->line3 = get_string('participationratio');
1220 $param->graphline = 'line3';
1221 break;
1225 if ($courseid == SITEID && $mode != STATS_MODE_RANKED) { // just aggregate all courses.
1226 $param->fields = preg_replace('/(?:sum)([a-zA-Z0-9+_]*)\W+as\W+([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/i','sum($1) as $2',$param->fields);
1227 $param->extras = ' GROUP BY timeend'.((!empty($param->aggregategroupby)) ? ','.$param->aggregategroupby : '');
1230 //TODO must add the SITEID reports to the rest of the reports.
1231 return $param;
1234 function stats_get_view_actions() {
1235 return array('view','view all','history');
1238 function stats_get_post_actions() {
1239 return array('add','delete','edit','add mod','delete mod','edit section'.'enrol','loginas','new','unenrol','update','update mod');
1242 function stats_get_action_names($str) {
1243 global $CFG;
1245 $mods = get_records('modules');
1246 $function = 'stats_get_'.$str.'_actions';
1247 $actions = $function();
1248 foreach ($mods as $mod) {
1249 $file = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php';
1250 if (!is_readable($file)) {
1251 continue;
1253 require_once($file);
1254 $function = $mod->name.'_get_'.$str.'_actions';
1255 if (function_exists($function)) {
1256 $actions = array_merge($actions,$function());
1260 // The array_values() forces a stack-like array
1261 // so we can later loop over safely...
1262 $actions = array_values(array_unique($actions));
1263 $c = count($actions);
1264 for ($n=0;$n<$c;$n++) {
1265 $actions[$n] = "'" . $actions[$n] . "'"; // quote them for SQL
1267 return $actions;
1270 function stats_get_time_options($now,$lastweekend,$lastmonthend,$earliestday,$earliestweek,$earliestmonth) {
1272 $now = stats_get_base_daily(time());
1273 // it's really important that it's TIMEEND in the table. ie, tuesday 00:00:00 is monday night.
1274 // so we need to take a day off here (essentially add a day to $now
1275 $now += 60*60*24;
1277 $timeoptions = array();
1279 if ($now - (60*60*24*7) >= $earliestday) {
1280 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LASTWEEK] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',1);
1282 if ($now - (60*60*24*14) >= $earliestday) {
1283 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST2WEEKS] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',2);
1285 if ($now - (60*60*24*21) >= $earliestday) {
1286 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST3WEEKS] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',3);
1288 if ($now - (60*60*24*28) >= $earliestday) {
1289 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST4WEEKS] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',4);// show dailies up to (including) here.
1291 if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*56) >= $earliestweek) {
1292 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST2MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',2);
1294 if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*84) >= $earliestweek) {
1295 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST3MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',3);
1297 if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*112) >= $earliestweek) {
1298 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST4MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',4);
1300 if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*140) >= $earliestweek) {
1301 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST5MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',5);
1303 if ($lastweekend - (60*60*24*168) >= $earliestweek) {
1304 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST6MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',6); // show weeklies up to (including) here
1306 if (strtotime('-7 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) {
1307 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST7MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',7);
1309 if (strtotime('-8 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) {
1310 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST8MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',8);
1312 if (strtotime('-9 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) {
1313 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST9MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',9);
1315 if (strtotime('-10 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) {
1316 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST10MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',10);
1318 if (strtotime('-11 months',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) {
1319 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LAST11MONTHS] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',11);
1321 if (strtotime('-1 year',$lastmonthend) >= $earliestmonth) {
1322 $timeoptions[STATS_TIME_LASTYEAR] = get_string('lastyear');
1325 return $timeoptions;
1328 function stats_get_report_options($courseid,$mode) {
1329 global $CFG;
1331 $reportoptions = array();
1333 switch ($mode) {
1335 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITY] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITY);
1336 if ($courseid != SITEID && $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid)) {
1337 $sql = 'SELECT, FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'role r JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'stats_daily s ON s.roleid = WHERE s.courseid = '.$courseid;
1338 if ($roles = get_records_sql($sql)) {
1339 foreach ($roles as $role) {
1340 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITYBYROLE.$role->id] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVITYBYROLE). ' '.$role->name;
1344 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_READS] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_READS);
1345 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_WRITES] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_WRITES);
1346 if ($courseid == SITEID) {
1347 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_LOGINS] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_LOGINS);
1350 break;
1352 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_USER_ACTIVITY] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_USER_ACTIVITY);
1353 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_USER_ALLACTIVITY] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_USER_ALLACTIVITY);
1354 if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewreports', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
1355 $site = get_site();
1356 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_USER_LOGINS] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_USER_LOGINS);
1358 break;
1360 if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewreports', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
1361 $reportoptions[STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES] = get_string('statsreport'.STATS_REPORT_ACTIVE_COURSES);
1366 break;
1369 return $reportoptions;
1372 function stats_fix_zeros($stats,$timeafter,$timestr,$line2=true,$line3=false) {
1374 if (empty($stats)) {
1375 return;
1378 $timestr = str_replace('user_','',$timestr); // just in case.
1379 $fun = 'stats_get_base_'.$timestr;
1381 $now = $fun();
1383 $times = array();
1384 // add something to timeafter since it is our absolute base
1385 $actualtimes = array();
1386 foreach ($stats as $statid=>$s) {
1387 //normalize the times in stats - those might have been created in different timezone, DST etc.
1388 $s->timeend = $fun($s->timeend + 60*60*5);
1389 $stats[$statid] = $s;
1391 $actualtimes[] = $s->timeend;
1394 $timeafter = array_pop(array_values($actualtimes));
1396 while ($timeafter < $now) {
1397 $times[] = $timeafter;
1398 if ($timestr == 'daily') {
1399 $timeafter = stats_get_next_day_start($timeafter);
1400 } else if ($timestr == 'weekly') {
1401 $timeafter = stats_get_next_week_start($timeafter);
1402 } else if ($timestr == 'monthly') {
1403 $timeafter = stats_get_next_month_start($timeafter);
1404 } else {
1405 return $stats; // this will put us in a never ending loop.
1409 foreach ($times as $count => $time) {
1410 if (!in_array($time,$actualtimes) && $count != count($times) -1) {
1411 $newobj = new StdClass;
1412 $newobj->timeend = $time;
1413 $newobj->id = 0;
1414 $newobj->roleid = 0;
1415 $newobj->line1 = 0;
1416 if (!empty($line2)) {
1417 $newobj->line2 = 0;
1419 if (!empty($line3)) {
1420 $newobj->line3 = 0;
1422 $newobj->zerofixed = true;
1423 $stats[] = $newobj;
1427 usort($stats,"stats_compare_times");
1428 return $stats;
1432 // helper function to sort arrays by $obj->timeend
1433 function stats_compare_times($a,$b) {
1434 if ($a->timeend == $b->timeend) {
1435 return 0;
1437 return ($a->timeend > $b->timeend) ? -1 : 1;
1440 function stats_check_uptodate($courseid=0) {
1441 global $CFG;
1443 if (empty($courseid)) {
1444 $courseid = SITEID;
1447 $latestday = stats_get_start_from('daily');
1449 if ((time() - 60*60*24*2) < $latestday) { // we're ok
1450 return NULL;
1453 $a = new object();
1454 $a->daysdone = get_field_sql("SELECT count(distinct(timeend)) from {$CFG->prefix}stats_daily");
1456 // how many days between the last day and now?
1457 $a->dayspending = ceil((stats_get_base_daily() - $latestday)/(60*60*24));
1459 if ($a->dayspending == 0 && $a->daysdone != 0) {
1460 return NULL; // we've only just started...
1463 //return error as string
1464 return get_string('statscatchupmode','error',$a);
1468 * Calculate missing course totals in stats
1470 function stats_upgrade_totals() {
1471 global $CFG;
1473 if (empty($CFG->statsrolesupgraded)) {
1474 // stats not yet upgraded to cope with roles...
1475 return;
1478 $types = array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly');
1480 $now = time();
1481 $y30 = 60*60*24*365*30; // 30 years ago :-O
1482 $y20 = 60*60*24*365*20; // 20 years ago :-O
1483 $limit = $now - $y20;
1485 foreach ($types as $i => $type) {
1486 $type2 = $types[($i+1) % count($types)];
1488 // delete previous incomplete data
1489 $sql = "DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type2
1490 WHERE timeend < $limit";
1491 execute_sql($sql);
1493 // clear the totals if already exist
1494 $sql = "DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type
1495 WHERE (stattype = 'enrolments' OR stattype = 'activity') AND
1496 roleid = 0";
1497 execute_sql($sql);
1499 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type2 (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
1501 SELECT stattype, (timeend - $y30), courseid, 0, SUM(stat1), SUM(stat2)
1502 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type
1503 WHERE (stattype = 'enrolments' OR stattype = 'activity') AND
1504 roleid <> 0
1505 GROUP BY stattype, timeend, courseid";
1506 execute_sql($sql);
1508 $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type (stattype, timeend, courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2)
1510 SELECT stattype, (timeend + $y30), courseid, roleid, stat1, stat2
1511 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type2
1512 WHERE (stattype = 'enrolments' OR stattype = 'activity') AND
1513 roleid = 0 AND timeend < $y20";
1514 execute_sql($sql);
1516 $sql = "DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_$type2
1517 WHERE timeend < $limit";
1518 execute_sql($sql);
1523 function stats_upgrade_for_roles_wrapper() {
1524 global $CFG;
1525 if (!empty($CFG->statsrolesupgraded)) {
1526 return true;
1529 $result = begin_sql();
1531 $result = $result && stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles('daily');
1532 $result = $result && stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles('weekly');
1533 $result = $result && stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles('monthly');
1535 $result = $result && stats_upgrade_table_for_roles('daily');
1536 $result = $result && stats_upgrade_table_for_roles('weekly');
1537 $result = $result && stats_upgrade_table_for_roles('monthly');
1540 $result = $result && commit_sql();
1542 if (!empty($result)) {
1543 set_config('statsrolesupgraded',time());
1546 // finally upgade totals, no big deal if it fails
1547 stats_upgrade_totals();
1549 return $result;
1553 * Upgrades a prefix_stats_user_* table for the new role based permission
1554 * system.
1556 * @param string $period daily, weekly or monthly: the stat period to upgrade
1557 * @return boolean @todo maybe something else (error message) depending on
1558 * how this will be called.
1560 function stats_upgrade_user_table_for_roles($period) {
1561 global $CFG;
1562 static $teacher_role_id, $student_role_id;
1564 if (!in_array($period, array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'))) {
1565 error_log('stats upgrade: invalid period: ' . $period);
1566 return false;
1569 if (!$teacher_role_id) {
1570 $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:editingteacher', CAP_ALLOW);
1571 $role = array_keys($role);
1572 $teacher_role_id = $role[0];
1573 $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:student', CAP_ALLOW);
1574 $role = array_keys($role);
1575 $student_role_id = $role[0];
1578 if (empty($teacher_role_id) || empty($student_role_id)) {
1579 error_log("Couldn't find legacy roles for teacher or student");
1580 return false;
1583 $status = true;
1585 $status = $status && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_{$period}
1586 SET roleid = $teacher_role_id
1587 WHERE roleid = 1");
1588 $status = $status && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}stats_user_{$period}
1589 SET roleid = $student_role_id
1590 WHERE roleid = 2");
1592 return $status;
1596 * Upgrades a prefix_stats_* table for the new role based permission system.
1598 * @param string $period daily, weekly or monthly: the stat period to upgrade
1599 * @return boolean @todo depends on how this will be called
1601 function stats_upgrade_table_for_roles ($period) {
1602 global $CFG;
1603 static $teacher_role_id, $student_role_id;
1605 if (!in_array($period, array('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'))) {
1606 return false;
1609 if (!$teacher_role_id) {
1610 $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:editingteacher', CAP_ALLOW);
1611 $role = array_keys($role);
1612 $teacher_role_id = $role[0];
1613 $role = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:student', CAP_ALLOW);
1614 $role = array_keys($role);
1615 $student_role_id = $role[0];
1618 if (empty($teacher_role_id) || empty($student_role_id)) {
1619 error_log("Couldn't find legacy roles for teacher or student");
1620 return false;
1623 execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp AS
1624 SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}");
1626 $table = new XMLDBTable('stats_' . $period);
1627 if (!drop_table($table)) {
1628 return false;
1631 // Create a new stats table
1632 // @todo this definition I have made blindly by looking at how definitions are
1633 // made, it needs work to make sure it works properly
1634 require_once("$CFG->libdir/xmldb/classes/XMLDBTable.class.php");
1636 $table = new XMLDBTable('stats_' . $period);
1637 $table->addFieldInfo('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED,
1638 XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null, null, null);
1640 $table->addFieldInfo('courseid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED,
1641 XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
1643 $table->addFieldInfo('roleid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED,
1644 XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
1645 $table->addFieldInfo('timeend', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED,
1646 XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
1647 $table->addFieldInfo('stattype', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL,
1648 null, XMLDB_ENUM, array('enrolments', 'activity', 'logins'), 'activity');
1649 $table->addFieldInfo('stat1', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED,
1650 XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
1651 $table->addFieldInfo('stat2', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED,
1652 XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, null);
1654 /// Adding keys to table stats_daily
1655 $table->addKeyInfo('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
1657 /// Adding indexes to table stats_daily
1658 $table->addIndexInfo('courseid', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('courseid'));
1659 $table->addIndexInfo('timeend', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('timeend'));
1660 $table->addIndexInfo('roleid', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('roleid'));
1662 if (!create_table($table)) {
1663 return false;
1667 // Now insert the data from the temporary table into the new one
1670 // Student enrolments
1671 execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}
1672 (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2)
1673 SELECT courseid, $student_role_id, timeend, 'enrolments', students, activestudents
1674 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp");
1676 // Teacher enrolments
1677 execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}
1678 (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2)
1679 SELECT courseid, $teacher_role_id, timeend, 'enrolments', teachers, activeteachers
1680 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp");
1682 // Student activity
1683 execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}
1684 (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2)
1685 SELECT courseid, $student_role_id, timeend, 'activity', studentreads, studentwrites
1686 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp");
1688 // Teacher activity
1689 execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}
1690 (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2)
1691 SELECT courseid, $teacher_role_id, timeend, 'activity', teacherreads, teacherwrites
1692 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp");
1694 // Logins
1695 execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}
1696 (courseid, roleid, timeend, stattype, stat1, stat2)
1697 SELECT courseid, 0, timeend, 'logins', logins, uniquelogins
1698 FROM {$CFG->prefix}stats_{$period}_tmp WHERE courseid = ".SITEID);
1700 // Drop the temporary table
1701 $table = new XMLDBTable('stats_' . $period . '_tmp');
1702 if (!drop_table($table)) {
1703 return false;
1706 return true;