3 <p>The package is a particular file with
</b> (or pif) extension that contains
4 valid AICC or SCORM course definition files.
6 <p>A
</b> package must contains in the root of zip a file named
7 that define SCORM course structure, resource location and many other things.
9 <p>An
</b> package is defined by several files (from
4 to
7) with defined extensions.
10 Here you find the extensions meaning:
12 <li>CRS - Course Description file (mandatory)
13 <li>AU - Assignable Unit file (mandatory)
14 <li>DES - Descriptor file (mandatory)
15 <li>CST - Course Structure file (mandatory)
16 <li>ORE - Objective Relationship file (optional)
17 <li>PRE - Prerequisites file (optional)
18 <li>CMP - Completition Requirements file (optional)