[moodle-linuxchix.git] / lang / en_utf8 / dialogue.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // dialogue.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
5 $string['addmynewentries'] = 'Add my New Entries';
6 $string['addmynewentry'] = 'Add my New Entry';
7 $string['addsubject'] = 'Add Subject';
8 $string['allowmultiple'] = 'Allow more than one Dialogue with the same person';
9 $string['allowstudentdialogues'] = 'Allow Student-to-Student Dialogues';
10 $string['close'] = 'Close';
11 $string['closed'] = 'Closed';
12 $string['closeddialogues'] = 'Closed Dialogues';
13 $string['confirmclosure'] = 'You are about to close a dialogue with $a. Closed dialogues cannot be reopened. If you close this dialogue you can view it but not add to it, and you will have to start another dialogue to contnue &quot;talking&quot; this person.<br /><br />Are you sure you want to close this dialogue?';
14 $string['deleteafter'] = 'Delete Closed Dialogues after (Days)';
15 $string['dialogueclosed'] = 'Dialogue Closed';
16 $string['dialogueintro'] = 'Dialogue Introduction';
17 $string['dialoguemail'] = '$a->userfrom has posted a new entry in your
19 dialogue entry for \'$a->dialogue\'
21 You can see it appended to your dialogue entry:
23 $a->url';
24 $string['dialoguemailhtml'] = '$a->userfrom has posted a new entry in your
26 dialogue entry for \'<i>$a->dialogue</i>\'<br /><br />
28 You can see it appended to your <a href=\"$a->url\">dialogue</a>.';
29 $string['dialoguename'] = 'Dialogue name';
30 $string['dialogueopened'] = 'Dialogue opened with $a';
31 $string['dialoguewith'] = 'Dialogue with $a';
32 $string['everybody'] = 'Everybody';
33 $string['furtherinformation'] = 'Further Information';
34 $string['lastentry'] = 'Last Entry';
35 $string['maildefault'] = 'Mail Default';
36 $string['mailnotification'] = 'Mail Notification';
37 $string['modulename'] = 'Dialogue';
38 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Dialogues';
39 $string['namehascloseddialogue'] = '$a has closed dialogue';
40 $string['newdialogueentries'] = 'New dialogue entries';
41 $string['newentry'] = 'New Entry';
42 $string['noavailablepeople'] = 'There is no one available to have a Dialogue with.';
43 $string['nopersonchosen'] = 'No Person Chosen';
44 $string['nosubject'] = 'No Subject Entered';
45 $string['notavailable'] = 'Dialogues are not available to guest users';
46 $string['notextentered'] = 'No Text Entered';
47 $string['notstarted'] = 'You have not started this dialogue yet';
48 $string['notyetseen'] = 'Not yet seen';
49 $string['numberofentries'] = 'Number of entries';
50 $string['numberofentriesadded'] = 'Number of entries added: $a';
51 $string['of'] = 'of';
52 $string['onwrote'] = 'On $a wrote';
53 $string['onyouwrote'] = 'On $a you wrote';
54 $string['open'] = 'Open';
55 $string['openadialoguewith'] = 'Open a Dialogue with';
56 $string['opendialogue'] = 'Open Dialogue';
57 $string['opendialogueentries'] = 'Open dialogue entries';
58 $string['opendialogues'] = 'Open Dialogues';
59 $string['pane0'] = 'Open a Dialogue';
60 $string['pane1'] = '$a Dialogues awaiting Replies from you';
61 $string['pane1one'] = '1 Dialogue awaiting a Reply from you';
62 $string['pane2'] = '$a Dialogues awaiting Replies from the other person';
63 $string['pane2one'] = '1 Dialogue awaiting a Reply from the other person';
64 $string['pane3'] = '$a Closed Dialogues';
65 $string['pane3one'] = '1 Closed Dialogue';
66 $string['seen'] = 'Seen $a ago';
67 $string['sendmailmessages'] = 'Send Mail Messages about my new entries';
68 $string['status'] = 'Status';
69 $string['studenttostudent'] = 'Student to Student';
70 $string['subject'] = 'Subject';
71 $string['subjectadded'] = 'Subject Added';
72 $string['teachertostudent'] = 'Teacher to Student';
73 $string['typefirstentry'] = 'Type the first entry here';
74 $string['typefollowup'] = 'Type follow-up here';
75 $string['typeofdialogue'] = 'Type of Dialogue';
76 $string['typereply'] = 'Type reply here';
77 $string['viewallentries'] = 'View $a Dialogue entries';