2 $string['createnewkey'] = 'Create a new user key';
3 $string['createuserkey'] = 'Create user key';
4 $string['deletekeyconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this user key?';
5 $string['edituserkey'] = 'Edit user key';
6 $string['keyiprestriction'] = 'Key IP restriction';
7 $string['keyiprestrictionhelp'] = 'Enter a specific IP address, or a range of IP addresses that will be the only IP addresses allowed to access this data. Enter nothing to disable IP restriction (not recommended).';
8 $string['keymanager'] = 'Key manager';
9 $string['keyvaliduntil'] = 'Key valid until';
10 $string['keyvaliduntilhelp'] = 'Select an optional date after which the key will no longer be valid (recommended for added security).';
11 $string['keyvalue'] = 'Key value';
12 $string['newuserkey'] = 'New user key';
13 $string['userkey'] = 'User key';