MDL-11433 Added decimals field to grade_items table
[moodle-pu.git] / lang / en_utf8 / choice.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // choice.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
5 $string['addmorechoices'] = 'Add more choices';
6 $string['allowupdate'] = 'Allow choice to be updated';
7 $string['answered'] = 'Answered';
8 $string['choice'] = 'Choice';
9 $string['choice:choose'] = 'Record a choice';
10 $string['choice:deleteresponses'] = 'Delete responses';
11 $string['choice:downloadresponses'] = 'Download responses';
12 $string['choice:readresponses'] = 'Read responses';
13 $string['choiceclose'] = 'Until';
14 $string['choicename'] = 'Choice name';
15 $string['choiceopen'] = 'Open';
16 $string['choicetext'] = 'Choice text';
17 $string['displayhorizontal'] = 'Display horizontally';
18 $string['displaymode'] = 'Display Mode';
19 $string['displayvertical'] = 'Display vertically';
20 $string['fillinatleastoneoption'] = 'You need to provide at least two possible answers.';
21 $string['full'] = '(Full)';
22 $string['havetologin'] = 'You have to log in before you can submit your choice';
23 $string['limit'] = 'Limit';
24 $string['limitanswers'] = 'Limit the number of responses allowed';
25 $string['modulename'] = 'Choice';
26 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Choices';
27 $string['mustchooseone'] = 'You must choose an answer before saving. Nothing was saved.';
28 $string['noguestchoose'] = 'Sorry, guests are not allowed to make choices.';
29 $string['noresultsviewable'] = 'The results are not currently viewable.';
30 $string['notanswered'] = 'Not answered yet';
31 $string['notopenyet'] = 'Sorry, this activity is not available until $a';
32 $string['privacy'] = 'Privacy of results';
33 $string['publish'] = 'Publish results';
34 $string['publishafteranswer'] = 'Show results to a student after they answer';
35 $string['publishafterclose'] = 'Show results to students only after the choice is closed';
36 $string['publishalways'] = 'Always show results to students';
37 $string['publishanonymous'] = 'Publish anonymous results, do not show student names';
38 $string['publishnames'] = 'Publish full results, showing names and their choices';
39 $string['publishnot'] = 'Do not publish results to students';
40 $string['responses'] = 'Responses';
41 $string['responsesto'] = 'Responses to $a';
42 $string['savemychoice'] = 'Save my choice';
43 $string['removemychoice'] = 'Remove my choice';
44 $string['showunanswered'] = 'Show column for unanswered';
45 $string['spaceleft'] = 'space available';
46 $string['spacesleft'] = 'spaces available';
47 $string['taken'] = 'Taken';
48 $string['timerestrict'] = 'Restrict answering to this time period';
49 $string['viewallresponses'] = 'View $a responses';
50 $string['yourselection'] = 'Your selection';