MDL-11433 Added decimals field to grade_items table
[moodle-pu.git] / lang / en_utf8 / qtype_calculated.php
1 <?php
2 $string['addmoreanswerblanks'] = 'Add another answer blank.';
3 $string['addmoreunitblanks'] = 'Blanks for $a More Units';
4 $string['answerhdr'] = 'Answer';
5 $string['atleastoneanswer'] = 'You need to provide at least one answer.';
6 $string['correctanswershows'] = 'Correct answer shows';
7 $string['correctanswershowsformat'] = 'Format';
8 $string['existingcategory1'] = 'will use an already existing shared dataset';
9 $string['keptcategory1'] = 'will use the same existing shared dataset as before';
10 $string['keptlocal1'] = 'will use the same existing private dataset as before';
11 $string['makecopynextpage'] = 'Next Page (new question)';
12 $string['mandatoryhdr']='Mandatory wild cards present in answers';
13 $string['mustbenumeric'] = 'You must enter a number here.';
14 $string['mustnotbenumeric'] = 'This can\'t be a number.';
15 $string['newcategory1'] = 'will use a new shared dataset';
16 $string['newlocal1'] = 'will use a new private dataset';
17 $string['nextitemtoadd'] = 'Next \'Item to Add\'';
18 $string['nextpage'] = 'Next Page';
19 $string['nodataset'] = 'nothing - it is not a wild card';
20 $string['nosharedwildcard'] = 'No shared wild card in this category';
21 $string['possiblehdr']='Possible wild cards present only in the question text';
22 $string['tolerance'] = 'Tolerance &plusmn;';
23 $string['updatecategory'] = 'Update the category';
24 $string['usedinquestion']='Used in Question';
25 $string['youmustenteramultiplierhere'] = 'You must enter a multiplier here.';