MDL-11517 reserved word MOD used in table alias in questions backup code
[moodle-pu.git] / lang / en_utf8 / help / wiki / howtowiki.html
1 <h2>How To Wiki</h2>
3 <p>
5 Moodle's wiki is based on
7 <a href="" target="_blank">ErfurtWiki</a>,
9 which is an implementation of the
11 <a href="" target="_blank">WikiWikiWeb</a>
13 hypertext system. It allows simple collaborative editing and creation of web pages.</p>
15 <p>
17 <ul>
19 <li>learn how to <a href="#createpages">CreatePages</a></li>
21 <li>just click on <img alt="edit" src="pix/t/edit.gif" /> or select "Edit this page" from the drop down menu to change the contents of a page</li>
23 <li>you can format your pages with <a href="#wikimarkup">Wiki Markup</a>, or with HTML (if the wiki has been given that option)</li>
25 <li>SearchPages or go to the list of NewestPages</li>
27 <li>there are also lists of the MostVisitedPages, MostOftenChangedPages and recently UpdatedPages</li>
29 </ul>
31 </p>
33 <p>
35 <h3 id="createpages">Create Pages:</h3>
37 You create a page by naming it in the text of an existing page. A wiki page is named using
39 <a href="#camelcase">CamelCase</a> or by enclosing it in square brackets ( [] ).</p>
41 <p>
42 For example:
43 </p>
45 <ul>
47 <li>MyWikiPage (Camel Case)</li>
49 <li>[My Wiki Page] (enclosed in square brackets)</li>
51 </ul>
53 <p>
55 Text that has been given a wiki page name will have a '?' after it. Clicking on the '?', will
57 enter edit mode for that page. Enter your text, save and you have a new wiki page.</p>
59 <h3 id="wikimarkup">Wiki Markup:</h3>
61 If you are using the WYSIWYG HTML editor with ordinary word-processor style controls, then you
62 should use those controls to format your entry. Otherwise (when the edit box is just a normal
63 text box with no special controls) you can use the following wiki markup.
64 <b>These features do not apply when using the WYSIWYG editor</b>.
65 </p>
67 <h4> Paragraphs</h4>
69 <ul type="circle">
71 <li> separate paragraphs inside the text with empty lines</li>
73 <li> use three percent signs %%<em></em>% to enforce a line break</li>
75 <li> if you prepend text with spaces or tabs it will get indented </li>
77 </ul>
81 <h4> !! Headlines</h4>
83 <ul type="circle">
85 <li> use an exclamation mark ! at the beginning of a line to create a small headline</li>
87 <li> !! for medium</li>
89 <li> !!! for large headlines </li>
91 </ul>
95 <h4> text style</h4>
97 <ul type="circle">
99 <li> if you want to <em>emphasize text</em> enclose it in two single-quotes '' (usually looks italic)</li>
101 <li> <strong>text gets bold</strong> with two underscores __ (or if enclosed with two asterisks **)</li>
103 <li> to make <big>text big</big> enclose it in hash characters ##</li>
105 <li> you can get <small> smaller text </small> using "ยตยต" likewise</li>
107 <li> a <tt>typewrite like font</tt> will be used if you enclose text in two equal == signs </li>
109 </ul>
113 <h4> Lists</h4>
117 <ul type="circle">
119 <li> start a line with an asterisk * to begin a list</li>
121 <li> use # instead for numerated lists
123 <ol>
125 <li> you can create sublists</li>
127 <li> subsequent list points should start with the same mix of * and # </li>
129 </ol>
131 </li>
133 </ul>
137 <h4> HyperLinks</h4>
141 <ul type="circle">
143 <li> just enter a CamelCase WikiWord inside your text to create a new HyperLink</li>
145 <li> or, enclose some <b>words in square brackets</b> to create a HyperLink</li>
147 <li> any valid internet address (starting with <a href="http://">http://</a>) like inside the text will be made clickable automatically</li>
149 <li> enclose a www address or a WikiLink inside square brackets [<a href="">Moodle</a>] and assign it a neat title using quotation marks or the | character
151 <ul type="circle">
153 <li> [title |]</li>
155 <li> [WikiWord "title"] or ["title for" WikiLink] </li>
157 </ul>
159 </li>
161 <li> if you don't want a WikiWord or a !http://www-address (or [anything] inside square brackets) to become a HyperLink then just prepend it with a exclamation mark or a tilde
163 <ul type="circle">
165 <li> !NoHyperLink, ~NoHyperLink</li>
167 <li> ![no hyperlink], !! </li>
169 </ul>
171 </li>
173 </ul>
177 <h4> Tables with |</h4>
179 <table cellpadding="2" border="1" cellspacing="0">
181 <tr>
183 <td> just enclose </td>
185 <td> things with the dash </td>
187 <td> character </td>
189 </tr><tr>
191 <td> to build a </td>
193 <td> table structure </td>
195 </tr><tr>
197 <td> browsers usually </td>
199 <td> leave out the missing </td>
201 <td> cells </td>
203 </tr>
205 </table>
213 Please always put an empty line before and after a table, so it stands out from other text in its own paragraph.
215 </p>
219 <h4> Pictures</h4>
223 <ul type="circle">
225 <li> to include an image into a page enclose its absolute www-address in square brackets, like [] </li>
227 <li> alternatively you could use the ImageUploading function</li>
229 </ul>
233 <h4>Further readings</h4>
235 There are more possibilities for Wiki mark-up. Please consult the <a href="" target="_blank">Erfurt Wiki Homepage</a> for more information.
239 <h5 id="camelcase">Camel Case:</h5>
242 CamelCase describes what WikiWords look like. Multiple words, joined together without
244 spaces, separated by changes in case. The uppercase and
246 lowercase letters show up like the humps of camels.</p>
250 This linking scheme is often also called BumpyText.</p>
254 While language purists hate Wikis for that naming scheme, it is very common in the
256 computing world and well known to most programmers.</p>