MDL-10829 Added get_grade_item() to the grade_item class, for cases when we don't...
[moodle-pu.git] / install / lang / so_utf8 / installer.php
1 <?php
2 /// Please, do not edit this file manually! It's auto generated from
3 /// contents stored in your standard lang pack files:
4 /// (langconfig.php, install.php, moodle.php, admin.php and error.php)
5 ///
6 /// If you find some missing string in Moodle installation, please,
7 /// keep us informed using Thanks!
8 ///
9 /// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
10 /// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
12 $string['admindirerror'] = 'Khaanadda Maammulka ee meesha la dhigey waa khalad';
13 $string['admindirname'] = 'Khaanad Maamul';
14 $string['caution'] = 'Taxaddar';
15 $string['closewindow'] = 'Daaqaddan xidh';
16 $string['configfilewritten'] = '\"config.php\" si guul leh ayaa loo sameeyey';
17 $string['continue'] = 'Sii wad';
18 $string['database'] = '$a';
19 $string['dataroot'] = 'Khaanadda \"data\"da';
20 $string['error'] = 'Cillad';
21 $string['help'] = 'Gacan-siin';
22 $string['info'] = 'Maclluumaad';
23 $string['language'] = 'Luqad';
24 $string['name'] = 'Magac';
25 $string['next'] = 'Ka ku xiga';
26 $string['ok'] = 'Waayahay';
27 $string['password'] = 'Isgarad-erey';
28 $string['previous'] = 'Kii hore';
29 $string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Kani waa in uu damisnaadaa';
30 $string['status'] = 'Darajo';
31 $string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
32 $string['thislanguage'] = 'Soomaali';
33 $string['user'] = 'Isticmaale';
34 $string['wwwroot'] = 'Cinwaan web';