MDL-11433 Correcting non-null and default value (Default will be NULL)
[moodle-pu.git] / calendar / event_select.html
1 <form method="post" action="event.php">
2 <table class="formtable">
3 <tr>
4 <td>
6 <?php if(!empty($allowed->user)) { ?>
7 <div>
8 <input type='radio' name='type' value='user' id='type_user' checked='checked' />
9 <label for='type_user'><?php print_string('typeuser', 'calendar') ?></label>
10 </div>
11 <?php } ?>
13 <?php if(!empty($allowed->groups) && is_array($allowed->groups)) { ?>
14 <div>
15 <input type='radio' name='type' value='group' id='type_group' />
16 <label for='type_group'><?php echo get_string('typegroup', 'calendar').' '.get_string('groupfor'); ?></label>
17 <select name='groupid'>
18 <option value=''></option>
19 <?php foreach($allowed->groups as $group) {?>
20 <option value='<?php echo $group->id; ?>'
21 <?php if($group->id == $groupid) {
22 echo 'selected="selected"';
24 echo '>' . $group->name; ?></option>
25 <?php }?>
26 </select>
27 </div>
28 <?php } ?>
30 <?php if(!empty($allowed->courses)) { ?>
31 <div>
32 <input type='radio' name='type' value='course' id='type_course' />
33 <input type="hidden" name="courseid" value="<?php echo($courseid) ?>" />
34 <label for='type_course'><?php print_string('typecourse', 'calendar') ?></label>
35 </div>
36 <?php } ?>
38 <?php if(!empty($allowed->site)) { ?>
39 <div>
40 <input type='radio' name='type' value='site' id='type_site' />
41 <label for='type_site'><?php print_string('typesite', 'calendar') ?></label>
42 </div>
43 <?php } ?>
44 </td>
45 </tr>
46 <tr>
47 <td style="text-align: center;">
48 <input type="submit" value=" <?php print_string('ok') ?> " />
49 <input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='view.php?view=upcoming';" value=" <?php print_string('cancel') ?> " />
50 </td>
51 </tr>
52 </table>
53 <p>
54 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="new" />
55 <input type="hidden" name="timestart" value="<?php echo $form->timestart; ?>" />
56 <input type="hidden" name="course" value="<?php p($urlcourse); ?>" />
57 </p>
58 </form>