MDL-10724 Finished help strings for scale and outcome edit forms
[moodle-pu.git] / mod / lesson / action / continue.php
1 <?php // $Id$
2 /**
3 * Action for processing page answers by users
5 * @version $Id$
6 * @license GNU Public License
7 * @package lesson
8 **/
9 confirm_sesskey();
11 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/pagelib.php');
12 require_once($CFG->libdir.'/blocklib.php');
14 // left menu code
15 // check to see if the user can see the left menu
16 if (!has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
17 $lesson->displayleft = lesson_displayleftif($lesson);
20 // This is the code updates the lesson time for a timed test
21 // get time information for this user
22 $outoftime = false;
23 $timer = new stdClass;
24 if (!has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
25 if (!$timer = get_records_select('lesson_timer', "lessonid = $lesson->id AND userid = $USER->id", 'starttime')) {
26 error('Error: could not find records');
27 } else {
28 $timer = array_pop($timer); // this will get the latest start time record
31 if ($lesson->timed) {
32 if ((($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) - time()) < 60 && !((($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) - time()) < 0)) {
33 lesson_set_message(get_string("studentoneminwarning", "lesson"));
34 } else if (($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) < time()) {
35 lesson_set_message(get_string("studentoutoftime", "lesson"));
36 $outoftime = true;
38 if ((($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) - time()) <= 0) {
39 // Out of time
40 lesson_set_message(get_string('eolstudentoutoftime', 'lesson'));
41 redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/lesson/view.php?id=$cm->id&amp;pageid=".LESSON_EOL."&outoftime=normal", get_string("outoftime", "lesson"));
45 $timer->lessontime = time();
46 if (!update_record("lesson_timer", $timer)) {
47 error("Error: could not update lesson_timer table");
51 // record answer (if necessary) and show response (if none say if answer is correct or not)
52 $pageid = required_param('pageid', PARAM_INT);
53 if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) {
54 error("Continue: Page record not found");
56 // set up some defaults
57 $answerid = 0;
58 $noanswer = false;
59 $correctanswer = false;
60 $isessayquestion = false; // use this to turn off review button on essay questions
61 $newpageid = 0; // stay on the page
62 $studentanswer = ''; // use this to store student's answer(s) in order to display it on feedback page
63 switch ($page->qtype) {
64 case LESSON_ESSAY :
65 $isessayquestion = true;
66 if (!$useranswer = $_POST['answer']) {
67 $noanswer = true;
68 break;
70 $useranswer = clean_param($useranswer, PARAM_RAW);
72 if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) {
73 error("Continue: No answers found");
75 $correctanswer = false;
76 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
77 $answerid = $answer->id;
78 $newpageid = $answer->jumpto;
80 /// 6/29/04 //
81 $userresponse->sent=0;
82 $userresponse->graded = 0;
83 $userresponse->score = 0;
84 $userresponse->answer = $useranswer;
85 $userresponse->response = "";
86 $userresponse = addslashes(serialize($userresponse));
88 $studentanswer = s(stripslashes_safe($useranswer));
89 break;
91 if (!$useranswer = $_POST['answer']) {
92 $noanswer = true;
93 break;
95 $useranswer = stripslashes(clean_param($useranswer, PARAM_RAW));
96 $userresponse = addslashes($useranswer);
97 if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) {
98 error("Continue: No answers found");
100 $i=0;
101 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
102 $i += 1;
103 $expectedanswer = $answer->answer; // for easier handling of $answer->answer
104 $ismatch = false;
105 $markit = false;
106 $useregexp = false;
108 if ($page->qoption) {
109 $useregexp = true;
112 if ($useregexp) { //we are using 'normal analysis', which ignores case
113 $ignorecase = '';
114 if ( substr($expectedanswer,strlen($expectedanswer) - 2, 2) == '/i') {
115 $expectedanswer = substr($expectedanswer,0,strlen($expectedanswer) - 2);
116 $ignorecase = 'i';
118 } else {
119 $expectedanswer = str_replace('*', '#####', $expectedanswer);
120 $expectedanswer = preg_quote($expectedanswer, '/');
121 $expectedanswer = str_replace('#####', '.*', $expectedanswer);
123 // see if user typed in any of the correct answers
124 if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto) or ($lesson->custom && $answer->score > 0) ) {
125 if (!$useregexp) { // we are using 'normal analysis', which ignores case
126 if (preg_match('/^'.$expectedanswer.'$/i',$useranswer)) {
127 $ismatch = true;
129 } else {
130 if (preg_match('/^'.$expectedanswer.'$/'.$ignorecase,$useranswer)) {
131 $ismatch = true;
134 if ($ismatch == true) {
135 $correctanswer = true;
137 } else {
138 if (!$useregexp) { //we are using 'normal analysis'
139 // see if user typed in any of the wrong answers; don't worry about case
140 if (preg_match('/^'.$expectedanswer.'$/i',$useranswer)) {
141 $ismatch = true;
143 } else { // we are using regular expressions analysis
144 $startcode = substr($expectedanswer,0,2);
145 switch ($startcode){
146 //1- check for absence of required string in $useranswer (coded by initial '--')
147 case "--":
148 $expectedanswer = substr($expectedanswer,2);
149 if (!preg_match('/^'.$expectedanswer.'$/'.$ignorecase,$useranswer)) {
150 $ismatch = true;
152 break;
153 //2- check for code for marking wrong strings (coded by initial '++')
154 case "++":
155 $expectedanswer=substr($expectedanswer,2);
156 $markit = true;
157 //check for one or several matches
158 if (preg_match_all('/'.$expectedanswer.'/'.$ignorecase,$useranswer, $matches)) {
159 $ismatch = true;
160 $nb = count($matches[0]);
161 $original = array();
162 $marked = array();
163 $fontStart = '<span class="incorrect matches">';
164 $fontEnd = '</span>';
165 for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
166 array_push($original,$matches[0][$i]);
167 array_push($marked,$fontStart.$matches[0][$i].$fontEnd);
169 $useranswer = str_replace($original, $marked, $useranswer);
171 break;
172 //3- check for wrong answers belonging neither to -- nor to ++ categories
173 default:
174 if (preg_match('/^'.$expectedanswer.'$/'.$ignorecase,$useranswer, $matches)) {
175 $ismatch = true;
177 break;
179 $correctanswer = false;
182 if ($ismatch) {
183 $newpageid = $answer->jumpto;
184 if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) {
185 $response = $answer->response;
187 $answerid = $answer->id;
188 break; // quit answer analysis immediately after a match has been found
191 $studentanswer = s($useranswer);
192 break;
195 if (empty($_POST['answerid'])) {
196 $noanswer = true;
197 break;
199 $answerid = required_param('answerid', PARAM_INT);
200 if (!$answer = get_record("lesson_answers", "id", $answerid)) {
201 error("Continue: answer record not found");
203 if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto)) {
204 $correctanswer = true;
206 if ($lesson->custom) {
207 if ($answer->score > 0) {
208 $correctanswer = true;
209 } else {
210 $correctanswer = false;
213 $newpageid = $answer->jumpto;
214 $response = trim($answer->response);
215 $studentanswer = $answer->answer;
216 break;
219 if ($page->qoption) {
220 // MULTIANSWER allowed, user's answer is an array
221 if (isset($_POST['answer'])) {
222 $useranswers = $_POST['answer'];
223 foreach ($useranswers as $key => $useranswer) {
224 $useranswers[$key] = clean_param($useranswer, PARAM_INT);
226 } else {
227 $noanswer = true;
228 break;
230 // get what the user answered
231 $userresponse = implode(",", $useranswers);
232 // get the answers in a set order, the id order
233 if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) {
234 error("Continue: No answers found");
236 $ncorrect = 0;
237 $nhits = 0;
238 $correctresponse = '';
239 $wrongresponse = '';
240 // store student's answers for displaying on feedback page
241 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
242 foreach ($useranswers as $key => $answerid) {
243 if ($answerid == $answer->id) {
244 $studentanswer .= '<br />'.$answer->answer;
248 // this is for custom scores. If score on answer is positive, it is correct
249 if ($lesson->custom) {
250 $ncorrect = 0;
251 $nhits = 0;
252 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
253 if ($answer->score > 0) {
254 $ncorrect++;
256 foreach ($useranswers as $key => $answerid) {
257 if ($answerid == $answer->id) {
258 $nhits++;
261 // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!...
262 if (!isset($correctpageid)) {
263 // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later
264 $correctpageid = $answer->jumpto;
266 // ...also save any response from the correct answers...
267 if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) {
268 $correctresponse = $answer->response;
270 } else {
271 // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!...
272 if (!isset($wrongpageid)) {
273 // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later
274 $wrongpageid = $answer->jumpto;
276 // ...and from the incorrect ones, don't know which to use at this stage
277 if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) {
278 $wrongresponse = $answer->response;
282 } else {
283 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
284 if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto)) {
285 $ncorrect++;
286 foreach ($useranswers as $key => $answerid) {
287 if ($answerid == $answer->id) {
288 $nhits++;
291 // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!...
292 if (!isset($correctpageid)) {
293 // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later
294 $correctpageid = $answer->jumpto;
296 // ...also save any response from the correct answers...
297 if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) {
298 $correctresponse = $answer->response;
300 } else {
301 // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!...
302 if (!isset($wrongpageid)) {
303 // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later
304 $wrongpageid = $answer->jumpto;
306 // ...and from the incorrect ones, don't know which to use at this stage
307 if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) {
308 $wrongresponse = $answer->response;
313 if ((count($useranswers) == $ncorrect) and ($nhits == $ncorrect)) {
314 $correctanswer = true;
315 $response = $correctresponse;
316 $newpageid = $correctpageid;
317 } else {
318 $response = $wrongresponse;
319 $newpageid = $wrongpageid;
321 } else {
322 // only one answer allowed
323 if (empty($_POST['answerid'])) {
324 $noanswer = true;
325 break;
327 $answerid = required_param('answerid', PARAM_INT);
328 if (!$answer = get_record("lesson_answers", "id", $answerid)) {
329 error("Continue: answer record not found");
331 if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto)) {
332 $correctanswer = true;
334 if ($lesson->custom) {
335 if ($answer->score > 0) {
336 $correctanswer = true;
337 } else {
338 $correctanswer = false;
341 $newpageid = $answer->jumpto;
342 $response = trim($answer->response);
343 $studentanswer = $answer->answer;
345 break;
347 if (isset($_POST['response']) && is_array($_POST['response'])) { // only arrays should be submitted
348 $response = array();
349 foreach ($_POST['response'] as $key => $value) {
350 $response[$key] = stripslashes($value);
352 } else {
353 $noanswer = true;
354 break;
357 if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) {
358 error("Continue: No answers found");
361 $ncorrect = 0;
362 $i = 0;
363 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
364 if ($i == 0 || $i == 1) {
365 // ignore first two answers, they are correct response
366 // and wrong response
367 $i++;
368 continue;
370 if ($answer->response == $response[$answer->id]) {
371 $ncorrect++;
373 if ($i == 2) {
374 $correctpageid = $answer->jumpto;
375 $correctanswerid = $answer->id;
377 if ($i == 3) {
378 $wrongpageid = $answer->jumpto;
379 $wronganswerid = $answer->id;
381 $i++;
383 // get he users exact responses for record keeping
384 $userresponse = array();
385 foreach ($response as $key => $value) {
386 foreach($answers as $answer) {
387 if ($value == $answer->response) {
388 $userresponse[] = $answer->id;
391 $studentanswer .= '<br />'.$answers[$key]->answer.' = '.$value;
393 $userresponse = implode(",", $userresponse);
395 if ($ncorrect == count($answers)-2) { // dont count correct/wrong responses in the total.
396 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
397 if ($answer->response == NULL && $answer->answer != NULL) {
398 $response = $answer->answer;
399 break;
402 if (isset($correctpageid)) {
403 $newpageid = $correctpageid;
405 if (isset($correctanswerid)) {
406 $answerid = $correctanswerid;
408 $correctanswer = true;
409 } else {
410 $t = 0;
411 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
412 if ($answer->response == NULL && $answer->answer != NULL) {
413 if ($t == 1) {
414 $response = $answer->answer;
415 break;
417 $t++;
420 $newpageid = $wrongpageid;
421 $answerid = $wronganswerid;
423 break;
426 // set defaults
427 $response = '';
428 $newpageid = 0;
430 if (isset($_POST['answer'])) {
431 $useranswer = (float) optional_param('answer'); // just doing default PARAM_CLEAN, not doing PARAM_INT because it could be a float
432 } else {
433 $noanswer = true;
434 break;
436 $studentanswer = $userresponse = $useranswer;
437 if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) {
438 error("Continue: No answers found");
440 foreach ($answers as $answer) {
441 if (strpos($answer->answer, ':')) {
442 // there's a pairs of values
443 list($min, $max) = explode(':', $answer->answer);
444 $minimum = (float) $min;
445 $maximum = (float) $max;
446 } else {
447 // there's only one value
448 $minimum = (float) $answer->answer;
449 $maximum = $minimum;
451 if (($useranswer >= $minimum) and ($useranswer <= $maximum)) {
452 $newpageid = $answer->jumpto;
453 $response = trim($answer->response);
454 if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $newpageid)) {
455 $correctanswer = true;
457 if ($lesson->custom) {
458 if ($answer->score > 0) {
459 $correctanswer = true;
460 } else {
461 $correctanswer = false;
464 $answerid = $answer->id;
465 break;
468 break;
471 $noanswer = false;
472 $newpageid = optional_param('jumpto', NULL, PARAM_INT);
473 // going to insert into lesson_branch
474 if ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) {
475 $branchflag = 1;
476 } else {
477 $branchflag = 0;
479 if ($grades = get_records_select("lesson_grades", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND userid = $USER->id",
480 "grade DESC")) {
481 $retries = count($grades);
482 } else {
483 $retries = 0;
485 $branch = new stdClass;
486 $branch->lessonid = $lesson->id;
487 $branch->userid = $USER->id;
488 $branch->pageid = $pageid;
489 $branch->retry = $retries;
490 $branch->flag = $branchflag;
491 $branch->timeseen = time();
493 if (!insert_record("lesson_branch", $branch)) {
494 error("Error: could not insert row into lesson_branch table");
497 // this is called when jumping to random from a branch table
498 if($newpageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) {
499 if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
500 $newpageid = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
501 } else {
502 $newpageid = lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $pageid); // this may return 0
505 // convert jumpto page into a proper page id
506 if ($newpageid == 0) {
507 $newpageid = $pageid;
508 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
509 if (!$newpageid = $page->nextpageid) {
510 // no nextpage go to end of lesson
511 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
513 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) {
514 $newpageid = $page->prevpageid;
515 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) {
516 $newpageid = lesson_random_question_jump($lesson->id, $pageid);
517 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) {
518 $newpageid = lesson_unseen_branch_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id);
520 // no need to record anything in lesson_attempts
521 redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/lesson/view.php?id=$cm->id&amp;pageid=$newpageid");
522 break;
526 $attemptsremaining = 0;
527 $maxattemptsreached = 0;
529 if ($noanswer) {
530 $newpageid = $pageid; // display same page again
531 } else {
532 $nretakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id);
533 if (!has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
534 // record student's attempt
535 $attempt = new stdClass;
536 $attempt->lessonid = $lesson->id;
537 $attempt->pageid = $pageid;
538 $attempt->userid = $USER->id;
539 $attempt->answerid = $answerid;
540 $attempt->retry = $nretakes;
541 $attempt->correct = $correctanswer;
542 if(isset($userresponse)) {
543 $attempt->useranswer = $userresponse;
546 $attempt->timeseen = time();
547 // dont want to insert the attempt if they ran out of time
548 if (!$outoftime) {
549 // if allow modattempts, then update the old attempt record, otherwise, insert new answer record
550 if (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) {
551 $attempt->retry = $nretakes - 1; // they are going through on review, $nretakes will be too high
553 if (!$newattemptid = insert_record("lesson_attempts", $attempt)) {
554 error("Continue: attempt not inserted");
557 // "number of attempts remaining" message if $lesson->maxattempts > 1
558 // displaying of message(s) is at the end of page for more ergonomic display
559 if (!$correctanswer and ($newpageid == 0)) {
560 // wrong answer and student is stuck on this page - check how many attempts
561 // the student has had at this page/question
562 $nattempts = count_records("lesson_attempts", "pageid", $pageid, "userid", $USER->id,
563 "retry", $nretakes);
565 // retreive the number of attempts left counter for displaying at bottom of feedback page
566 if ($nattempts >= $lesson->maxattempts) {
567 if ($lesson->maxattempts > 1) { // don't bother with message if only one attempt
568 $maxattemptsreached = 1;
570 $newpageid = LESSON_NEXTPAGE;
571 } else if ($lesson->maxattempts > 1) { // don't bother with message if only one attempt
572 $attemptsremaining = $lesson->maxattempts - $nattempts;
576 // TODO: merge this code with the jump code below. Convert jumpto page into a proper page id
577 if ($newpageid == 0) {
578 $newpageid = $pageid;
579 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
580 if ($lesson->nextpagedefault) {
581 // in Flash Card mode...
582 // ... first get the page ids (lessonid the 5th param is needed to make get_records play)
583 $allpages = get_records("lesson_pages", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "id", "id,lessonid,qtype");
584 shuffle ($allpages);
585 $found = false;
586 if ($lesson->nextpagedefault == LESSON_UNSEENPAGE) {
587 foreach ($allpages as $thispage) {
588 if (!count_records("lesson_attempts", "pageid", $thispage->id, "userid",
589 $USER->id, "retry", $nretakes)) {
590 $found = true;
591 break;
594 } elseif ($lesson->nextpagedefault == LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE) {
595 foreach ($allpages as $thispage) {
596 if ($thispage->qtype == LESSON_ESSAY) {
597 if (!count_records_select("lesson_attempts", "pageid = $thispage->id AND
598 userid = $USER->id AND retry = $nretakes")) {
599 $found = true;
600 break;
602 } else {
603 if (!count_records_select("lesson_attempts", "pageid = $thispage->id AND
604 userid = $USER->id AND correct = 1 AND retry = $nretakes")) {
605 $found = true;
606 break;
611 if ($found) {
612 $newpageid = $thispage->id;
613 if ($lesson->maxpages) {
614 // check number of pages viewed (in the lesson)
615 if (count_records("lesson_attempts", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id,
616 "retry", $nretakes) >= $lesson->maxpages) {
617 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
620 } else {
621 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
623 } elseif (!$newpageid = $page->nextpageid) {
624 // no nextpage go to end of lesson
625 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
629 // Determine default feedback if necessary
630 $nodefaultresponse = false; // Flag for redirecting when default feedback is turned off
631 if (empty($response)) {
632 if (!$lesson->feedback and !$noanswer and !($lesson->review and !$correctanswer and !$isessayquestion)) {
633 // These conditions have been met:
634 // 1. The lesson manager has not supplied feedback to the student
635 // 2. Not displaying default feedback
636 // 3. The user did provide an answer
637 // 4. We are not reviewing with an incorrect answer (and not reviewing an essay question)
639 $nodefaultresponse = true; // This will cause a redirect below
640 } else if ($isessayquestion) {
641 $response = get_string('defaultessayresponse', 'lesson');
642 } else if ($correctanswer) {
643 $response = get_string('thatsthecorrectanswer', 'lesson');
644 } else {
645 $response = get_string('thatsthewronganswer', 'lesson');
649 // display response (if there is one - there should be!)
650 // display: lesson title, page title, question text, student's answer(s) before feedback message
652 if ($noanswer) {
653 $feedback = get_string('noanswer', 'lesson');
654 } else if ($response) {
655 //optionally display question page title
656 //if ($title = get_field("lesson_pages", "title", "id", $pageid)) {
657 // print_heading($title);
659 if ($lesson->review and !$correctanswer and !$isessayquestion) {
660 $nretakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id);
661 $qattempts = count_records("lesson_attempts", "userid", $USER->id, "retry", $nretakes, "pageid", $pageid);
662 if ($qattempts == 1) {
663 $feedback = get_string("firstwrong", "lesson");
664 } else {
665 $feedback = get_string("secondpluswrong", "lesson");
667 } else {
668 if ($correctanswer) {
669 $class = 'response correct'; //CSS over-ride this if they exist (!important)
670 } else if ($isessayquestion) {
671 $class = 'response';
672 } else {
673 $class = 'response incorrect';
675 $options = new stdClass;
676 $options->noclean = true;
677 $options->para = true;
678 $feedback = print_simple_box(format_text($page->contents, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options), 'center', '', '', 5, 'generalbox', '', true);
679 $feedback .= '<em>'.get_string("youranswer", "lesson").'</em> : '.format_text($studentanswer, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options).
680 "<div class=\"$class\">".format_text($response, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options).'</div>';
685 // TODO: merge with the jump code above. This is where some jump numbers are interpreted
686 if($outoftime) {
687 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; // ran out of time for the test, so go to eol
688 } elseif (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) {
689 // make sure if the student is reviewing, that he/she sees the same pages/page path that he/she saw the first time
690 if ($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id] == $pageid) { // remember, this session variable holds the pageid of the last page that the user saw
691 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
692 } else {
693 $nretakes--; // make sure we are looking at the right try.
694 $attempts = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND userid = $USER->id AND retry = $nretakes", "timeseen", "id, pageid");
695 $found = false;
696 $temppageid = 0;
697 foreach($attempts as $attempt) {
698 if ($found && $temppageid != $attempt->pageid) { // now try to find the next page, make sure next few attempts do no belong to current page
699 $newpageid = $attempt->pageid;
700 break;
702 if ($attempt->pageid == $pageid) {
703 $found = true; // if found current page
704 $temppageid = $attempt->pageid;
708 } elseif ($newpageid != LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP && $pageid != 0 && $newpageid > 0) { // going to check to see if the page that the user is going to view next, is a cluster page. If so, dont display, go into the cluster. The $newpageid > 0 is used to filter out all of the negative code jumps.
709 if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $newpageid)) {
710 error("Error: could not find page");
712 if ($page->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER) {
713 $newpageid = lesson_cluster_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $page->id);
714 } elseif ($page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) {
715 $jump = get_field("lesson_answers", "jumpto", "pageid", $page->id, "lessonid", $lesson->id);
716 if ($jump == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) {
717 if ($page->nextpageid == 0) {
718 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
719 } else {
720 $newpageid = $page->nextpageid;
722 } else {
723 $newpageid = $jump;
726 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) {
727 if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
728 if ($page->nextpageid == 0) {
729 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
730 } else {
731 $newpageid = $page->nextpageid;
733 } else {
734 $newpageid = lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $pageid);
736 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) {
737 $newpageid = $page->prevpageid;
738 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) {
739 $newpageid = lesson_random_question_jump($lesson->id, $pageid);
740 } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) {
741 if (has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
742 if ($page->nextpageid == 0) { // if teacher, go to next page
743 $newpageid = LESSON_EOL;
744 } else {
745 $newpageid = $page->nextpageid;
747 } else {
748 $newpageid = lesson_cluster_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $pageid);
752 if ($nodefaultresponse) {
753 // Don't display feedback
754 redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/lesson/view.php?id=$cm->id&amp;pageid=$newpageid");
757 /// Set Messages
759 // This is the warning msg for teachers to inform them that cluster and unseen does not work while logged in as a teacher
760 if(has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context) and lesson_display_teacher_warning($lesson->id)) {
761 $warningvars->cluster = get_string("clusterjump", "lesson");
762 $warningvars->unseen = get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson");
763 lesson_set_message(get_string("teacherjumpwarning", "lesson", $warningvars));
765 // Inform teacher that s/he will not see the timer
766 if ($lesson->timed and has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) {
767 lesson_set_message(get_string("teachertimerwarning", "lesson"));
769 // Report attempts remaining
770 if ($attemptsremaining != 0) {
771 lesson_set_message(get_string('attemptsremaining', 'lesson', $attemptsremaining));
773 // Report if max attempts reached
774 if ($maxattemptsreached != 0) {
775 lesson_set_message('('.get_string("maximumnumberofattemptsreached", "lesson").')');
778 $PAGE = page_create_object('mod-lesson-view', $lesson->id);
779 $PAGE->set_lessonpageid($page->id);
780 $pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE);
782 $leftcolumnwidth = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), 210);
783 $rightcolumnwidth = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_RIGHT]), 210);
785 /// Print the header, heading and tabs
786 $PAGE->print_header();
788 include(dirname(__FILE__).'/continue.html');