MDL-10177 Thanks Joseph for pointing out that mistake. $newtext is now initialised...
[moodle-pu.git] / lang / en_utf8 / xmldb.php
1 <?PHP // $Id$
2 // xmldb.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
5 $string['aftertable'] = 'After Table:';
6 $string['back'] = 'Back';
7 $string['backtomainview'] = 'Back To Main';
8 $string['binaryincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for binary field';
9 $string['cannotuseidfield'] = 'Cannot insert the \"id\" field. It is an autonumeric column';
10 $string['change'] = 'Change';
11 $string['charincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for char field';
12 $string['checkindexes'] = 'Check Indexes';
13 $string['check_indexes'] = 'Look for missing DB indexes';
14 $string['completelogbelow'] = '(see the complete log of the search below)';
15 $string['confirmcheckindexes'] = 'This functionality will search for potential missing indexes in your Moodle server, generating (but not executing!) automatically the needed SQL statements to keep everything updated. Once generated you can copy such statements and execute them safely with your favourite SQL interface.<br /><br />
16 It\'s highly recommended to be running the latest (+ version) available of your Moodle release (1.8, 1.9, 2.x ...) before executing the search of missing indexes.<br /><br />
17 This functionality doesn\'t perform any action against the DB (just reads from it), so can be safely executed at any moment.';
18 $string['confirmdeletefield'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the field:';
19 $string['confirmdeleteindex'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the index:';
20 $string['confirmdeletekey'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the key:';
21 $string['confirmdeletesentence'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the sentence';
22 $string['confirmdeletestatement'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the statement and all its sentences:';
23 $string['confirmdeletetable'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the table:';
24 $string['confirmdeletexmlfile'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to delete the file:';
25 $string['confirmrevertchanges'] = 'Are you absolutely sure that you want to revert changes perfomed over:';
26 $string['create'] = 'Create';
27 $string['createtable'] = 'Create Table:';
28 $string['defaultincorrect'] = 'Incorrect default';
29 $string['delete'] = 'Delete';
30 $string['delete_field'] = 'Delete Field';
31 $string['delete_index'] = 'Delete Index';
32 $string['delete_key'] = 'Delete Key';
33 $string['delete_sentence'] = 'Delete Sentence';
34 $string['delete_statement'] = 'Delete Statement';
35 $string['delete_table'] = 'Delete Table';
36 $string['delete_xml_file'] = 'Delete XML File';
37 $string['down'] = 'Down';
38 $string['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate';
39 $string['duplicatefieldname'] = 'Another field with that name exists';
40 $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
41 $string['edit_field'] = 'Edit Field';
42 $string['edit_index'] = 'Edit Index';
43 $string['edit_key'] = 'Edit Key';
44 $string['edit_sentence'] = 'Edit Sentence';
45 $string['edit_statement'] = 'Edit Statement';
46 $string['edit_table'] = 'Edit Table';
47 $string['edit_xml_file'] = 'Edit XML File';
48 $string['enumvaluesincorrect'] = 'Incorrect values for enum field';
49 $string['field'] = 'Field';
50 $string['fieldnameempty'] = 'Name field empty';
51 $string['fields'] = 'Fields';
52 $string['filenotwriteable'] = 'File not writeable';
53 $string['floatincorrectdecimals'] = 'Incorrect number of decimals for float field';
54 $string['floatincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for float field';
55 $string['gotolastused'] = 'Go to last used file';
56 $string['incorrectfieldname'] = 'Incorrect name';
57 $string['index'] = 'Index';
58 $string['indexes'] = 'Indexes';
59 $string['integerincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for integer field';
60 $string['key'] = 'Key';
61 $string['keys'] = 'Keys';
62 $string['listreservedwords'] = 'List of Reserved Words<br/>(used to keep <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">XMLDB_reserved_words</a> updated)';
63 $string['load'] = 'Load';
64 $string['missing'] = 'Missing';
65 $string['missingindexes'] = 'Missing Indexes Found';
66 $string['main_view'] = 'Main View';
67 $string['missingfieldsinsentence'] = 'Missing fields in sentence';
68 $string['missingvaluesinsentence'] = 'Missing values in sentence';
69 $string['mustselectonefield'] = 'You must select one field to see field related actions!';
70 $string['mustselectoneindex'] = 'You must select one index to see index related actions!';
71 $string['mustselectonekey'] = 'You must select one key to see key related actions!';
72 $string['new_statement'] = 'New Statement';
73 $string['new_table_from_mysql'] = 'New Table From MySQL';
74 $string['newfield'] = 'New Field';
75 $string['newindex'] = 'New Index';
76 $string['newkey'] = 'New Key';
77 $string['newsentence'] = 'New Sentence';
78 $string['newstatement'] = 'New Statement';
79 $string['newtable'] = 'New Table';
80 $string['newtablefrommysql'] = 'New Table From MySQL';
81 $string['nomissingindexesfound'] = 'No missing indexes have been found, your DB doesn\'t need further actions.';
82 $string['numberincorrectdecimals'] = 'Incorrect number of decimals for number field';
83 $string['numberincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for number field';
84 $string['reserved'] = 'Reserved';
85 $string['reservedwords'] = 'Reserved Words';
86 $string['revert'] = 'Revert';
87 $string['revert_changes'] = 'Revert Changes';
88 $string['save'] = 'Save';
89 $string['searchresults'] = 'Search Results';
90 $string['selectaction'] = 'Select Action:';
91 $string['selectdb'] = 'Select Database:';
92 $string['selectfieldkeyindex'] = 'Select Field/Key/Index:';
93 $string['selectonecommand'] = 'Please, select one Action from the list to view PHP code';
94 $string['selectonefieldkeyindex'] = 'Please, select one Field/Key/Index from the list to view the PHP code';
95 $string['selecttable'] = 'Select Table:';
96 $string['sentences'] = 'Sentences';
97 $string['statements'] = 'Statements';
98 $string['statementtable'] = 'Statement Table:';
99 $string['statementtype'] = 'Statement Type:';
100 $string['table'] = 'Table';
101 $string['tables'] = 'Tables';
102 $string['test'] = 'Test';
103 $string['textincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for text field';
104 $string['unload'] = 'Unload';
105 $string['up'] = 'Up';
106 $string['view'] = 'View';
107 $string['view_reserved_words'] = 'View Reserved Words';
108 $string['view_structure_php'] = 'View Structure PHP';
109 $string['view_structure_sql'] = 'View Structure SQL';
110 $string['view_table_php'] = 'View Table PHP';
111 $string['view_table_sql'] = 'View Table SQL';
112 $string['viewedited'] = 'View Edited';
113 $string['vieworiginal'] = 'View Original';
114 $string['viewphpcode'] = 'View PHP Code';
115 $string['viewsqlcode'] = 'View SQL Code';
116 $string['wronglengthforenum'] = 'Incorrect length for enum field';
117 $string['wrongnumberoffieldsorvalues'] = 'Incorrect number of fields or values in sentence';
118 $string['wrongreservedwords'] = 'Currently Used Reserved Words<br />(note that table names aren\'t important if using $CFG->prefix)';
119 $string['yesmissingindexesfound'] = 'Some missing indexes have been found in your DB. Here there are their details and the needed SQL statements to be executed with your your favourite SQL interface to create all them.<br /><br />After doing that, it\'s highly recommended to execute this utility again to check that no more missing indexes are found.';