2 $string['itemno'] = 'Item $a';
3 $string['param'] = 'Param {<strong>$a</strong>}';
4 $string['additem'] = 'Add Item';
5 $string['deletelastitem'] = 'Delete Last Item';
6 $string['itemtoadd'] = 'Item To Add';
7 $string['calclength'] = 'Decimal Places';
8 $string['calcdistribution'] = 'Distribution';
9 $string['uniform'] = 'Uniform';
10 $string['loguniform'] = 'Loguniform';
11 $string['calcmin'] = 'Minimum';
12 $string['calcmax'] = 'Maximum';
13 $string['minmax'] = 'Range of Values';
14 $string['replacewithrandom'] = 'Replace with a random value';
15 $string['getnextnow'] = 'Get New \'Item to Add\' Now';
16 $string['forceregeneration'] = 'force regeneration';
17 $string['reuseifpossible'] = 'reuse previous value if available';
18 $string['youmustaddatleastoneitem'] = 'You must add at least one dataset item before you can save this question.';