1 @core @core_user @javascript
2 Feature: Verify the breadcrumbs in users account and cohort site administration pages
3 Whenever I navigate to pages under users tab in site administration
5 The breadcrumbs should be visible
8 Given I log in as "admin"
11 Scenario: Verify the breadcrumbs in users tab as an admin
12 Given I navigate to "Users > Accounts > Add a new user" in site administration
13 And "Add a new user" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
14 And "Accounts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
15 And I navigate to "Users > Accounts > Cohorts" in site administration
16 And "Cohorts" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
17 And "Accounts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
18 When I click on "All cohorts" "link"
19 Then "All cohorts" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
20 And "Cohorts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
21 And "Accounts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
22 And I click on "Add new cohort" "link"
23 And "Add new cohort" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
24 And "Cohorts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
25 And "Accounts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
26 And I click on "Upload cohorts" "link"
27 And "Upload cohorts" "text" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
28 And "Cohorts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"
29 And "Accounts" "link" should exist in the ".breadcrumb" "css_element"