2 Feature: The visibility of table columns can be toggled
3 In order to customise my view of participants data
5 I need to be able to hide and show columns in the participants table
8 Given the following "courses" exist:
9 | fullname | shortname | category | groupmode |
10 | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 |
11 And the following "users" exist:
12 | username | firstname | lastname | email |
13 | t1 | Agatha | T | agatha@example.com |
14 | s1 | Matilda | W | matilda@example.com |
15 | s2 | Mick | H | mick@example.com |
16 And the following "course enrolments" exist:
17 | user | course | role |
18 | t1 | C1 | editingteacher |
23 Scenario: The visibility of columns can be individually toggled within the participants table
24 Given I log in as "t1"
25 And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
26 And I navigate to course participants
27 And I should see "Email address" in the "participants" "table"
28 And I should see "matilda@example.com" in the "participants" "table"
29 And I should see "Roles" in the "participants" "table"
30 And I should see "Student" in the "participants" "table"
31 When I follow "Hide Email address"
32 Then I should not see "Email address" in the "participants" "table"
33 And I should not see "matilda@example.com" in the "participants" "table"
34 And I should see "Roles" in the "participants" "table"
35 And I should see "Student" in the "participants" "table"
36 And I follow "Hide Roles"
37 And I should not see "Roles" in the "participants" "table"
38 And I should not see "Student" in the "participants" "table"
39 And I should not see "matilda@example.com" in the "participants" "table"
40 And I follow "Show Email address"
41 And I should see "Email address" in the "participants" "table"
42 And I should see "matilda@example.com" in the "participants" "table"
43 And I should not see "Roles" in the "participants" "table"
44 And I should not see "Student" in the "participants" "table"
45 And I follow "Show Roles"
46 And I should see "Roles" in the "participants" "table"
47 And I should see "Student" in the "participants" "table"
48 And I should see "Email address" in the "participants" "table"
49 And I should see "matilda@example.com" in the "participants" "table"