1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
2 <Canvas xmlns=
4 <!-- same start and end points (absolute and relative), no drawing required -->
5 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 10 10 A 10 10 10 1 1 10 10"/>
6 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 10 20 a 10 10 10 1 1 0 0"/>
8 <!-- almost the same, drawn -->
9 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 60 10 A 10 10 10 1 1 60.000004 10"/>
10 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 60 20 a 10 10 10 1 1 0 0.000003"/>
12 <!-- very small diff, not drawn -->
13 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 80 10 A 10 10 10 1 1 80.000003 10"/>
14 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 80 20 a 10 10 10 1 1 0 0.000002"/>
16 <!-- arcs can be replaced with lines if RX or RY is 0.0 -->
17 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 10 30 A 0 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
18 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 10 40 a 0 10 10 1 1 0 10"/>
19 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 10 60 A 0 10 10 1 1 10 70"/>
20 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 10 80 a 0 10 10 1 1 10 0"/>
22 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 30 30 A 10 0 10 1 1 40 30"/>
23 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 30 40 a 10 0 10 1 1 0 10"/>
24 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 30 60 A 10 0 10 1 1 30 70"/>
25 <Path Stroke=
"Green" Data=
"M 30 80 a 10 0 10 1 1 10 0"/>
27 <!-- find out what's "good-enough" for SL as a zero value -->
28 <Path Stroke=
"Red" Data=
"M 100 100 a 0.1 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
29 <Path Stroke=
"Red" Data=
"M 120 100 a 0.01 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
30 <Path Stroke=
"Red" Data=
"M 140 100 a 0.001 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
31 <Path Stroke=
"Red" Data=
"M 160 100 a 0.00012 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
32 <!-- not shown !?!? on Silverlight, too small to be useful but not small enough to be 0.0 -->
33 <Path Stroke=
"Purple" Data=
"M 180 100 a 0.000116 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
34 <Path Stroke=
"Purple" Data=
"M 200 100 a 0.0001 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
35 <Path Stroke=
"Purple" Data=
"M 220 100 a 0.000019 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
36 <!-- treated as 0.0 -->
37 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 240 100 a 0.000018 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
38 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 260 100 a 0.000001 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>
39 <Path Stroke=
"Blue" Data=
"M 280 100 a 0.0000001 10 10 1 1 20 30"/>