2009-10-09 Chris Toshok <toshok@ximian.com>
[moon.git] / src / fullscreen.h
1 /*
2 * fullscreen.h: the xaml for the fullscreen message.
4 * Contact:
5 * Moonlight List (moonlight-list@lists.ximian.com)
7 * Copyright 2007 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)
9 * See the LICENSE file included with the distribution for details.
13 "<Canvas " \
14 "xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007\" " \
15 "xmlns:x=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml\" " \
16 "Width=\"500\" Height=\"68\" " \
17 "x:Name=\"FullScreenMessage\" " \
18 "Visibility=\"Visible\" " \
19 "Opacity=\"1\" " \
20 ">" \
21 "<Canvas.Triggers>" \
22 "<EventTrigger RoutedEvent=\"Canvas.Loaded\">" \
23 "<BeginStoryboard>" \
24 "<Storyboard x:Name=\"FadeOut\">" \
25 "<DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime=\"00:00:00\" Storyboard.TargetName=\"FullScreenMessage\" Storyboard.TargetProperty=\"(UIElement.Opacity)\">" \
26 "<SplineDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime=\"00:00:04.6000000\" Value=\"1\"/>" \
27 "<SplineDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime=\"00:00:05\" Value=\"0\"/>" \
28 "</DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames>" \
29 "</Storyboard>" \
30 "</BeginStoryboard>" \
31 "</EventTrigger>" \
32 "</Canvas.Triggers>" \
33 "<Canvas.RenderTransform>" \
34 "<TranslateTransform X=\"0\" Y=\"0\"/>" \
35 "</Canvas.RenderTransform>" \
36 "<Rectangle Width=\"500\" Height=\"68\" Stroke=\"#FF000000\" StrokeThickness=\"0\" RadiusX=\"8\" RadiusY=\"8\">" \
37 "<Rectangle.Fill>" \
38 "<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint=\"0,1\" StartPoint=\"0,0\">" \
39 "<GradientStop Color=\"#FF242323\" Offset=\"0\"/>" \
40 "<GradientStop Color=\"#FF515151\" Offset=\"1\"/>" \
41 "</LinearGradientBrush>" \
42 "</Rectangle.Fill>" \
43 "</Rectangle>" \
44 "<TextBlock Width=\"458\" Height=\"27\" Canvas.Left=\"124\" Canvas.Top=\"14\" TextWrapping=\"Wrap\" FontWeight=\"Normal\" Foreground=\"#FFFFFFFF\" FontSize=\"14\" Text=\"Press &quot;Esc&quot; to exit full-screen mode.\" x:Name=\"message\"/>" \
45 "<TextBlock Width=\"458\" Height=\"20\" Canvas.Left=\"193\" Canvas.Top=\"34\" Text=\"&lt;url: file://&gt;\" TextWrapping=\"Wrap\" x:Name=\"url\" Foreground=\"#FFC8C4C4\" FontSize=\"13\" FontStretch=\"Normal\"/>" \
46 "</Canvas>" \